Chapter 5: The Map

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After a few hours from getting to Mafia Town and transporting owls, penguins, C.A.W agents, and Mafia up to the main floor of the headquarters. "Are ye sure this place will be able to stand with this many people?" Mu asked MB who answered, "It should, the ice is holding this place grounded. If the water was actually spouting instead of being frozen, I would think this place would have toppled over." Mu grumbled, knowing that this place would topple over if the mafia hadn't turned on the water to lift this place far off of the ground, but she didn't say anything. Conductor and Grooves walked over. "Alright, we have to head to the Metro to speak with Empress. I won't lie, it's going to get cold when we head out go down to it. You both better dress warmly," Mu told the two birds.

"I'll be fine," Conductor said which made Grooves roll his eyes before grabbing the back of Conductor's coat. "We'll be back, darlings!" Grooves said before dragging Conductor away who was cussing Grooves out and trying to get away while trying not to choke on his own coat. "So Grooves fixed your arm?" "Yes he did. In fact, he made it better. He was a DJ in the past, I know that thanks to my men talking about his music a bunch, but I think he was also an auto mechanic when he needed to be one," MB told Mu before sitting down at the bar with Mu. "Good to see you both came back in one piece," C.C said, smiling before getting Mu a cup of orange juice. "You know, I always thought you'd drink beer or coffee since you're, you know, the mafia boss," Mu noted as MB answered, "I don't like the after taste of beer and coffee gets me shaking. It's tea or water. Or at least, it used to be tea or coffee. Now it's just nothing but air and what's in my jar. Let me tell you this. Tasting your own air bubbles is DISGUSTING."

Mu laughed while MB smiled. He may be in a robot body, but he's still human. Mu chugged her orange juice before placing her bag on the counter and pulling out the map she got. "Did did the little pesky girl find?" MB asked, looking at the parchment Mu has. "It's a map that weird bird had. It dropped it after I defeated it. I know some of these places, but a few of them, I don't know. Do you know them?" Mu asked as she laid the map flat. MB grabbed the map, slid it between the two and looked at it closely. "I recognize the desert that's just ways far from the western part of the desert. That's where the Nomads lived until they decided to go up into the mountains."

"The desert. As in nothing but sand?" "Something like that, there are old buildings there too, a temple, and a long forgotten tomb filled with treasures," Mafia Boss told Mu while C.C piped up, "I wouldn't go into that tomb. I lost my brother in there back when I was in my crime days." "You had crime days?" Mu asked the male cat. C.C sighed out, "Yes, I did, but after I lost my brother, I decided to change my ways and took up cooking under the Nomads just a couple of years before they moved to the mountains. I traveled around and learnt about all types of cooking. The rest of my family moved up into the mountains after leaving the outskirts of Subcon Forest. That grassy area however doesn't look like anything I've seen before."

"That grassy area was never on any of my maps when I planned the voyage for me and the mafia. But stay away from the desert for now, pesky girl. We just barely survived that studio falling apart." C.C dropped the glass he was cleaning, thankfully it didn't shatter, before asking in a panicked tone, "You both were nearly killed?!" Mu and MB both laughed nervously. "It wasn't our fault or the mafia. It was a weird bird that faded into nothing, but shadows. It also dropped this." Mu pulled out a shard of glass. "And you're just going to hold onto that?!" "Yes. You never know when it could be part of something. But I don't know why it's so big or how it shrunk down to size to fit my back," Mu muttered before putting it back into her back.

C.C covered his face, his ears laid flat. "Please be careful on your journey. I don't want to see either of you hurt or ANYONE for that matter." "Fine, we'll try to not get hurt, Cat," MB yawned out causing C.C's eye to twitch before he walked around, pulled MB out of his seat then grabbed MB by the tie and pulled him down to face him, cat eye to robotic eye. "I am not playing AROUND. You both BETTER STAY SAFE. She is a child and if she gets hurt under YOUR WATCH, you'd regret meeting ME," C.C growled out, a yowl in the back of his throat. "Okay, okay! I'll watch after the pesky girl!" "You better," C.C hissed out before letting him go and making his way to the kitchen.

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