Chapter 12: Your Strings Are Mine To Pull

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Grooves, Conductor, and Mafia Boss made it to where the firewall was and was greeted with a grassy field. "How does one not get the chills from this place?" Conductor asked as a seal spoke up, "Mistwr Cwnductwr, plwasw don't gwt hwrt or lwt thw mwss down." "Aye won't. You lads, head back to Captain Walrus," Conductor told the seals who left, not wanting to spend another second here. "Let's do this," Conductor said before stepping foot inside the field to see the true colors. Conductor walked on with Grooves and MB tailing him. "This is The Horizon. I thought it was only in fairy tales," MB noted, looking around to see they didn't miss a single detail about this place. The broken up dwellers spotted them and hid, but one with a face of white and red and antlers tall saw them and flew after them. They flew swiftly, lighting lanterns that led to an arena.

The three saw the lanterns and thought someone was expecting them, so they followed the path. "Are we sure this isn't a trap?" Grooves asked as Conductor answered, "Can't be sure, DJ peck neck, but we have'ta check no matter what." The three arrived at the arena and there they saw Mu tied up at the far end. "Lass!" Conductor called out as he jumped into the arena. "Wait! It could be a trap!" Grooves called out as he followed after him. MB sighed before following the old birds. When all three made it to Mu, they saw that she wasn't moving and that she was made of wood. An echo laughter came from behind them causing them to look and see a giant figure who is most likely Moon Jumper. "Welcome, welcome to my domain, my home, my Horizon. You three must be the one who always accompany the little girl who my dearest friend despises," he started, looking down at them as the puppet behind the three disappeared into a cloud of smoke.

"Come wide, come far to your demise!" Moon Jumper cheered before bringing red strings from his fingers, his grin widening. He started to sweep them around the arena. All three jumped and spreed out so they won't be too close where they'll hurt each other. "Now remember the rule, it's a single rule. No using your hats!" Moon Jumper said as he started to swat the ground with the strings that are attached to his fingers. The three ran from the string before jumping backwards. They nearly did get hit, but thankfully didn't. "Not enough? How about this?!" Moon Jumper started to swing quickly with the string and all three jumped and dodged them, running from the string, still jumping when needed. "You're being rude, you know. How about this, I'll give you a little PUSH!" A square appeared int the air and ran around in circles while the strings kept going. The square stopped and landed down over Grooves before another one appeared in the air and dropped Grooves and made him fall.

Before Grooves could even get up, he got hit backwards by the string. "There we go! Come, come! You can also have some fun!" Moon Jumper put his hands together which turned into a red rope. The rope wrapped around Conductor. "Peck neck!!!" Conductor yelled out, before he started to get spun around in endless circles. A few pons came out of Conductor who was still being spun along with a couple of blue potions that broke upon on impact when they hit the ground. Another fell out causing MB to dive forward and catch it. MB shook it up before pointing his hand up and shooting up, grabbing onto Conductor who kept yelling curses at Moon Jumper. MB held on tightly, getting swung around. MB launched himself off and threw the potion at Moon Jumper's face causing him to drop Conductor and release his hands to hold his face, yelling in pain as the blue potion covered his whole being.

Grooves caught Conductor before setting him down. Conductor held his head, trying to shake off the dizziness. "You just colored me blue! How rude! That does it. Vanessa wants you dead and I'LL MAKE SURE YOU DIE!" Moon Jumper cried out, his eyes narrowing as his smile turned into a frown. Red circles appeared on the ground before string shot up. Grooves pushed Conductor out of the way before jumping out of the way. MB ran over to the two birds before everything went black. The only thing that could be seen was Moon Jumper's eyes. Moon Jumper winked once on the right before winking three times on the left. Suddenly, there were five clones of Moon Jumper. MB hit the one in the middle until the one at the far end of the left lunched forward and hit MB before going back in the middle after the lights came on and the puppets shot back up to the ceiling, still bigger than ever.

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