Chapter 18: Storming the Castle

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When Hat Kid got everyone, besides Timmy, to Subcon Forest, they went to the ice wall. "Took you long enough," Timmy said, trying to keep warm with the red jacket he has on. "Says the one who was a prick," Mu muttered only to get a light tap on the shoulder from Grooves. Mu rubbed her shoulder, knowing that she should watch her mouth. "Anyway, who is going to use that pickaxe to break down this huge wall of ice and get to that icy domain?" Timmy asked as Hat Kid looked at Mu and the others while Bow Kid joined her two friends. "I say we have someone strong do it," Empress said. "Someone loyal and who won't look into charging without a plan," MB said, glaring at Empress from the side. Oh dear. "Guys! Now isn't the time to fight on who we pick. We need someone who we know won't be reckless!"

"Mu, I think you should pick," Hat Kid said causing Mu and the others to look at them. "Surely you jest!" Timmy cried out as Hat Kid spoke with a slight smug look, "I never jest, and never call me Shirley." Timmy groaned as Hat Kid kept their smug face. Mu took the pickaxe from MB before walking over to Hat Kid. "Whoa, me? I can't do that!" Hat Kid said as Mu spoke up in a slight annoyed tone, "No. I was going to ask you, who do I pick?" Hat Kid smiled before patting Mu on the shoulder. "You pick who you think is worthy of taking down those walls. It'll be awhile to get them down, I'm sure, but do know you have an excellent choice of mind. I know that you'll pick someone you know who'll be able to do it."

Mu swallowed the lump in their throat before walking into the village. There was a goat or two, they could do it, but Mu didn't pick them. There was that snowy Express owl who was really Shapeshifter, maybe, but not even. Captain Walrus and his White Seal Crew were here, but they already helped enough. Mu went up to him and asked, "When did you get here?" "The crew wanted to see how everything would turn out at the end. They wanted to be there for emotional support." "Plws, thw captawn wantwd to see mwss Emprwss!" Walrus looked at the seal who said that making Mu smile as she teased, "She grew on you just like that?" "Not like that pup! She's a good friend and nothing more," He tried to defend himself, but that didn't really help. "Denial," Mu thought before walking off, Nomads, mafia, Express owls, Moon Penguins, Metro cats, and everyone.

Yet Mu didn't pick a single one of them. Mu was about to give up hope when a voice called out, "Brave child from the surface." Mu turned around and saw those mermaids from the ocean. One of them Mu knew, the rest she didn't. They were all strong like those Gerudo Hat Kid mentioned once or twice from playing a video game on their ship. They were awesome. They had tanned skin and were dressed for the cold. "Raiju," Mu said with a small smile. Raiju placed a hand on her hip and smiled while looking down at Mu. "Mustache Girl. Nice to meet you once more." "When did you come up to the surface?" Mu asked and a mermaid spoke up, "We arrived on the surface hours ago and set course for the old village of the first time lord, but it was blocked off by a strange wall of magic so we came to the neighboring village where one of the charged Time piece lay. On our way here, we found these glowing shards. You can make sure of them, little one."

Mu got a shard and thanked the woman before setting it into her bag. "I knew you took some Ocean's Ice, but I see the cause for it is worthy. Have you found someone worthy to break down the wall of ice?" A male mermaid AKA a merman asked while Mu looked at everyone and her team who were resting. Mu looked back at Raiju and the others and asked, "No, but will one of you like to take it and help break down the wall?"

"For the sake of yours and our world and in hopes we unite as one after his noble cause, I would be more than honored," Raiju said as she took the pickaxe from Mu after she offered it. The pickaxe shook before it broke into four. Raiju still held one and the other three from her group had one. "Let's get to work, warriors," one of the mermaids said as they walked off to the ice wall and started to work. With the help of everyone and the four mermaids, the wall was starting to break. Mu ran over to the others. "When did the big lass come here?" Conductor asked Mu who replied, "Not too long ago." Hat Kid, Bow Kid, and Timmy were amazed by the mermaids. "Mermaids are real," Bow Kid whispered with amazement. The wall of ice broke into dust before they swirled around and went into the Ocean's ice that was around. "Go ahead brave ones, we'll follow and break any of the ice that comes your way!" the merman said.

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