Chapter 8: Ship Shape? More Like SHIP WRECK!

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Mu made it to the Arctic with Grooves. It was snowing over here, but not that badly which was a bit strange, but we're not going to question it. Mu walked down the path and saw Empress, chatting with Captain Walrus. Mu ran up to them with the groovy penguin following closely behind and quickly caught Empress' attention. Empress looked down at Mu and greeted her, "Nice of you to join us, little kitten. We were just discussing important manners on heading out to sea where the mermaids roam," Empress said before Mu pulled out her map to see the middle of sea. "Handling the expensive of getting a ship or what it needs isn't the hard part though. Captain Walrus can tell you more about this hat and everything else," Empress' told her before walking off to check on other things while Grooves and Mu looked at Walrus.

"Pup, nice to meet you. Where you're wanting to head is not only dangerous territory thanks to those mermaids, but dangerous with the waters. I won't lie to you or your friend, but we're going to need a full team who is capable of working on a ship. My "crew" aren't the best when working on a boat, trying to work quickly and not make a mess, but they are there when you need advice. If you have a couple more of friends or people to help, then I'll accept their help. Lastly, if you're needing to go under water, you'll need this." He pulled something out of a box next to him before handing it to Mu. Mu held it and saw there was four pieces of yarn that had a couple of bubbles coming from it. "This yarn will not only let you breathe under water for an extended amount of time, but will help you swim faster than you ever did in water."

"Thank you. Anything else?" Mu asked as Walrus Captain thought about it before sighing out, "Yes, there is one more thing. We can't exactly sail since my ship is overrunning with these pitch black seals who mean real harm. I would handle them myself, but they always run off if I get too close. Not to mention, they ran my "crew" off. I located a couple of them down, but the rest are still missing." "I'll see what I can do. Before we go to get these hats made, to deal with these rude seals, and to find your crew, we were wondering, have you ever seen this grassy plain out at sea?" Mu asked as she handed him her map. Walrus hummed lowly while reading it. "Yes, I have, a couple of times in fact. But whenever I get too close, there was also this weird firewall stopping me. It seems like it's protected. Don't know by what though. If you also want to know, the place that's crossed out is a island where no one comes back from. That's where the sirens roam. Luckily it's too far to come across where we're heading,"

he told her while handing her back the map which she pocketed. "Thank you captain," Mu thanked him before saluting him. "No problem pup. But just stay close to an adult when we set sail." "Now then little kitten. Go do what you can with finding those seals, I'll be here," Empress said after walking back. Mu and Grooves walked off after a pair of doors opened. The two entered and found themselves in a small village. "Welcome," an old woman greeted the two. "Come on. The seals shouldn't have gone far. You check the village, I'll go up ahead," Mu said before the two split. Mu ran ahead, seeing a few seals, but they weren't part of Captain Walrus' crew. These seals were gray to almost brown. Some slouches of white, but his crew is pure white.

Mu got to a small little hot spring and found a couple of seals inside, relaxing in the warm water. "Hewwo miss!" One seal greeted Mu who sighed before walking over and pulling them out. "Come on. Captain Walrus is looking for you," Mu told them as she carried them back. "The Capwin is loowing for us? Oh goodwie!!" cheered the seal as Mu carried them. Mu was slightly leaning, but she wasn't going to give up now! Mu made it back into the village and found Grooves leading some of the seals while carrying one who is holding their stomach. "What happened?" Mu asked. "I found these little cuties enjoying some sushi and this little darling has a tummy ache," Grooves answered, holding the one with said ache with care. "Adorable," Mu said in a blunt tone.

Grooves and Mu made it back to Walrus and. Walrus counted the ones that were brought. "That's six out of fourteen. Where's the rest of my crew?" Walrus asked to only get the reply from one of the seals, "Captwin, you rwmwmbwr that gwassy land? Welll.. thw othwrs arw ovwr thwrw!" Walrus ended up coughing, grabbing his cigars and pulling them away from his mouth before covering his mouth. "How?! That place is blocked off by that weird firewall!" "I dunno, but thwy entwred and arw now having a grwat tiwm!" Walrus looked at Mu and said, "Pup, you have to get them out of that place. I don't want them getting hurt. I don't know what lies there, but stay safe." Mu nodded before looking at Grooves and saying, "Grooves, you don't mind staying here and calling Mafia Boss and Conductor for backup for the ship, do you? I want to handle getting the rest of the seals myself."

"No problem darling. I'll give them a ring. Are you going to be okay?" "I'll be fine! Give these to MB when he gets here," Mu handed Grooves the yarn before switching to her spring cloak and pulling out the map to look at where she's heading to. She's at the Arctic and that grassy plain is just around the corner, neighboring Subcon Forest. "I'll be back!" Mu called out before jogging in place then running off, stuffing her map into her pocket as she ran. Grooves pulled out his phone and made a call at Mafia headquarters.

Speaking of which, we're heading over to there now. The phone rang and rang until a fuzzy cat hand grabbed the phone and answered, "Mafia headquarters, Cooking Cat speaking." "C.C, darling, I need you to send Conductor and Mafia Boss over to Arctic. We need a hand. C.C smiled with his eyes closed before replying, "Of course. I'll send them right over. You hang in there!" C.C hung up on Grooves as a few mafia around C.C were either cleaning and working, or resting. C.C walked off to Conductor and MB who were exchanging stories about the annoying people in their life AKA talking about Mustached Girl and DJ Grooves and the two were playing a game of cards. C.C cleared his throat which gained the robot boss and the owl's attention. "Grooves called and said they need help. Mu is bleeding badly and Grooves has one foot stuck in the grave. Hurry!" The two got up quickly, grabbing their coat and leaving.

"They care," C.C smirked before cleaning up the two's card game. And before you ask, Mafia Boss was winning only because he was cheating, but so was the Conductor.


Chapter eight is now DONE. I was half tempted to have a certain someone take over headquarters, but naaah. Everything is A-Okay. I hope you enjoyed!

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