Chapter 3: Old Birds Arguing (Again-)

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In the desert, at the movie studio production site which is also known as Dead Bird Studios, two birds are inside, bickering like an old married couple, only, both were arguing about sending their birds home or not thanks to this damned blizzard. "We have to send them home Grooves! Their families are waiting for them to return home safe and sound!" Conductor exclaimed, doing that jumping thing when it comes to being annoyed by the penguin. "Conductor, darling, we can't! They'll get hurt out there and most likely lost in the snow! They have to stay here," Grooves tried to reason with him, but Conductor also had his reasons of needing to send them home right in the here and now. "Aye know that, Grooves! But they can't stay here forever, we're almost out of food, and there's hardly any place to stay warm!"

Meanwhile, outside in the snow, Mu and a few mafia were following her with supplies on their back, Mu was holding Mafia Boss' robotic hand. His whole robot looked like his old self, only, his actual human remains remain inside the head, controlling the whole bot. "We should be getting close to the studio!" Mu called out to the mafia. Mu coughed into her arm thanks to some of the frozen air entering her lungs. "Pesky girl, you're willing to risk your own life to help that ghost who steals ANYONE'S soul? He's a BAD GUY," Mafia Boss said as Mu replied after pulling up her mask to protect her face while she still wore her goggles, "He may be a bad guy who steals souls, but he is Hat Kid's friend. Not to mention, he risked his own afterlife to protect our lives. There's gotta be some good left in him if he was willing to protect us all instead of protecting himself."

Thankfully, they made it to the studio. Mu saw some snow blocking the entrance. Mu kicked some of the snow aside before pushing opening the doors and let the mafia in along with Mafia Boss before entering as well. Mu made it to the ground of the group and made it to the lobby where Grooves and Conductor were still arguing. "We can't just send them home, darling! I know you're looking for them, but we have to let them stay here for now," Grooves said as Conductor replied with, "Aye know it's dangerous to send them out now, but they need to be home where they're comfortable!" "Hey!" Mu called out to the two causing the two to look over to see Mu. "Why, if it isn't the no good, mustached, hatless, hood-wearin', statue posin', castle dwellin', ticket givin' PECK NECK!"

"Yeah, yeah, I know, I did bad stuff, but I need your help," Mu said as she pulled down her mask, moved her goggles up then pulled down her hood. "Sorry darling, but we have our own problems right now. You see, we have our crew here and they can't leave thanks to the weather outside, but Conductor here is saying we let them leave to head home even though they'll end up getting hurt." A mafia stepped out and said, "Mafia could help birds get home." "No chance, they could still get hurt with this storm. Mostly the Express Owls, they aren't used to the cold like us moon penguins," Grooves said as Mu spoke up, "I'll leave some Mafia here to help them get home, and if they're unable to, they will stay here and help them in any way possible."

"What are yer up to, lassie?" "I'm going to help Snatcher and I need help, you sorry excuse of a owl!" Before Conductor could say anything, Grooves held his beak shut and spoke, "Darling, what you're doing could be suicide. You heard on the news, didn't you?" "Yes, I did. His crazy ex, Queen Vanessa, is holding him hostage at her manor or in that general area and his minions are trying to break open the ice wall to head over. I won't give in and give up now. If Hat Kid could do something like this, then so can I! I want to help!" Both birds taken back from Mu's determined tone of voice, the two looked at each other before looking at Mu and saying, "Alright darling, we'll help." "FAT CHANCE!" Mu and Grooves looked at Conductor who had his arms crossed over his chest, his feathers puffed up.

"Conductor, you don't even want to help stop this storm? To get your train running again?" Grooves asked only to get a snarl from Conductor, "You think a peck neck like this lass would help anyone but herself? HA! Don't you remember what happened when she tried to help the hatted lassie?" Mu looked down at the floor, remembering that as Mafia Boss spoke up, "You're an stubborn old bird who makes lousy movies! And a hypocrite!" Conductor's feathers puffed up some more as he exclaimed, "LOUSY?!" "If you help pesky girl, you could make movie about adventure to save purple ghost noodle. Mafia would watch it." Conductor didn't say anything for a bit before asking, "Would ye mind if aye cast myself as the savoir of the peck neck of a ghost?" MB, Grooves, and Mu covered their face and sighed until one of the Mafia spoke up, "You could record the whole adventure. Goofy Mafia worked on a badge that had a camera from a mysterious seller and it is able to record, no limited memory!"

"Oh peck, I just remembered!" Mu exclaimed, startling the three bosses who fought Hat Kid. "We need these yarns that gives up special abilities!" Mu pulled off her bag and dug in before pulling some yarn. "You each get two to make your starting hat; the sprint hat," Mu said as Conductor asked, "The hat the lassie kept wearing besides her little top hat?" "Yep! That one. It should be hard since they made it look easy. Everyone, go help the Express Owls and Moon Penguins, MB, Con, Grooves, and I will be here in the lobby. Do not make a mess," Mu told the Mafia who quickly went through each door, going into equal teams. Without another word, MB had finished making a spring hat, tailor suited to him. It was a simple top hat, but it had flames on the side.

"Yeah! That's how they did it! That quickly," Mu said as Conductor had only managed to get his wings tangled. "Peck, I've never been good with yarn." Grooves chuckled at Conductor's mess while he was still holding the yarn. It took a bit for Mu, but she managed to make a new cloak out of the yarn that had wings as the design. "You're both ridiculous. It's not that hard," MB scolded the two birds before taking Conductor's yarn and working fast. Was it because he was in a robot body that he was able to work faster? Nope! He's still himself. He works fast with yarn thanks to the Mafia always ripping some sort of fabric. Thankfully it's not the fabric of time and space yet. When MB finished with Conductor's, it was like his hat he always wore, only, it was red and had a train running along the hat. Conductor took it and was still kind of confused on how hats like these were possible.

Grooves? He didn't get a hat, he got another comb that was a space ship zooming off as the design of it. Grooves replaced his usual comb with the one he got.  "I'm not sure how Hat Kid runs fast with these, but it should be easy as pie," Mu said before she started to jog in place before taking off running, jumping on Grooves' thorpy case the bouncing off and running around before running into a wall and falling flat on her back. "I'm good," she wheezed out. MB laughed at her misfortune as Conductor covered his face with his new hat while Grooves slid over to Mu. Grooves helped her up. "I have to say it's easy to run with this new sprint comb of mine. What else is there?"

"We have the ice hat, Dweller's mask, time stop hat, and brewing hat. Sad thing is, I don't have any more yarn. We'll have to gather yarn on our way to the Metro," Mu said causing MB, Conductor, and Grooves to exclaim with a weary expression, "The Metro?!" An explosion came from the back which made the building shook. Grooves held onto Mu so she couldn't fall, Conductor held onto the receptionist's desk, and MB nearly tumbled over. "What the peck happened?!" MB asked out loud as he ran over to the door that leads to Grooves' side and saw that things were falling. A mafia was hanging onto dear life on a light before calling out, "Mafia does not know! Mafia only knows that one of birds was holding explosives!"

"What did the bird look like darling?" Grooves called out as the Mafia replied with, "Big, shadowy figure! Mafia could not see clearly! Mafia went to ask, but they detonate it because Mafia could say a single word!" "Is everyone else okay lad?!" Conductor asked. "Mafia saw some birds and Mafia fall down, but others should be in the back, they might be trapped. Mafia says you must hurry!" The Mafia talking to them lost his grip. He screamed out as he fell to the bottom. MB, Mu, Conductor, and Grooves looked over and saw him fall down into darkness. Mu looked up and saw some cords and things still falling. "Looks like we have no choice, BUT to test out our new hats. Come on!" MB yelled as he ran off, jumping off the edge and landing on a wire, it bouncing slightly. He started walking the tightrope before jumping off and landing on platform. It started shaking making him dash off before it fell down thanks to his weight.

"Come on peck necks, we can't just let me train get hurt!" Conductor yelled at Grooves and Mu before chasing after MB. "There are other things to care about than your train darling!" Hollered Grooves, who went after Conductor, nearly missing the wire. Mu looked down at the empty void of darkness before starting to jog and jumping the large hole. Mu held her breath before she landed on the wire. She let out a shaky breath before following the other three in front of her. "Wait up!" Mu called out as she decided to take it a bit too far. Mu jumped up and down before getting high enough and going forward. Mu landed on the platform, rolling to the side before running forward, Grooves just a few feet ahead of her. "Hurry up darling!" Grooves called out to Mu.








"You'll never saved my handsome prince. He is mine forever. Anyone who dares enter my home will be frozen.. or better yet, I'll bring in reinforcements to protect me and MY PRINCE. Don't worry my love, you'll never see the light of day again. All you need is me."

On A Quest To Save A Purple Noodle! [A Hat in Time Fanfiction]Where stories live. Discover now