Chapter 20: The Last Mingle {Part 2}

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When the four kids landed, they found themselves in a nice village where people were walking around, smiling. "This isn't like the other rifts I've seen," Timmy noted while the two girls nodded. "What is a time rift? I entered one that was blue," Mu said. The three aliens grabbed Mu and walked over to a secluded area. "A time rift is one of two things, the one you entered was the dream world that goes over what you faced or to test your skills, this one we're in is a time rift to explain the history of what happened, and normally, we avoid people to avoid changing the future. We need to look for pons with crowns in them before finding this weird pipe to travel into and leave this place," Timmy told her as Bow Kid piped up, "Normally it takes awhile to finish these, unless you're the speed master themself." Hat Kid rolled their eyes while smiling.

Mu looked behind the three and saw snow starting to pour in. "Guys, we better find that pipe!" Mu exclaimed as they looked behind and saw the snow. All four started to run and found the pipe in the center of town where villagers were still outside. The pipe was open. Hat Kid, Bow Kid, and Timmy climbed up before pulling Mu up before falling through the pipe and into the next section. It was freezing and everyone around them were frozen. The trees were dead. "Split up, look for rift pons," Hat Kid told them as they went into four different ways. Wind was blowing hard and it was hard to stay standing. Mu thankfully found some pons and made her way back to the pipe after seeing a strange spirit wonder to the well. Mu watched before swallowing hard and running after the figure.

Hat Kid climbed up edges and trees, grabbing pons and pons for spending. Hat Kid jumped down and met up with Bow Kid. The two smiled before making their way to the pipe. Timmy was nearby the old manor, collecting pons when he noticed a shadow figure walking around. Timmy watched before running around back and looking through a forgotten window. Timmy looked in and saw brown hair. Timmy lightly pressed his hand on the glass and sadly the window opened. Timmy jumped back as the figure moved and tried to look backwards. Timmy ran for it as the figure who was underneath the window was looking out at the sad gray skies as snow fell. It was now colder. Timmy ran back to the two kids and they went to the village that still had platforms to up on to the top of a old tree house to the next pipe. "Where's Mustache Girl?" Timmy asked as the two shrugged. "I'm here!" Mu called out. They looked and saw Mu coming back. "Took a bit to collect these, they're hard to find" she said before they tossed three in the the pipe opened.

They jumped in and was now out back of Vanessa's manor. The four walked close to the back and saw the cellar doors open. They hid and watched. A shadowy figure who looked barely human, but was purple came out, covered in a dirty white blanket. Another figure came out and they looked dead. Their eyes were glazed over, red lines were coming from their eyes and mouth. His cold hand reached for the ghost. They got up and looked around before they made way out of the manor. The four went around, climbing up onto the roof, collecting a pon or two before following close behind the two. They made it pass the bridge and saw the next pipe nearby Snatcher's tree. They waited for the two to head somewhere else and they thankfully did, they went into the village and Snatcher broke down crying with the body of the prince standing next to him, holding him to comfort him.

They ran and made it to the pipe, tossing more rift pons before entering to the last area. It was Subcon and Snatcher was holding himself, crying as he looked at a soul that was dark. He was crying, he looked guilty of what he did while the prince who now looked like Moon Jumper was yelling at him. They couldn't be heard sadly, but they didn't pay much mind. They started climbing the three until they got above the hole in the tree to the next pipe. "Wait, what if there is something out there?" Mu asked. They looked at one another before watching Mu run off. Mu ran to the huge well and climbed up inside, using the rope to make sure she doesn't fall all the way in. There was a purple flower that looked icky and was close to touching the water. "Oh no you don't!" Mu yelled as she grabbed the flower and climbing up quickly before jarring the flower in a jar she kept on her at all times for jamming a mafia or two. Mu bagged it before running back after finding two pages in the snow.

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