Chapter 20: The Last Mingle {Part 1}

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"Let's see how strong you can be!" Vanessa yelled as she shot out her hand and ice came spouting out of the ground, heading into three directions. Timmy moved out of the way by jumping and dashing to the side, Mu jumped up and dashed towards Vanessa, as Grooves moved to the side. Mu landed on Vanessa's head making her groan before saying, "Really? That quickly? And on the first attack?!" Vanessa asked as she shot out more ice before ice started falling from the ceiling, aiming for them. They all ran around like mice, Timmy got hit once making him yelp in pain. "Not enough? Fine, how about this?!" Vanessa encased the three in a ice cage and ice cold water started to fill. Mu was starting to panic while Grooves tried to crack the wall with his body while Timmy switched to his brewing hat and threw potions at the wall, in hopes of breaking it.

Conductor kept trying to break the ice bar that was keep him in and MB was also trying to break it, but there was no prevail. "Yer just a peck neck of a PECKING STINKIN' BITCH!" Conductor yelled as MB covered Hat Kid's ears who covered Bow Kid's ears. Conductor pulled out a potion and threw it, but it broke too close to the cage they were in. It blew up and shards flew. Conductor uncovered his eyes from the blast and saw it was open. "HAH!" Was all that came out as he ran out and pulled out his knife and jumped before dashing towards Vanessa and slashing her body. She yelled as MB ran out after letting go of the two girls. MB switched to his ice cap and saw that there was a crack. The ice cap turned into ice and spread to his left side as he slammed his left side of his body into the ice.

It broke opened and water came spilling out. Mu and Timmy were coughing while Grooves coughed out some water before getting up and shaking off the water. His ponytail came undone. His hair was slightly flat, but still held it's slight afro shape. Mu stood back up and glare at Vanessa who who defending herself from Conductor who was running after her, throwing potions at her. Mu ran forward and attacked Vanessa making her yell and hold her face as Hat Kid ran up and hit her with their umbrella. Vanessa released her face, got slightly larger in size, then grabbed Hat Kid by the throat making them scream. "You're the brat who broke into my home! I'll make sure to BREAK YOUR  BONES after I kill you!" Vanessa started to squeeze them making Hat Kid struggle to breathe and turn blue.

Hat Kid's heart was racing quickly, their face was numbing, their head started to buzz and their eyes were starting to tighten and blur thanks to the face growing numb, they could hear their own heart through their ears, everything was growing not only cold, but also growing dark while their own tongue started to feel slightly odd in their own mouth. Hat Kid was trying to break free, but was having a hard time breathing to even try. "Little child!" MB called out as he threw his cleaver at Vanessa and hit her hand making her yell in pain as she dropped Hat Kid. Hat Kid fell to the icy floor and laid limp. DJ Grooves ran to Hat Kid and picked them up. Hat Kid was wheezing and had a bruise around their neck, thankfully it'll heal.

Vanessa formed ice and threw the iced balls and ice shards at the little pests in HER HOME. Timmy and Bow Kid climbed up on some old boxes and made faces, taunting Vanessa who yelled out in annoyance before using both hands that stretched out to grab them. Bow Kid and Timmy nodded, having their time hats on. Time froze and they quickly moved out of the way and ran up to Vanessa, hitting her at once. Timmy had grabbed MB's thrown cleaver and used it as his own weapon. Time unfroze and Vanessa's hands shot back to her, holding herself as she yelled and screamed in anger. "This is UNFAIR!" Vanessa yelled as she encased Grooves, Hat Kid, Conductor who ran over to check on them and water started to fill. "You're dirty little cheats, you deserve to DROWN!"

Vanessa roared out as MB went to run over to free them, but he got caught in red strings from Vanessa. "I hate cheaters, but I guess I can work with this," Vanessa said as the red strings wrapped around him and slammed him across the room. He groaned as he was released. He held his dented face. Mu ran over and checked on him. "I'll be fine. My jar wasn't cracked just yet. Distract her, I'll handle the ice," he told her as she nodded before running back to Timmy and Bow Kid. The three had their time stop hats(even if one of them had a cloak), they called out to Vanessa, running around as she balled her fists and tried to punch them, but they moved out of the way in time.

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