Chapter 11: In The Hands We Trust

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This isn't part of our program! Who tampered with the writing? Bah, fine, I guess we can do this.

Somewhere in space was a familiar spaceship made of wood and metal. Inside were two small children... well.. three now. What had happened was that a memorable hat wearing child had managed to just finally make it home with trying not to use that much power, and sadly, had failed, they were down by half of the time pieces and they were out of juice. Hat Kid had docked on their home planet and was welcomed back by the Time Lords, mostly Tim, the CEO of Time. "Welcome back! How was your journey?" Tim asked, smiling widely, all three eyes directed onto Hat Kid and Bow Kid. "Well, Tim, something happened back when we were traveling back." "I know, you had lost track of time with heading back home, it's perfectly fine, dear child."

"No, that's not it. You see, we ended up loosing the time pieces, but we managed to get them back," Bow Kid started and Tim's expression from a chill one turned into a panicked one. "But?!" He asked, bending down to the two's height. "But! We made friends and we gave one of the time pieces to one of them to fix some mistakes. And just as we were halfway back here after the unexpected stop, something happened." "Your friend ripped time, didn't they?!" Tim asked, getting up and starting to pace while his imaginary friend appeared next to the two kids on the wall just to watch. "No, she didn't. It's another friend of ours. He was taken and now their world, their HOME is in danger. I have to go back to help them," Hat Kid said as Tim looked at them. "Listen, we can't tamper with things like this. Especially if it ends up messing with time."

"Tim, I know! But I can't stand around doing nothing to help them! They're my friends even if they tried to kill me for the time pieces, they still care about me and I care about them! Please, allow me to go back and help them. You can ban me from being a Time Lord, I don't care! I'll stay on their planet and live among them! You can send someone with me to make sure I don't keep my ship and that I actually STAY. Please, for the sake of their lives, allow me to go back to help save their home," Hat Kid sobbed out, tears rolling down in streams while Bow Kid hugged them. Tim's blue eyes sparkled in amazement, not because Hat Kid wants to help them, but because Hat Kid is giving up their life long dream. "Alright. You can go and save them, but you are not going alone," Tim said as his friend disappeared into the shadows, done watching the three.

"I'll go with them. They're my friends to," Bow Kid said, looking at Hat Kid and smiling. Hat sniffled and smiled. "You'll need one more person to help you two." Hat Kid and Bow Kid looked at Tim with shock and fear. "No, no. ANYONE BUT HIM!" And just like that, Hat Kid and Bow Kid were sent back off after their time pieces were refilled with a boy named Timmy, one of the masters of dark magic. "So you two made friends on this planet we're heading to?" "Yes," Bow Kid said, playing video games while Hat Kid steered the ship, heading onward and true. "And we have to help them with what again?" "A snow storm made of magic of someone long dead after she had taken our friend who too is long dead," Bow answered his question while Rumbi bumped into a wall in the background and quietly said, "Ow, my circuit board."

"So we're saving a ghost FROM a ghost. Sounds kinda dumb." "Listen, just shut your mouth and let me drive. Besides, we're not just saving Snatcher from Vanessa, we're saving everyone who needs our help. You get to sit up here in space and not worry about a thing. Bow Kid and I will be down there, HELPING," Hat Kid growled out. Timmy held up his hands. "How much longer until we get there?" "It took about a few days to make it back here, so take a wild guess," Bow Kid said, going back to playing her video games. Tim jumped onto the burger relic and slightly bounced. "So care to tell me more about your adventures while on this planet?" Timmy asked as both Bow Kid and Hat Kid told their tales to Tim.


Meanwhile, at the base of the snowstorm, Queen Vanessa's manor, inside the basement once again, frozen to the wall, Snatcher was held, shivering. He was still weak and he felt colder. He was dead, he shouldn't feel cold, but he is. His ghostly form was a mess, as if fur was unkempt and strands of hair was sticking out like a sore thumb, he looked tired for a ghost who doesn't need sleep. The water that lied in the basement was frozen, Snatcher's neck was chained along with his hands. His tail was iced. He wasn't safe. These were times where he would be alone and he enjoyed it, but not being alone like this. He never wanted to come back, he didn't want to remember. He just wanted peace. Vanessa had come by a lot, mostly when there was a challenger who dared go up against her.

There were plenty and Snatcher felt horrible. He wanted to say leave everyone single person, alive and/or dead alone, but he was focused on the ones who were getting hurt which were his minions and his dwellers. Whatever was left of his power was drained from him by Vanessa. That was another thing, how Vanessa was able to use magic after sticking to only ice magic. She had forced Snatcher to explain to her how to use magic and he reluctantly told her after she had hurt him emotionally once more. The sucking magic out? That was on her own. However, recently, Vanessa has been growing angry. There were four people who were defecting her, they beat her once or twice and she grew annoyed where she had asked for backup.

She never said who she asked for help from, but she got help. One had died, but for some reason, time went backwards and she furious. "You! What did you do?! Why is that brat and her friends still alive?! Explain, my dear cheating prince!" she roared at Snatcher and Snatcher couldn't say much, he was unable to say or do anything. He wasn't even able to stop her from slapping him. That was a sad thing about ghosts. They couldn't get hurt by the living unless there was a potion, but they could hurt each other. It hurt, this hurt. Vanessa was blinded by hatred, jealousy, and sadness to not even realize of what she's become. It took Hat Kid to realize of what he became. Lately, Snatcher has been loosing track of everything. He started to look a bit more on the human ghost side other than his regular "ghost noodle" form.

He didn't like this form. It pained him, but he tolerates it. If he had his human body, he wouldn't go back into it to become a full on human ghost, no. He would bury it, but sadly, his body was willingly given away to The Moon Jumper. That was something he wished he never did just like he wished he had never willingly went into being Vanessa's betrothed or willingly given himself up to her. It always hurt him, but never others. But the only voices he has heard while in here that always came back was four voices. "Snatcher!" one voice called out, sounded like a little girl who tried to rid of every single "bad guy". "PECK NEEECK!" screamed out a very angry Scottish who sounds fond of the old west. "Pesky girl!" shouted out another voice who sounds almost Italian, yet with a robotic tone.

"Be careful darling!" called out a voice of someone who never screams, but raises his voice when needed and who is also kind. Those four voices, they were what was keeping Snatcher hopeful in being saved. He wants to be saved, but he worries that if he has too much hope and they die, he'll be lost and lose himself. "Oh my dear prince, it's time to move," Vanessa called out which drew his attention. He was released from the chains to be let down onto the ground. Snatcher gasped for air that he doesn't need, but sadly, the relief didn't last long. His hands were chained back up and he was forced to follow Vanessa upstairs. "Why you've been downstairs and after that little brat who entered OUR home, I've been redecorating and remodeling. I hope you love it, my dear husband."

The little brat who entered her home, Hat Kid. She might be confusing the little girl who defected her twice now with them, the one who did his contract. When the two left the attic, she wasn't kidding when she said she redecorated and remodeled. Most of the new rooms were made of ice, but almost all of it was still wood. Rooms were bigger as if they were ready for a battle to be held in, but some rooms didn't change. Snatcher was forced to walk upstairs with her, side by side and he tried to keep his distance from Vanessa who was still slouching while he stood upright. Sadly they made it to the attic and there the room was also bigger. A small platform to stand on and look at those from below, like a stage. There was a wall. Snatcher tried to back away from Vanessa, but she pulled him forward before chaining him to the wall that was in the far back of the attic. He faced the wall and there he saw the face of his "savior", the one he gave his body to.

He hated that face. Snatcher looked at Vanessa. "You'll stay here for now. It won't be long now, my dear prince. I'll come back for you when my help takes down all four of those annoyances. Once they're gone and their souls are put to better use, you'll be mine forever and no one will stop us. We'll be together and no one can ever have you or ever talk to you. Until then, my beloved," Vanessa spoke before leaving. Snatcher looked down at the ground, the icy air hitting the back of his head from the broken window. Snatcher wanted out. He wanted to be free. He hated this. If only there was a way to make Vanessa see what she's become instead of seeing only her old picture perfect, queen self.

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