Chapter 15: Arts, Crafts, and Time Rifts!

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MB was starting to pace the ship's deck, it had been an hour and he was worrying. "Do you think they were caught?" MB asked Empress who was sitting down, reading a few feet away from him. She sighed before looking up at the panicking robot and asked, "Why do you care so much? And it's only been an hour, they're fine." "I don't know! I never did back then, but WHY NOW?" Empress held Captain Walrus' coat close to her form, trying to keep warm while Captain Walrus came back with two cups of coffee. He sat down next to Empress and handed her a cup before drinking his coffee. Some more time went on and Empress kept reading her book until a splash came from the water. She closed her book and looked up to see Mu pushing pushed up by Grooves who climbs up before helping the Conductor climb on board. Mu shakes her hair after letting her hair loose. Mu squeezes whatever water is out. The Conductor is shaking his whole figure, spraying Mu with more water making her glare at him. Grooves shakes off whatever water he has on himself along with his tail.

"You're alive!" MB proclaimed. "Yeah," Mu said before seeing Conductor fluff up making her laugh. "I'm goin' to go change," Conductor said, clearly annoyed as he walks off. He was wearing normal clothes so they were dripping wet even though Grooves told him to wear the provided suit for diving like Mu did, but no. He didn't listen. "Did you get the Ocean's Ice?" Empress asked, heading over to Mu with a towel. Mu took the towel after pulling out the glowing chunk of ice. Empress took it and looked at it. "Good work kitten. Come with me to fix you up." "Looks like we're heading home," Captain Walrus said, fixing his cap before heading up to the stirring wheel. Grooves went inside the ship to get changed.


Vanessa screamed in frustration, scratching the walls and breaking mirrors that made her only see what she was before now. "Why won't they DIE?!" Snatcher was next to Vanessa since he was permitted to be able to walk around, but as long as he wore his ice chains around his wrists, he won't be able to leave this cursed manor. He didn't say anything, he just wanted Vanessa scream and shout like a child having a temper tantrum- to think this was the woman he was betrothed to. "Oh, my dear prince, looks like you're going have to give me more of those souls you have eaten. I need to protect this place to protect YOU." Snatcher took a step back as she turned to face him, grinning. "No," Snatcher told her, his vocals weak. Vanessa laughed as she grabbed Snatcher's chains and pulled them to her causing him to fall forward. A pulsing lavender purple glow was coming from his back. "Oh sweetheart, it wasn't a request,"

Vanessa shoved her hand into his back causing him to scream out in pain as she took out each soul he devoured, one by one and each one, it got more and more painful. You know that burning feeling you get in your heart from heart burn from eating too much, or getting burned at all and that stinging feeling afterwards. No? How about feeling of loosing so many people around you and you just want to scream out in agony and pain while your lungs start to squeeze and burn slowly on the inside. That's what was going on with Snatcher as each soul was taken out of him. Slowly, his whole form started to shift from what was only a human figure of a shadow to more detailing. He had hair once again, his old clothes was on him, and he had more depth, the only thing missing was his crown.

There was one last soul left inside of him. The soul of the very first person he killed. She was about to reach in, and with what little strength Snatcher had left in him, he grabbed Vanessa's arm as his hands erupted into blue flames. Fire he had last saw when he ate that soul. "Don't you PECKING touch me, Vanessa," he snarled out as he rose up from his hands and knees. The chains around his wrists had started to melt. "You can't do this, I'm your WIFE!" Vanessa yelled as she punched him in the jaw making him turn his head as a ghostly tooth flew out. He looked at Vanessa with hate and anger. "You are not my wife and you will NEVER be mine. I don't LOVE YOU. I never DID. But after everything you DID TO ME, I will not stand down and let you hurt ME or ANYONE," he said, the flames becoming more and more intense, starting to burn Vanessa. Vanessa tried to pull away.

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