Chapter 13: A Voyage To Where Mermaids Roam

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Mu had awaken to a ship's horn making her groan before opening her eyes. She was staring up at a white metal ceiling. "Where?" Mu asked to herself before sitting up to be greeted with a couple of sleeping seals. "I must be on Captain Walrus' ship," Mu told herself before getting out of bed and grabbing her cloaks that were folded neatly on the nightstand. Mu placed on her basic cloak before stuffing the rest in her bag, but she doesn't need her bag for now. Mu left the room and saw platforms to jump on along with a lift. Mu went to the lift and went up before exiting the inside of the ship. She went outside and was greeted with the night sky and beautiful stars. A perfect night for any couples, sadly no couple could come out due to the storm. Speaking of which, there was no storm that drew over in the ocean which was nice. The waters are calm which is relaxing.

"Pup, good to see you're awake." Mu turned around to face the top of the ship where Captain Walrus is standing at the stirring wheel. "It's nice to be awake. What happened?" "Well, Mafia Boss carried your body back, you were passed out from exhaustion. He, Conductor, and DJ Grooves were badly injured, but are doing just fine now. They should just a level below this one, still on the surface. They saved a plate for you so you can eat pup," Walrus spoke, looking down at Mu. "What about Empress?" Walrus looked behind himself as Empress walked up wearing... Walrus' coat? Maybe it was cold for her due to not much fur or something like that. "I'm right here kitten. Now, go eat. You need to recover your health."

Mu turned back around and walked forward before heading down a level to be greeted by two seals playing cards. "Hewwo mwss!" One greeted as Mu walked forward and found the table Grooves, Conductor, and MB were. "And that's how Grooves here nearly lost his own peckin' head!" Conductor said, laughing with MB while Grooves looked annoyed, but was smiling through the pain. Thankfully, he was the first one to notice her. "Darling!" Grooves cried out, relieved to see Mu. The other two looked and smiled. "Pesky girl, you're alive. Good thing you're not dead. I don't think I'd be able to handle these two by myself," MB said, pulling out her chair. Mu sat down, facing towards Grooves.

"So what happened while I was out?" "Darling, it's not that interesting besides finding out Mafia Boss here can cook and Conductor didn't try to sneak away to find a single drop of alcohol," Grooves said, smiling with his eyes closed. "I had to learn because of my mother." "I didn't need to because I already found it when clearing the storage room." Grooves' smile dropped as he glared at Conductor who dug into his food. "Eat up pesky girl then feel free to explore around the ship," MB told Mu who didn't waste another second. Mu quickly gobbled her food. Fighting a bunch of weirdos was hard work and after what happened with that Moon Jumper guy, she needed the food. She finished and watch was the empty plates were cleared. MB got up and said, "I'm going to help the seals, pesky girl, come with me." Before Mu could say anything, she got dragged away.

They went around a corner before stopping. "What was that for?" "Hush. Don't you remember our little bet?" Mu looked at MB and said, "Of course I remember. You're rooting that Conductor and Grooves don't get together while I'm rooting for them. Why?" MB made Mu look from the corner with him. The two were looking out at the ocean, a bit far from each other while the table and chairs were carried away. "What happened with them?" "The penguin was traumatized after Moon Jumper stared into his eyes and has been hiding something from the owl. Since then, he's been close to him, trying fish out that single bit of information, but he's too oblivious to realize that Grooves' feathers has been getting ruffled. He gets close and it makes him turn into a blathering mess."

"These two just need to pecking admit their feelings. This is killing me," Mu said as she and MB kept watching. "Grooves, I know I've been mean ta ye in the past, but I want to say I'm sorry," Conductor started, looking out at the night sky while Grooves tried to ignore him, but it was so hard to. "It's fine Conductor darling. You don't need to apologize for being yourself," Grooves told him only to end up getting Conductor to force him to look at him. "Aye mean it. I know I haven't been the nicest towards ya, but I want to be now. I want to be your, as much as it disgusts me, I want to be your friend." Grooves' cheeks turned slightly red from Conductor forcing him to look at him, but most importantly, from how sounded so sincere. "I do too, Conductor.. but after what happened, I don't want to. Please, just accept that," Grooves said, pulling away from him and walking away.

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