Chapter 4: Race Against The Clock

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Mu, MB, Grooves, and Conductor were running and found a few birds and mafia. Some buried in rubble and others hanging on for dear life. "You guys go look for others who need help, I've got this," MB said as he ran off to help, trying not to fall down into the black void. "You lads go without me, I'll help him," Conductor said before dashing off. "Be safe darling!" Grooves shouted after Conductor who didn't listen. Grooves and Mu went off only to end up in a lone area where a giant statute of the Bird Award was. "Why is this here?" Mu asked as Grooves answered, "It's everyone's inspiration to get the real deal." Mu looked at him and saw that his cheeks were a rosy pink. Mu looked back at the statue and saw a figure go back behind it. "You! Come out!" Mu demanded before jumped onto the statue, causing it to wobble. "Darling! Be careful!" Mu kept climbing until she got to the back to be greeted with nothing but with a note taped on that said, "Look out BELOW". Mu looked down and saw a pair of red glowing eyes and a creepy smile. "Grooves! Look out!" Mu called out before jumping over and tackled Grooves. An explosion came from the other side of the pillar.

Grooves held onto Mu. The pillar started to tilt. The statue was the first one to slide backwards before falling down into the abyss. "Darling! Hold on!" Grooves exclaimed as he held onto Mu who held him back. Grooves pulled out his microphone and swung it around before tossing it up onto on of the many beacons. Grooves held on tightly, holding onto Mu. The pillar fell to the ground, breaking into pieces. "This is too much for an old bird," Grooves wheezed out. He looked around before spotting more spots to hang onto to get back to to a secure area. Grooves swallowed, clamping his beak shut before he started to swing his body back and forth. "What are you doing?" Mu asked, seeing what Grooves is starting to do. "Trust me darling!"

He leaned forward one last time and his microphone released. Grooves held onto Mu tightly as he threw his other arm forward that held his microphone. His microphone grabbed onto another beacon. He kept doing this two more times, Mu holding on tightly, trying not to pull out any feathers. When he landed safely, he let Mu down before panting. "You okay?" Mu asked him and he replied in an exhausted tone of voice, "I'm fine, darling. Just worried why this is happening to us, to the studio," he spoke in a tired tone of voice. "Are you going to be okay? Are you sure you want to help save Snatcher?" Grooves looked at Mu and answered, "I'll be okay and I'm sure. If the little darling, Hat Kid, trusts him enough and trusts you, I'm willing to help you all." "Grooves!" Both Mu and Grooves turned to see MB and Conductor heading their way. "Conductor darling, is everyone alright?" Grooves asked and got a reply and a hug which not only shocked Grooves, but also shocked MB, and Mu. "They're alright. What about you and the wee lass?"

Mu went to stand next to MB and the two saw Grooves' expression. It was shock filled and with he looked a little flushed. "We're just fine, darling. You and Mafia Boss?" Grooves and Conductor parted. "Aye'm fine and so is he." "Alright, we have to get down to the lower levels to help the others, the others managed to get to the lobby area with some of my men." Grooves nodded before saying, "There is an elevator that leads to the lower levels." "That'll take too long!" Mu said before looking over the edge and seeing nothing but darkness. "I'm about to do something crazy," Mu said as she took off her bag and dug around before pulling out an umbrella badge, dropping three more and slapping it onto her cloak. "Lass?" Conductor asked as Mu yelled, "Down with the mafia!!!" Mu jumped over the edge. "PESKY GIRL, NO!" "Darling!" "PECK NECK!!!"

Mu kept falling. Conductor grabbed one of those badges with the umbrella and slapped it on before jumping down after Mu. "Conductor, no!" Grooves yelled. "Crazy, those two!" MB yelled before he grabbed Mu's bag and stuffed the items that fell out before grabbing Grooves and running off to find the elevator. Mu made it down to the lower level. Mu's cloak came off and she quickly grabbed it, using it as a parachute before landing on the ground safely. Conductor yelled while falling, failing his arms. Thankfully he was an owl, his sleeved rolled up by themselves and he glided down safely. When he landed on his face softly, his sleeves fell back down to cover his arms. "Never do that, again," Conductor muttered as Mu helped him up. "This place is HUGE," Mu noted while they looked around. It was where they kept all props, the storage area of the basement.

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