Chapter 19: Facing Our Fears

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Hat Kid was face to face with a nine eyed beast with eight arms, white fur with blue markings, and was related to the very first one that Time Lord "Luke" AKA Alexander faced. Hat Kid looked around until her eyes set upon a forgotten sword on the ground. Hat Kid looked at their umbrella and the sword as the beast spotted her and let our a Earth shaking roar. Hat Kid placed the umbrella away and dashed for the sword. Hat Kid rolled and grabbed the sword until they got right back up on their feet. The beast roared in the back of their throat as their many hands grabbed nearby ice and started to chunk them at them. Hat Kid dodged by moving forward until one hit the and sent them backwards. The beast started to charge and Hat Kid got up and rolled to the far left in the opening as the beast hit the wall, making a crack.

Hat Kid stood back up as the beast stood tall and their nine eyes started to glow as a purple time piece appear for them to use. Hat Kid ran away from them as the beast grabbed it and threw it at them. Hat Kid managed to make it out of the way with only a bruise from landed out of the way. "Come on! You know how to do this!" A unfamiliar voice cheered Hat Kid on. Hat Kid looked to the side and saw a bluish ghost smiling widely while wearing a top hat, but almost all of him was unable to be made clear of. "Watch out for it's stinger claws!" The ghost warned making Hat Kid focus back on the fight and jump up high before dashing forward to the wall that had the small crack. The beast roared once more and charged at Hat Kid. "That's it kid! Dodge!" Hat Kid slide underneath the beast, stabbing it in the belly making it roar in pain.

"Look out!" Hat Kid stood back up and got hit across the room by four of his eight hands. Hat Kid rolled and slid on the ground, groaning. "Don't give up! You still have some fight left in you little one!" Hat Kid started to get up, using the sword for help. Hat Kid got up and was panting, staring at the beast who was now glaring at her with their red eyes, Hat Kid dashed forward, slashing the beast's legs while sliding underneath before getting to the wall once again while the voice faintly called out, "Nice moves Harriet!"

"I am not weak! I am strong! I am Harriet, and I will become a future Time Lord!" Hat Kid yelled as the beast yelled before charging once more. Hat Kid jumped up and landed on the beast's head, pushing them forward and the beast broke through the wall. They had tamed a beast that wasn't even alive and the beast felt the determined spirit inside of Hat Kid and accepted them as their rider. Moon Jumper had dropped his popcorn and was looking at the screen in shock. "How?! That little BRAT never did know when to give up and let others win!" Moon Jumper yelled, complaining like a child. Snatcher was smiling. "Good job kid. Go save the others," Snatcher thought to himself. Hat Kid pressed forward until she got to the next room which was dark and light was coming from the hole she had made. Hat Kid looked back and didn't see that ghost anymore. Was it a hallucination? Maybe-

Soft sobbing was coming from inside the room. Hat Kid slapped the beast making it roar before Hat Kid called out, "Hello?!" A gasp came from within the dark before they asked, "Who's there?" "Timmy, you're in here?! It's me, Hat Kid! I'm riding a nine eyed beast!" If you could see Timmy's expression, it would be utter shock. "How?! The Hat Kid I know would never get too close!" Timmy called out as Hat Kid slapped the beast making it roar. "Hey! I tamed the bloody pecker! I CONQUERED MY FEAR!" Hat Kid yelled before the beast growled lowly as their markings started to illuminate blue light from their markings. The beast walked forward until they found Timmy who's eyes were closed. "Timmy, open your eyes," Hat Kid told him and he said, "No. I don't want to see the demons that roam.

Hat Kid jumped down and the beast laid down on all four with their eight arms resting on their back. Hat Kid placed a hand on Timmy's shoulder and said, "I'm here. Just focus on me and we'll get through this." Timmy was shaking and was cold as ice. "I'll only open my eyes once we're out of here," Timmy whispered. Hat Kid sighed before picking Timmy up and climbing onto the beast's back. The beast stood back up and roared once more. Hat Kid hit the beast, dropping the sword and going back to their umbrella. The beast ran headfirst and busted through a wall, protecting the two kids with their arms. They made it into a room where you could see through the floor, but they weren't falling. Screaming could be heard making Hat Kid push the beast forward. They ran swiftly until they found Mafia Boss running down a hallway, being chased. The beast ran on the other side, swift images of MB running could be seen and looked like a picture show thanks to the pillars.

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