Chapter 10: Ahoy Foul Ghost Shadow Things!

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It was just after Mu left and Grooves made that call, Grooves was talking with some seals and he couldn't help but fall in love with their cuteness, but not to long, Conductor and MB ran in and asked, "What happened?!" Grooves looked over at the two and saw panic was written all over their face. "What do you mean?" Grooves asked as Conductor ran over and checked Grooves over which made Grooves confused and flattered when he got the answer, "We heard ye and the wee lass were hurt and havin' trouble with gettin' things done by yer self." "Darling, we're fine. The little darling went off to find the rest of Captain Walrus' crew and I've been here waiting for you two since I called Cooking Cat to send you two over for help to get those same ghost off."

"That Cat! Worrying us for this?! I should chop off his tail!" MB yelled, jumping up and down like an annoyed child. "That's all?" Conductor asked, stepping away from Grooves. "Yes, that's all. MB I need you to stitch these up," Grooves walked over to the robotic man and handed him the yarn. "I see. I'll do what I can," MB said as he started working with the yarn and used the yarn he had on hand too. "What are we waiting for? Let's get these peck necks a lesson of their lives!" Conductor said, rolling up his sleeves, ready for battle. "The ship you're going to be needing is the one with the blue stripes," Captain Walrus told them and the two birds went on ahead before MB caught up with them after finishing with the new hats for the four man team. When they got there, they saw Empress standing by. "Nice to see you three decided to handle the situation,"

Empress started before facing the boat that was smaller than the cruise ship that sunk, but was still big. "Go on ahead and handle these annoy seals. Be careful. We don't want a repeat of the last night. Now, go on, you don't need me to tell you how to do your job," Empress said before Grooves went on first with Conductor while MB got on. "Alright, I'll take the top deck, you both head the to the inside. We'll meet back up here," Conductor told the two before heading off, pulling out his knife. "Conductor, darling!" Grooves called out, but it was too late. Grooves sighed before he and MB went inside the ship and was greeted with a whole parkour course with seals nearby. "Let's do it!" MB yelled before jumping off the edge of where they were standing. Grooves followed and was met with a few seals coming to him.

"Plwasw don't huwt us," they cried and it made Grooves freeze. They were too adorable. "Don't fall for it, penguin!" MB said as he tried to hit one, but it didn't get hurt. MB switched his hat to his brewing chef's hat and pulled out a blue potion before throwing it at the seals causing them to yelp. "You just turned ME blue! That isn't a nice thing to do!" one called out. Grooves punched the one that spoke off of the platform before he and MB dealt with the seals before jumping down and fighting the rest. Meanwhile, up on the desk, Conductor had covered the blade of his knife with that blue potion and he had taken out a few seals who faded into nothingness just like the rest of the of those weird ghost shadow things.

Conductor grabbed a rope and swung around, slicing and dicing those shadow things before landing at the stirring wheel where he was surrounded. Conductor pulled out a potion, shook it up before throwing it at the ground, making an explosion. Conductor was missing while a blue cloud surrounded them. The pitch black ghost seals with red glimmering eyes looked around before a shiny glint came from the wheel. Before any of them could react, Conductor attacked, sending them back to their maker. Thankfully, he finished. "Boy that felt good," he spoke out loud to himself, wiping off sweat from his forehead. He hasn't been in a fight like this since years and years ago, he did it to protect his old flame who sadly left this world for the next. Conductor misses her everyday and longs for the day where he's reunited with her again, but strangely, not lately.

He has his grandchildren who he cares for along with his child who tends to scold for not taking better care of himself. Who would take care of his train? And most importantly, who would make sure DJ Grooves doesn't get first place? He could never leave and he be damned if he were to allow any of that to happen. He rather dig his own grave or nearly blow up his train again if he allowed any of those things. Conductor got up and headed inside of the ship and saw a lot of jumping. "Oh boy," he thought, grumbling in annoyance before jumping down, platform to platform until he didn't make it onto one. "PEEECK!" He yelled as he made it close to the ground. Thankfully since he and Grooves first got those sprint hats, he kept the hover one on. His sleeves rolled up and he glided to the ground safely before landing on his talons.

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