Chapter 7: This is NOT Fine!

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Mu was met with a wall of more shadows. "No!" Mu yelled, but her yell was cut short. "Wait, what?" Mu looked around and saw the shadows of the cats closing in on her. "Lassie!" Mu turned to look where Conductor's voice came from. The cats got blown away thanks to the words of a blue potion Conductor had. MB swatted some of them away while Grooves ran over to Mu. MB was about to grab Mu to carry her, but Mu jumped out of the way of MB's hand. "Pesky girl, don't fight me on this!" MB told her, his robotic hand was reaching out for her, not to grab, but for her to take. "No. I can handle myself. Just focus on yourselves!" "Better hurry now! We can't stay here forever!" Grooves cried out. "You're going have to trust me!" Mu cried out before replacing her brewing cloak with her sprint on.

"Come on!" Mu called out to them and they followed, heading to the yellow and blue line that leads down an air vent. Mu followed the trains, hoping on them and some rumbis with cat heads, but was stopped by the same spot where she died at, in the pink line. "You guys distract her, I got this!" Mu started climbing and they started to hold off the cats that were getting too close. Mu stepped on a green control box and yelled, "Hey!" The cat with the launcher looked at her and laughed before firing, she jumped out of the way and it blew the control box up along with the thing that was holding up a wall. "Not sorry!" Mu yelled before running off to the next one. The cat that killed her, the one with the rocket, aimed at her. "Say goodnight!" Cried out the same chilling voice that belonged to that "Vanessa" person who is holding Snatcher. "Nope!" Mu jumped and dashed out of the way, the rocket hitting the wall. Mu jumped down and followed MB who led the next way. 

They ran into the green zone and jumped rumbi to rumbi, avoiding the rockets until they got down into another hole and took a breath. "Okay, THAT was weird!" Mu cried out of the blue. "Which one? The betrayal of those cats? That literal SHADOWS are CHASING US? Or that we all saw ye DIE IN FRONT OF OUR EYES?" Conductor asked as Mu took a deep breath before answering, "The last one! I thought I DIED! But NO! Time just went backwards and were where right there at the beginning!" "Calm down, both of you! This isn't the time to panic about this NOW. Now is the time to panic that we need to get out of here," Grooves told Conductor and Mu. "Hate to say it, but yer right for once Grooves," Conductor sighed out as Mu looked on the back of her cloak and saw the badge. Mu ripped it off before taking off her bag. Mu pulled out three badges and slapped them onto her cloak after putting away the one hit badge. She had slapped on the no bonk, hover, and slingshot badge before telling the others, "We're going have to pack heavy in order to not die."

MB took the projectile, Faster Hatter, and no bonk, Conductor took only two badges, the item magnet and the Faster Hatter. Grooves took the slingshot, no bonk, and the hover badge. Mu put her bag back on before asking if everyone was ready to move on and they all said yes. MB lead the way, Mu tackling his back while Conductor and Grooves followed close behind so they don't get lost. They ran out and were greeted with one or two cats, trying to attack them, but they ran from them, and into the yellow zone. "Could these STUPID EXCUSES OF CATS STOP FOR ONE SECOND?" MB asked as Mu looked behind them and said, "They did!" MB look and groaned as Conductor chuckled at him getting something he was being slightly sarcastic about. 

Mu saw the cats watching until Mu saw more control boxes. "Oh dear," she sighed out before jumping down and that rocket shooting cat showed up again. "Get back here!" She yelled as Mu was about to get to one of the control boxes, but was grabbed and pulled aside as MB went to be the bait. "HA! Stupid peck neck of a cat!" He laughed as she growled before aiming at him and shooting. He jumped to the next one just before the one he was at blew up. "Uh, I always thought he wouldn't be able to do things like that," Mu thought to herself before getting hit from the back. "Now you've done it!" Mu yelled as she chased the cats with Conductor and Grooves. Thankfully MB finished with the rockets and followed them down into a hole before entering the blue lane. Mu got hit and some of her pons were taken, but that wouldn't stop her. She looked over the edge and saw trains to jump down on.

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