Epilogue, Part 4: Flowers on The Dome {Part 2}

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Snatcher, Chalet, Mu, Bow Kid, and Hat Kid made it to their needed location thanks to Nari's help. Chalet was asking questions about Nari while Snatcher made snarky remarks like, "How cliche is this that we get help from a being who so happens to understand us and who can talk? Much like that beast when facing Moon Jumper." He wasn't wrong, that was cliche, but unplanned for. When Nari came to a stop, they were at a forgotten temple covered in sand with desert flowers growing around it. "This is the Temple of Seirbigh," Chalet said, her eyes sparkling. "I must go, but child wearing the hat," Nari started before all four were facing them before they continued, "Just know when you're in real danger, facing another of my sorry excuse of a kind, or that you really need a shoulder, do not be afraid to call one's name who was said to have brought shame."

"Don't be afraid to call out one's name who was said to have brought shame?" Hat Kid asked as Nari nodded before speaking one last time as their markings started to glow blue on their white fur that was covered in sand. Their blue eyes started to also glow a lighter blue, "You should know who this person is. They were the first owner of that hat and the first Time Lord." With that said, Nari started to run off, leaving behind a trail of some kind of bluish white dust before vanishing. Bow Kid reached out and caught some of the dust before looking at it closely before looking back at the temple with the others while pocketing the dust. "Let's go!" Mu called out as she ran right in. "Kiddo! Don't run too far from us!" Snatcher called out before floating off after her with Chalet tailing him. "Don't be afraid?" Hat Kid asked once again, looking down after taking off her hat and looking at it.

The hat looked brand new still, doesn't look like it's over eight hundred years old. Hat Kid knew this was passed down by family up to her, but why did Nari say the first Time Lord? There was no way, Hat Kid wasn't related to them, Hat Kid was related to the sorry excuse of a human being; Alexander. He really did bring shame to their family by not doing anything and there was no other family member who became a Time Lord. Unless Nari meant for Hat Kid to call out their name because they're fighting to become one themself. Or did Nari mean their mother who was so close, but died during their test?

Hat Kid looked at the hat before whispering, "Harriet." but nothing happened. "Come on," Bow Kid said, grabbing Hat Kid's hand and running after everyone while Hat Kid ran after, placing their hat back on. Harriet didn't work, was it her mother's name then? Hat Kid and Bow Kid caught up with the other three before noticing they were at a fork in the road. "Which way do we go?" Mu asked as Chalet went to a wall and read the words displayed, "Those who have come along their way from the darkness often find themselves in deep peril. Are you worthy of the light that shines from the Morning and Midnight Flower, said to have brought unlimited power?" Mu walked over and asked, "We're not here to destroy anyone or anything, right?" Chalet looked at Mu before answering with a sweet honey tone of voice,

"Of course not. That's the last thing I would want to happen. If anything, we're here to take said flower and research it before protecting it." Hat Kid spoke up, "Morning and Midnight Flower are one being. This was eons ago and was named by the people who lived here before the Nomads, they weren't the smartest of beings, but they were amazing at tricking the mind and were damn will brilliant with puzzles and traps."

"But you said-"

Hat Kid cut Snatcher off by saying, "Hey, it's confusing, but they were good at it even though they didn't know right from left." Chalet looked from the right to left before thinking out loud, "They often see those who defy the light often go right, but since they had no brain for knowledge, they confused that right for left, but then again, they are known for tricking the mind with psychology, so they went for right." Chalet grabbed a torch before leading the way to right and the others followed her. "So what is the Morning and Midnight Flower?" Mu asked as Bow Kid laughed before asking, "Really? It's been here for AGES. None of your people ever bothered to learn about it?" Snatcher and Mu kept quiet and silence filled the air before a loud smack came from Bow Kid who let out a loud ow.

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