Chapter 9: Over The "Grassy Field"

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Mu ran all the way towards Subcon Forest, but was going for that grassy field that lies between Arctic and Subcon. Mu stopped until she was greeted with a grassy field. "Finally," Mu thought before taking a couple of steps backwards before running towards the field, but was greeted with a wall that she ran her head into. "Ouch!" yelped the mustached girl who stumbled backwards, holding her head. She fell onto her butt, looking at the wall. "How the peck do you pecking enter?" Mu asked herself. Mu got up and thought before going to check her pocket for her map, but was greeted with red string. The same string that she found in her bag. "How did this get here?" Mu asked herself as she pulled out the string and went to throw it away, but when it was released from her hand, it wrapped itself around her wrist. "What the?!" Mu yelped out as the string dragged her to the wall. "This is not funny!" Yelled little mustached girl.

The flowers in the grassy field blew in the wind as the red string finally dragged Mu to the firewall by force while Mu was trying to get away, but had failed. Mu was dragged in and landed face down. It was grassy, but it was red and wasn't as green as it was outside. Mu got up and looked around to see what was really over the grassy field's wall. Fog as far as the eye could see, dead trees, a few abandoned houses, a few dwellers that seemed more dead, their masks slightly cracked and looked sad, a mountain that was suppose to connect Subcon Forest with this place. She took off her bag and cloak to check her badges. Hover, no bonk, and slingshot. Mu ripped off the bonk badge and replaced it with the camera badge so it can record what's really behind the wall of fire. Mu placed her cloak back on along with her pack before walking in. "Seals working for Captain Walrus, come out, come out, wherever you are!" Mu called out. The wind blew causing her to shiver.

Mu looked at where the wind was coming from and it was another wall of ice. "A wall of ice? I thought it was only in Subcon," Mu thought to herself as she started to walk towards the wall. Mu stopped in front of the wall, holding herself to keep warm. It was much colder, but how come this place wasn't overfilling with snow while other places were? "Hello there little girl! Come wide and far to meet me!" Mu turned around to be greeted with a strange ghost thing. They had a face of blue, one horn longer than the other, a wile smile with two fangs showing on each side with two red lines going down as if they were bleeding, but wasn't, two eyes that looked nothing alike, one was raining diamond shapes with a two red lines going to the side of their head, and the other had a inner circle, maybe oval with two red circles in it, both expanding and being replaced with another circle to repeat the process, also with two red lines and a broken monocle.

They wore a shirt of yellow with a red coat layering on top, but the sleeves looked a bit ripped as if what was on the shoulders wasn't wanted anymore, it looked like a nice coat, only the top five buttons were buttoned on, the shirt underneath was still yellow, but with a black belt bent down like the roof of a house that was turned upside down and they had no legs, just this weird glitchy effect or something close related to that, maybe a fuzzy, falling squares? It was hard to describe thanks to the fog. "Who are you?!" Mu asked, pointing at the floating figure. "Why, I am The Moon Jumper, oh yes indeed! I live and breathe this horizon. This is my home!" Mu wanted to ask so many questions, but one only slipped out, "What are you?" "I am a ghost as people say. Ask me child, what does my eye gaze upon?"

Mu looked around before behind Mu to see a shed, the destroyed village with the dwellers, and nothing else. Mu looked looked back at Moon Jumper and said, "A girl in red." Moon Jumper's grin expanded which made it look way creepy. The Moon Jumper was suddenly up in Mu's face causing her to stumble backwards before tripping over on a rock, landing on the cold ground. Mu held herself up, looking up at the ghostly man. Mu didn't notice until now, but he had chains around his wrists. "And you know who that girl is?" He asked causing Mu to started breathing heavily with fear rising in her chest. "Me," Mu struggled to say out loud. Moon Jumper was suddenly six feet away from Mu.

"You are correct, little child. Bravo, bravo. Say, you remind of someone I know. child wearing a hat, only, you're a child wearing a cloak! Do you know them?" "Hat Kid? Yes, I know them, but I'm not telling you where they are!" "Fine, fine, don't tell me, little child. But know this, you will never leave The Horizon. You are mine. It's right there, in string," he said as Mu's wrist with the red string wrapped around was thrown forward by force and not by her own free will. "You.. you put that string in my pocket! You put that string in my bag! How did you do it?!" Mu demanded out of The Moon Jumper who only laughed. "Enjoy your stay here for eternity, Mustached Child," he said before he faded into nothing. Mu's arm dropped to her side once he left. My held her arm up to her face and bit the string, trying to rip it off, but it was no use.

Mu dropped her arm, looking around before seeing the village once more. "Fine, if you refuse to tell me how you put that string on my person, then I'll break your home to save mine," Mu thought before running off to find the remaining of the white seal crew. Mu ran in and dwellers ran away from her. "Mwss!" Mu turned her attention to a couple of seals jumping out of a burnt home. "Seven, eight. Where are the remaining six?" "Thwy're around hwrw somwwhwrw!" They said which made Mu sigh before telling them, "Listen, your captain need you back at the ship. Go to the wall of fire and try to get out. If you can't, then stay over there and don't leave that wall!" The two nodded before making way to the wall of fire. Mu ran off, finding two more seals by a long forgotten well.

Mu ran off until she saw a weird glove. Mu walked over to the glove grabbed the glove that looked like it can hold a weapon. Mu pulled out her bat and slid the glove onto the end of the bat. It fit like a glove(HEH). Mu looked at a tree branch. Mu jumped and it latched on. Mu swung to and from until Mu landed on a roof. There Mu found another glowing shard just like the others. Grooves also got a shard from the seal that had a stomach ache after the seal got a kiss for his boo-boo. Grooves gave the shard to Mu. That made eleven shards last Mu checked. Mu shoved it into her bag before seeing more branches to swing on. Mu jumped and kept swinging until she fell. She pulled her cloak off and gently landed back onto the ground. Mu looked around and it was another part of the village that was overgrown.

"Hewwo mwss!" Mu looked and saw the last six seals. "How did you get all the way out here?" "A vwry mwan man hid us hwrw!" Mu picked all six of them up, stacking them on top of each other. "Don't worry. We'll be back home soon!" Mu looked around and saw a trail to follow. Mu ran towards the trail without knowing that she tripped a trap. A smile came from the far end of the path and Mu could see that Moon Jumper guy. He brought up his blue bony hands and strings came out. Mu yelped and jumped as one tried to attack her to trip her. Mu kept running, jumping a tree up onto a bushy part and jumped from tree branch to tree branch. A tree was destroyed thanks to Mu landing on the wrong branch. Mu quickly brought out her bat and managed to grab a branch. Moon Jumper's grin started to drop as he started to grow more annoyed, but he was still smiling.

Mu swung until she landed back on the ground and ran for it, but when she was about to leave, Moon Jumper managed to grab her with his string. Mu tried to break free, but couldn't. Mu only hand one arm free and it was the one holding all six seals. "Go get help!" Mu yelled as she threw them down to the ground. "Mwss!" One of the seals cried out in a sad and scared tone as Mu was carried away by Moon Jumper, telling them to go get help. The seals watched her get taken away until they ran off to get help. The firewall was down and all eight seals fled from The Horizon to join the other six seals who are with Captain Walrus.

And that camera badge Mu has on? Still recording EVERYTHING. Mu was trapped in The Horizon. Who's going to save her? You should know who. But in the meantime, let's go back a couple or so hours before Mu got captured, to where Mu was dragged into Moon Jumper's trap, but we're not watching her get captured again. We'll be watching the others get right to work on Walrus' ship.

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