Epilogue, Part 1: Being King And a Caregiver Ain't EASY!

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It had been two to three months and the mermaids were warmly welcomed to stay and they did. During this time span, Snatcher has been working endlessly, from aiding to his people, attending meetings with a few people about his becoming of king and that Subcon is free to anyone and that they don't have to worry about him trying to kill them, he also spoke with constructors and some of his minions about building a house attached to his tree from the back and adding some more buildings in the unclaimed areas in the back for the new residents and for much needed places like stores, Snatcher had also been fighting the Time Lords about adopting Hat Kid and that was stress on them as well. Thankfully, through out all of it, Snatcher had emotional support from the ones who saved him, the ones who befriended him, and the ones who follow him through no-man's land.

During this whole process of not only working his metaphoric butt off, Mu, Hat Kid, and Bow Kid were always off on adventures, taking down the mafia for fun, being stars in the Conductor and Grooves' movies, going to the Metro to ask about stories from Empress who had warmed up just a bit, playing with the seals, and visiting Hat Kid and Bow Kid's home and when Mu first entered, she was both unamused and amused if that's even possible. The main headquarters for the Time Lords, trainees, and other scholars was big with white and blue being a beacon of peace and tranquility. It was huge and there were so many people around, the areas around the headquarters looked too normal to be called alien. There were houses, cars, families, and everything. Timmy gave a grand tour of the headquarters to Mu and showed her the history of dark magic that effected people thanks to the nine eyed beast.

That nine eyed beast was both something that caused everyone pain, and caused people to unlock a new ability in their everyday life. Besides all of that, where they were staying and who was there to feed them should be known. They were living on Hat Kid's ship for the time being, Cooking Cat was there to take care of them and cook their foods and to clean the kitchen since Hat Kid did a poor job at it, and everyday when the sun had set and everyone is off to bed, Cooking Cat would head home and Snatcher would be there to watch over them after a long day of work. Most days, he would have to take his appearance and morph it into his old, prince self, but it often left him tired. He would shift back to his noodle form as the kids called it. He's still himself so he would sometimes act mean, but they know he means well. When they're all asleep, Snatcher would watch over them before placing his crown aside next to Hat Kid and Bow Kid's headpiece with Mu's cloak folded neatly.

Whenever one of them is having a nightmare, he would gently scoop them up and lay them down on the pillow fort with a blanket for them before wrapping himself around them gently like a cat, with his harmless purple flames to keep them warm, it worked most of the time, but there was always the once or twice that they would hug him, startling him, but he settled and held them close. However, today in the here and now, their new home was built and everything was set. It would be time to say goodbye to the ship. A ship that Hat Kid and Bow Kid spent months in where they grew attached to it, but they knew they would be able to see the ship back on their home planet. "Go on kiddo, you and Bow gotta pack your things from the ship and bring them back . I'll be setting up your rooms," Snatcher told Hat Kid, gently scooting them alongside him towards Mu, Bow, and Timmy who were watching. "But I don't wanna," Hat Kid whined making Snatcher sigh before saying,

"Kid, how about we make a contract? You pack your things and bring them one in one piece without pit stops and I'll allow you to paint your room to look like your ship. I'll even have the minions make a pillow fort in the basement for you. " Hat Kid looked down, not sure about this. "I guess I can move my things, but you don't have to make a pillow fort. Just let Rumbi roam around each and every room to see which room he'll like to stay in, and no kicking him around!" Hat Kid told him making Snatcher tell them that he won't. Hat Kid went to the three kids and looked at Snatcher who was in his prince form, he was all purple, and looked tired, his hair a mess, his crown placed high on his head, and he's wearing a cloak. When they disappeared in a blue beam, he sighed before heading back to his home that he'll be sharing with Mustache Girl, Bow Kid, and Hat Kid. The entrance had a door finally, inside was his chair, table, wardrobe, footrest, and book that is resting on the table, but just on the other side that looked at the back of Subcon,

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