Chapter 2: Frozen Girl

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It was a couple of days after the storm hit, people we forced to stay inside to stay protected from the storm, but one person remained outside in the cold. Mustache Girl, the girl who lived on the island as a child and in a cave after the mafia came. Her parents, who knows where, any other kin? Nope, no where around. Anyone who'd be willing to take her in? They tried, but she refused and said her parents will come back for her. Then when the Mafia came, her life just went downhill from that point on. Sure, Mu is stubborn when it comes to crying, but this, this hurt. Mu didn't want them to keep ruining her life. Mu defended herself and tried to hold onto hope that her parents would come back, but it turned into a year or two. Mu was loosing hope for her parents returning to her. But that was just fine for her. She didn't need anyone. Hat Kid and Bow Kid turned their back to Mu after everything she did to help them with their adventure to find the time pieces.

But they did give her a time piece to fix some mistakes. She still has the time piece, just sitting next to her, glowing ever bright. The only thing that was keeping her warm from the harsh snow storm. It was the middle of summer and this snow storm came out of nowhere! They tried to turn on of the lava pipes, but the lava was frozen over as well! There was nothing to keep them warm, all they had was their homes and each other along with heaters and fires. The water spouting out from the middle that holds the mafia headquarters? Frozen as well. A few had gotten hurt and a limb or two were covered in ice where they were taken for medical treatment. But that didn't matter, Mu didn't want to worry about anyone so they wouldn't worry about her. She was shivering, curled up into a ball, time piece next to her and signs around her, saying to stay away.

Mu closed their eyes, snow covering their whole being, looking a bit blue from said cold. "My dearest daughter!" a faint voice called out causing Mu to look up and see two figures in the distance, standing over the frozen ocean. "Dad?" Mu asked, barely any words coming out. "Come join us, sweetie," the figure called out to her. Both were smiling and holding out their arms to Mu. "Dad.. papa.. I wanna join, but I'm so cold," she tried to speak out to them, but nothing came out. They stood there, beckoning her to join them. They could hardly be seen, the storm was making them look like shadows or just an illusion, but there were parts that could be seen vaguely. Her dad's blonde hair and mustache that looked like hers along with his hazel brown eyes.

Her papa, darker skin, messy red hair, and his picture perfect smile. She missed them. She wanted to join them. She remembered how they left her in charge of the island to help protect everyone. She failed to protect them when the mafia came. "I don't think I'm worthy.. of being your daughter," she thought before she finally closed her eyes and her shaking started to slow down along with her breathing. She ended up falling over, onto the time piece, knocking it over and it rolling a bit far from her. Goofy mafia was walking around, checking if people were at home. He was one of the few that meant no harm and didn't just attack on sight. No, he was the goofy one as said in his name. He was looking for anyone who was out and would escort them back to their homes or to the mafia headquarters to seek shelter. There is food and water there along with warmth.

The mafia boss didn't want anyone in, but couldn't do anything with Cooking Cat in charge while his new body was being fixed to move. Cooking Cat told all the mafia to be kind during these harsh times ahead. So of course they had no say so. Goofy made it to the beach area of the island and kept walking around until he saw a bright shining blue light. He hurried over and saw it was a time piece. Everyone went crazy over these and the little girl had taken all time pieces, but left one behind for the little girl who always ruined their plans. Speaking of which, where is she? Goofy looked to the side and saw her, on the ground, not moving and blue. "This isn't good! Pesky girl, are you okay?!" He asked as he went over after pocketing the time piece. He picked her and checked her breathing.

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