Chapter 17: We're Finally Here-- WHAT THE PECK?!

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The whole adventure in space was alright. Timmy got to learn about Hat Kid and Bow Kid's adventure, he questioned why they wanted to help even though they were nearly killed by these people, and everything like that, and all they could answered was, "Because everyone deserves a second chance unless they've done so much wrong." Thankfully, they were finally there after a few days. "We're here. We're finally here," Hat Kid said, sitting back in their chair, eyes closed and smiling. "Hat Kid!" Bow Kid cried out causing Hat Kid to look over at their friend. "Did it always look like that?" Timmy asked as Hat Kid jumped out of their chair and ran over before looking out the window. The whole planet was snowed over except for the ocean. Where Vanessa's Manor was? It changed into a huge ice palace.

"WHAT THE PECK?!" Hat Kid cried out before grabbing the two by the hand and running off, heading to her room where the telescope that leads to Subcon Forest appeared. "Dress warmly," Hat Kid told the two, opening their closet where one or two winter, summer, spring, and fall outfits lie with a skeleton laying underneath them. "There's a skeleton in the closet," Timmy said as Hat Kid threw a warm jacket at Timmy's face and Bow Kid's hands. Hat Kid grabbed her cloak and it wrapped around her and formed into a winter jacket. Hat Kid slammed her closet shut before running to the telescope and asking, "You ready?" "Not yet, I gotta fix the zipper," Timmy said as Bow Kid nodded. "HERE WE GO!" "WAIT!" Timmy yelled as Hat Kid tapped the scope and they got transported. Hat Kid checked their pocket and felt the remote once they landed. All three shivered and looked around.

"What happened to this place?" Bow Kid asked. Hat Kid took a step forward, everything was covered in snow, ice was at the base of trees and on their branches, the nooses from the trees, frozen. Hat Kid turned around and saw Snatcher's tree. The warm fire that brighten up the whole base, Snatcher's red arm rest of a chair, the matching footrest, the old wardrobe that had nothing in it, the old dinning room table with the red table cloth, and that old grandfather clock. It was all dark and was cold. Snatcher's book titled "How To Kill Kids" lied on the table. Hat Kid turned around and followed the old trail that lied underneath the snow. Bow Kid and Timmy followed after Hat Kid until they came up to an ice wall where there were a few people trying to break it down. Hat Kid ran over to the Nomad and asked, "What happened?" The Nomad looked to Hat Kid and said, "You're back! And what happened is that ghost in the manor, Queen Vanessa, did all of this after The Snatcher gave himself away to her."

Hat Kid went to a minion and asked, "Why did Snatcher give himself away?" The minion looked at Hat Kid before sighing and telling the tale, "The boss was upset just a day or two after you left, maybe it was a week, I don't remember. He stuck himself in his tree, no light, no reading, he was just thinking. He wasn't upset that he lost to you, he was upset because he wanted you to stay and make contracts with him since you were determined on not to die without a fight. He likes that spirit in you kid. But when Vanessa strike, he told her not to hurt us or the dwellers, and she agreed. He went with her, sadness and emptiness filling his expression. Since then, we've been here trying to break down this wall, but one of the Metro cats who survived said that four people, a girl with a mustache, a penguin, a owl of some sorts, and a robot have been going around, collecting yarn, fighting off these shadows that are from Vanessa, and have been getting along. I already know who the girl is, it's strange that's she's getting along with people."

"Mustache Girl asked for help. That's amazing!" Bow Kid said, holding Hat Kid's arm and smiling. Hat Kid smiled at Bow Kid before making way to the badge seller who had made a fire to keep the frozen warm. "Child with the hat, child with the bow, and a fellow dark magic master," Badge seller greeted them as Timmy asked, "How did you know?" "One can sense it off of you from a mile away," Badge seller said as Timmy made a face. "Badge seller, do you know where Mustache Girl is?" Bow Kid asked and got an answer from the mysterious seller, "Last I checked, she and her little team were heading out to sea, but they should be back by now since it was only a day or three ago. You can ask Cooking Cat, he came by just hours before you showed up. In the tent behind me." Hat Kid and Bow Kid ran off with Timmy barely able to keep up.

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