Chapter 14: Welcome To The Mermaid's Shore

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A day had passed and it was night when they finally made it far into the ocean. "Remember, you're going to want to jump far to the right of the ocean, there you'll find a temple that is The Mermaid's Tomb. Do not be fooled by what they offer, friendship is something that they will never give to trespassers. Mafia Boss, Captain Walrus, and myself will remain up here. Owl, last chance, are you sure you wish to go down there?"

Empress asked after fixing Mu's clothes which was skin tight red pants with a purple lining and a red dress that has an undershirt. Mu waterproof shoes on too. Conductor was geared up.. maybe a bit too much. "I'm sure," he said, his voice muffled. "You're going to be entering an air pocket, you don't need that ridiculous thing!" Empress scolded Conductor as she walked over to him and started to pull off the helmet off of his head. "You have your hat to keep air in! Once you enter that air pocket for the tomb, you'll be able to breath air, you idiotic owl!" Empress' voice shouted as Mu looked at Mafia Boss who was fiddling with the hat he made as an extra.

"You alright there?" MB looked at Mu before sighing and stuffing the hat in his coat while answering, "I'm fine. Just a bit worried that you and the other two won't be able to hand yourselves. I hate worrying about people who aren't the mafia or my family." "We'll be fine. If we don't come out after four hours then you can start to panic, but come on. You're suppose to be mean and not care for anyone. You're the Mafia and Mafia are strong!" Mu told him, smiling. MB looked at her and chuckled dryly before ruffling her hair. "Come on, pup, it's time for you and the other two to head down." Mu ran off and joined DJ Grooves who was wearing no shirt like always and wearing swimming trunks and no shoes. His sunglasses weren't covering his eyes and his afro that was pulled back into a ponytail when this journey began was pulled back into dreadlocks that's tied up into a ponytail.

"You ready?" MB asked, standing next to Walrus while Empress is standing to his right. Conductor is to Mu's left and Grooves to her right. "Ready," Mu said, turning around to face the right. "Good. Now go!" Empress spoke as Mu ran forward before dashing forward and landing in the water, slapping on her water cap which was a beanie that made a bubble around her head. Grooves saw after Mu with Conductor. Mu swam down with the two birds behind her. Grooves' new comb looked like coral and Conductor's hat looked like a swimmer's hat with a bubbles stitched on. The two kept swimming down, it getting slightly darker to see. Grooves grabbed Conductor and Mu before swimming further down before some kind of blue flames started to dance at the bottom. "We're almost there," Mu said. They kept swimming down until they finally made it down into the bubble. Once they entered, they fell to the firm, sandstone ground. Grooves landed first and caught Mu as Conductor fell onto his rear end.

Mu jumped down and looked at the tomb and it looked like those temples that was one of Hat Kid's books. Mu ran right ahead, Conductor and Grooves barely being able to catch up. When they got inside, it was dimly lit with blue flames. Mu grabbed a torch that was lit and walked slowly. "You two still with me?" Mu asked as Conductor whispered in a sarcastic tone, "No, we're far behind." "It'd be best if we don't use our hats, we just have to be quiet," Mu noted as they walked down some hallways until they found themselves in a long hallway. "Where the peck are we?" Conductor asked as Grooves took the torch and walked up to a wall and saw the time pieces. "These are those time pieces the little darling was after," Grooves said as they all looked at the wall. There was time pieces all over, the next was a being with multiple eyes holding timepieces in six of his hands while plenty laid around him. The next picture was the man going insane and trying to use the power of the time pieces for his own gain.

The next picture was a man wearing a top hat and holding a sword. A battle broke out between the two until the man with the top hat was victorious. From that day on, there was a council formed called The Time Lords. They built a structure on a planet far away and took the time pieces with them except for two. The man who saved the world had fallen ill, so on the day the Time Lords and their clans that joined together were to leave, the man had given his hat to a woman. The two hugged before they parted ways. The mermaids took the man in and gave him a resting place in the temple which made this place sacred so that he may rest in peace.

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