Chapter 16: There Has To Be More!

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Mu was all geared up to head back outside into the cold, but the other three weren't behind her. It was too early in the morning for anyone, not even the birds are awake! Mu had taken MB's hat to use as her substitute sprint hat. Mu was about to head out, but a voice called out, "Lassie? Why are ye up and about?" Okay, apparently there WAS a bird awake at that godforsaken time of morning; five forty-two in the morning. Mu turned around to see the Conductor and his feathers all messed up from sleeping. "I'm heading out to find more of these shard things," Mu said while the Conductor walked over to Mu and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Lass, I can't let ye do that. Yer still too young and it's far to cold!"

"I don't care! There has to be more out there. Why else have we been getting these?! These have to be something much more than it seems! These have to be to something important, they can't be just shards that glow and we've been collecting nothing but trash. Please, let me go out and collect more of these things," Mu begged the Conductor. He didn't look too sure and he wanted to argue, but it being early in the morning, and Mu having a small fragment of a good point about these things being more than they seem, he couldn't. He sighed before saying, "Fine, ye can go, but yer not goin' alone. And ye ain't gonna be takin' the others things. Go put it back." Mu ran off to give back MB's hat while he's still asleep. She went to his small tower of hats he collected along with the Dweller's mask. Mu left the room and met up with the Conductor near a different part of HQ.

Conductor opened the door to reveal a sleeping penguin. "He stayed up all night working on these. Stupid peck neck. Should'da just rested then started work," Conductor said like the angry grandpa he is. Mu went in and grabbed her sprint cloak that had those ice shards decorated on the wings. Mu put it on and took off running then jumping on a wall before jumping off and landing by the door. "Awesome," Mu said, taking off the sprint cloak and looking at the design. Conductor went over and grabbed his brewing hat where the spider's bodies were placed with the ice and placed it in his pocket. "Come on, time to get haunting," Mu said before she and Conductor ran like the devils they are.

When everyone started to wake around six or seven in the morning and started the day inside, Grooves couldn't find the Conductor or Mu anywhere nor could he find their stuff. "C.C, darling," Grooves called out to the male cat who turned around and greeted Grooves, "Grooves, fancy seeing you here to talk to me. How can I help you?" "Have you seeing Conductor or little Mustache Girl?" Grooves asked to get Cooking Cat to pat him on the back while saying, "Sorry, but I haven't seen the two at all. However, this snowy Express owl said he heard talking. You could ask him." Grooves thanked him before walking off to find this snowy Express owl. Didn't take long since the owl was in the theater.

The owl looked at Grooves and said, "Grooves! Grooves! Nice to see you again!" Before Grooves could ask, he shifted into his original form. "Shapeshifter, I didn't know you were going to be a snowy owl," Grooves said, rubbing the back of his head with his flipper. Shapeshifter grinned before asking, "What do you need bud?" "Cooking Cat told me you heard talking early this morning." Shapeshifter got up and walked over to Grooves and said, "I did! The first voice I recognized was Connie! However, the second one, I didn't know! But they did say they were going to take off to find shards or something close to that!" Grooves nodded and said thank you before leaving as Shapeshifter shifted back into a snowy Express owl. "Later Groovy!"

Grooves walked to the sewing room he was sleeping in and grabbed his bedazzled time stop "hat" stuffed it into his inside pocket where the other combs reside. Grooves grabbed MB's ice cap and left the room after turning off the light and shutting the door behind him as a pair of shiny red came from the darkness just as the door closed. Grooves walked off to the main lobby where MB and Cooking Cat were chatting. "MB, we have to go after the other two, they could get hurt," Grooves said which drew both the use-to-be-human-but-is-a-robot-now and the cat's attention. "They really did leave?" "It was early in the morning and they went to look for those shards we've been finding." MB nodded as he said goodbye to Cooking Cat, grabbed his coat along with Grooves before the two went out after MB told C.C to give Grooves a ring if one of Empress' cats call about the pickaxe being done.

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