Proper Introduction

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It was a week and a couple of days since the hat wearing child saved the world from Mustache Girl. The Mafia were happy, some of them were still waiting for their boss to be gifted a new body, Express Owls and Moon Penguins were glad that no one died, besides them dying to help the child during their fight, Snatcher and his minions were at peace, but were still fighting with the fact that they were still up against Queen Vanessa who is still trying to take over Subcon Forest, the Nomads were glad to be safe from all of the trouble along with the goats from the mountains, and pretty much, everyone was glad to be safe.

But that's when the real problems began. You see, Hat Kid had to leave with their best friend who's like a sibling to them, Bow Kid. The two kids had to leave to head back home. And when they did, everyone was heartbroken and a few people had returned back to their old ways. Snatcher being cold and distant, looking for number one(I.E, himself.), Mafia Boss was gifted a robotic body to inhabit for the meantime while dealing with pesky Mu, beating up his mafia men, and last, but not least, the two birds from Dead Bird Studio; Conductor and DJ Grooves.

What is to happen if things fall apart? Like, Vanessa kidnapping Snatcher, integrating him on WHY he left her when he is HER prince which causes havoc on the other areas of the world. He was still, sorta of, weak from his battle with Hat Kid, trying to recover after the day they had fought each other and when the hatted child left for home with the bow wearing child, having finishing his Death Wishes, going on a cruise, and going to the Metro.

Will the two birds raise up to help Snatcher? No, they're busy fighting each other for their movies and trying to best each other, BUT they might not have a choice. Why? One of the bosses Hat Kid faced told them and they, Hat Kid, BEGGED for someone to help Snatcher. And as soon as they finish with getting Bow Kid home, the sooner they'll be heading back to check on things.Will DJ Grooves and Conductor face their differences and help each other? Probably not.

Will Mafia Boss and his men face their fears of the dreaded manor? Mafia Boss, maybe, the Mafia? Heck no! Empress and her cats? HA, they're too busy dealing with the police and trying to keep the Metro under THEIR control. Mary AKA Mustache Girl? Oh hell yeah, but she is not planning on going alone, she's definitely dragging a few people along to help her, even if it means blackmailing them with Empress' help. The Captain and His Crew? Nope, they're trying to land a job, but will be of assistance when needed.

Let's just hope no one dies during this quest to save a purple noodle who makes contracts and steals the souls of the unfortunate.


To sum it all up; Hat Kid and Bow Kid left after defeating Snatcher for once and for all, leaving him weak while everyone was just starting to get better and free of their old ways, but after they left, they went back to acting out. Except one thanks to getting angry enough to look for her prince on her own. Vanessa takes Snatcher after he ordered everyone, even the dwellers, to stay away from his home and not bother him unless it was important. He would leave his tree to kill whatever person wondered in and take their soul as his lunch, but nothing more. But since Snatcher was taken from Vanessa after he tried to put up a fight, everything started freezing since it was his own power holding Vanessa back to that corner of the forest.

The ice and weather started appearing and getting worse where people were forced to stay home unless it was important like food, work, and medicine. Pretty much like right now, only we're not getting buried in snow(wait until THAT blows up into our face!), which means the studio is closed, Nomads are closed in with goats trying to keep each other warm along with protecting the Nomads, the ocean is freezing and business is getting worse for everyone, but it's rough on those who don't have a proper home like Mu. And of course, this is where our story takes place and truly begins.

On a cold weekend with the blizzard getting worse and Goofy Mafia being kind enough to save the child who did kill people, but even they need a place to take shelter.

BUT FIRST, we begin with Snatcher's thoughts just nearly twenty four hours after Hat Kid left with Bow Kid!

On A Quest To Save A Purple Noodle! [A Hat in Time Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now