Chapter 6: This is Fine?

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Mu entered ran out of the store into the Main Station of the Metro before running to the main circular desk where a cat was. "Hey! I need those tickets to get through to certain parts of this place," Mu told the cat who said, "Sorry kid, I ain't got no more. But, I'll tell you what, since you seem like the type of kid who knows no limits to trying to get things done, you can take my yellow pass. But be careful, it's slippery there and every once in awhile, this weird cat with shining red eyes will walk through the walls from one of the four lines. If it catches you, you turn into ice. A lot of people got frozen." The cat pulled out their yellow pass and handed it to Mu. "I'll be fine. Thanks!" Mu ran off, heading to the yellow wall which opened and allowed Mu in.

Mu slipped instantly after setting foot inside. The pathway to the Main Station closed. Mu shivered before getting up and looking around. It was all iced, the floor, and some of the walls about halfway was frozen, and what startled Mu a bit was that a few cats were frozen in place, trying to protect themselves. Mu held her cloak and walked forward, trying not to slip. Mu saw a ball of yarn on the ground. Mu smiled and ran towards it, trying not to slip still until she managed to get to it. She grabbed the yarn as that loud pitched scream rang through her ears. "Who DARES comes my way?!" Asked the same voice that Mu heard from that bird, the same voice Snatcher referred to as "Vanessa".

Mu looked around before seeing a food cart. Mu ran and dived in, holding the yarn close to her form while the air became colder. Thanks to the light in front of the cart, shining through the window reflecting onto the wall in front of Mu in the food cart, Mu can see a shadow of a cat, you can almost see the shining red eyes too. They walked off until the usual icy air was all that remains when Mu first entered. Mu jumped out of the cart before running where the cat came from before find a few more yarns in the area. Mu collected them, stuffing them into her bag before looking where she came from and ran towards the cart and went where that shadow cat. There, Mu didn't see anyone else so Mu jumped up and saw a cat-way coming towards her. Mu saw it pass by. Mu looked around before looking up at the platform. Mu sighed before jogging in place. Another one came by and Mu ran up it before landing on top.

Mu held on before seeing it was going to go through a tunnel. Mu jumped off and landed on the platform, panting. "That was too close for my own liking," Mu thought before going off, trying not to die or fall while collecting yarn and some pons until finally, Mu set her sights on a glowing shard all the way up and the only way to get to it is by riding so many cat-ways. Mu watched the trains until seeing the two she needs, afterwards she ran up on the first train she needs, rode it around before jumping off and dashing mid air, landing on another on. "I don't have a hook shot to catch me, but I have speed!" Mu yelled before running to the front of the train and jumping, landing on the cover with the shard.

Mu sighed before grabbing the shard and stuffing it into her pocket. Mu looked around before seeing a rope with a small note that says, "Grab me". Mu swallowed hard before grabbing the rope only to be pulled into the air. Mu shut her eyes shut before being placed down on solid ground gently before feeling a pat on the back. Mu opened her eyes to see she was back in the Main Station. Mu looked around a bit before sticking her hand in her pocket to fill the ticket she used. Mu looked around for the cat who lent her the ticket, but they were nowhere to be seen.

Mu pulled out the ticket before sighing. "I guess they had to run off somewhere," Mu noted before looking at all the yarn she collected which was only a couple of dozen. "I wonder why these yarns were just laying around," Mu thought to herself before going to walk off to go back to work, she went to the yellow zone, collected pons, managed to get to the pink zone, got a ticket that was floating around, nearly fell, but managed to save herself, get more yarn, avoid that shadow of a cat, and everything nice, until she was all the way back in the Main Station that had no one around, but there was a trail of yarn caught Mu's attention, a trail that led to an alleyway. Mu looked around and didn't see anyone. Mu looked at the shop to see no on inside. "Maybe they followed that weird cat somewhere," Mu told herself before looking back at the trail. Mu started to run after the trail, picking up yarn, after yarn. stuffing them into her bag.

When Mu got to the last yarn, her hand met with a ice cold hand, her hand on top. Mu looked up to see piecing red eyes, boring into her soul. Mu yelled before jumping backwards. "Come here, little brat. I'll treat you quite NICELY, as if you were MY OWN CHILD," the voice came from the cat. Mu ran for it until she was met with a wall of more shadows. "No!" Mu yelled, trying to find a way out as they started to slowly close in. "Lassie!" Mu turned around where she heard the Conductor's voice and where an explosion came from that made a blue cloud, making the cats get turned blue, before MB swatted them away, clearing a way for Grooves, Conductor, and himself. "Guys!" Mu called out. MB picked Mu up and held her close, wearing his pack on his back while Mu's bag was now on his back. "Never go off on your own, pesky girl!" MB scolded her as a voice came through the intercoms,

"Hey, it's me, the cat that helped you along with the other one who gave you that yellow ticket to get started on your "quest". We're sorry that we had to do this to you, but we had no choose," spoke the cat who let them into the jewelry store. "We didn't want to, but it was the only way to save our friends and family. But the whole thing with Empress trying to get to that rare material? That wasn't a lie. Empress has been trying to find a captain," the other cat who gave the ticket spoke before Mu looked around and yelled, "STOP STANDING AROUND! START RUNNING!" "No need to tell me twice," MB said as Conductor threw a blue potion at the cat who was getting to close for comfort before getting picked up by Grooves which made him start cussing and spouting out nonsense.

The four kept running. "So where were you three?" Mu asked them as Grooves answered, "We followed you and got passes. We kept following you to make sure you were okay, you should've seen the Conductor darling! He kept panicking every time that freaky ghost got too close to where you were hiding!" "Says the peck neck who wanted to rush over and save the lass from falling down on the rails!" MB groaned as he saw a looming shadow cat with a rocket launcher. "INCOMING!" MB yelled as the shadow fired. MB jumped and dashed forward while Grooves jumped backwards, dropping the Conductor. Conductor got up and grabbed Grooves' flipper before dashing after MB who had dropped Mu who started climbing. Cats started to surround the three men. Mu jumped up onto a roof and placed on her brewing cloak and pulled out some potions. Mu pulled out one, shook it then threw it at the cats and started throwing a lot more. MB swung his cleaver at them until the pathway was clear. "Pesky girl!" MB called out for Mu to come down. "Oh no you don't! Your soul belongs to ME!"

Yelled the cat with the rocket launcher. Mu was about to jump but the rocket shot out, coming towards Mu. "No!" Grooves cried out. Mu looked at the rocket before getting hit, blasting her backwards into a wall. What was on her cloak? It was a one hit badge. Before anyone could run to Mu, time started to rewind, going back to the beginning of this whole chase.


Oh BOY! This ALSO took all day, but I'll just you guys now. I don't anything about The Metro. I tried watching videos about it, but I know nothing of the place. Sorry if it's random and weird and if it doesn't link up or anything like that, I'm not that smart. But other than that, OH NO. MU DIED!

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