Epilogue, Part 3: Just Date! And New Friend

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This was a week BEFORE that awkward moment between Grooves and Conductor after they had put their recording on hold thanks to Snatcher taking the girls somewhere for the week. It all started with the grand opening of Cooking Cat's brand new restaurant, he was happy to know that everything was going well, but when Cooking Cat noticed Empress and Captain Walrus ate here and often felt comfortable together, it made him think that something was going on between them. When Mafia Boss had come over to see how things were doing, he noticed the walrus and cat making him groan before saying, "Why won't they just date? It's going to be longer and annoying since we have two birdbrains pinning for each other already." Cooking Cat, after finishing serving a costumer, had went over and asked what he meant.

"What I mean is, that they've been like this after we helped saved The Snatcher. It started with Empress returning his coat and saying thank you to him! In fact, it might've been during our quest too. She did have his coat on and often held onto it. I thought they were a thing, but no! They're not! No one is that stupid and mushy towards someone who helped them one time!"

Mafia Boss exclaimed as Cooking Cat looked over at Empress and Captain Walrus who were chatting and joking around. C.C will admit, it's nice to see the cold harden boss of the Nyakuza act caring and lovable towards a disheartened captain who is depressed from the lost of his mentor. He gets it, anyone would be upset about someone dying, especially someone you were so close to, but to see him smiling with someone who had abandoned the thought of love, it was nice. "Well, maybe they're old friends," Cooking Cat told Mafia Boss who laughed before saying, "Maybe in another plane of existence, but they weren't old friends. They met each other once which was on that ship since Empress knew of no one to cross the sea. Since then, it's been torture to witness these two beat around the bush."

Cooking Cat thought for a bit before asking, "The two birdbrains who are in love, is it killing you for them to admit their feelings for each other?" "Of course! Conductor shouldn't be blind to notice that Grooves like him, and same for Grooves! Sure, the Conductor hides it pretty well, but it's there somewhere!" He exclaimed making Cooking Cat lean on the counter and say, "There you go. They've been rivals and have yet admit their feelings even though it's obvious. Give it time, there is no rush and there isn't an end yet. The day the end comes is the day the little aliens will end up killing us all, but they haven't. They're still sweet and are living peacefully with King Snatcher."

"It doesn't matter. These two are killing me need to just date already," Mafia Boss told him making C.C groan before going back to work while MB sipped on some oil to refuel his robotic body.


The same time this happened was the same week Mafia Boss and Cooking Cat discussed about Empress and Captain Walrus. It was with Snatcher and the kids. Snatcher was in his plain old noodle form since he was exhausted of having to shapeshift his whole being into looking like his human ghost form. Sure, he still morphs into that form, but mostly when he's in shock or when he's relaxed, but that was rare for him to be relaxed. He was floating alongside Hat Kid who was dressed in a nice purple hoodie with a patch that has "Snatcher's Kid" on the shoulder with khaki pants on with her brown boots on, still wearing their top hat, 

Bow Kid was still wearing her usual green jacket that now had a sticker that says, "Friend of Snatcher", she wasn't wearing her frilly blue skirt, she was wearing blue leggings that had cats on them, and her purple boots with the blue belt on them, and Mu was wearing a sweatshirt that was red that had a design printed on that said, "I hate weekdays and weekends", she was also wearing blue jeans and green flats with white socks. Where they were? They were in Hat Kid and Bow Kid's home planet, exploring, shopping for them(Snatcher was paying, don't worry. Intergalactic money works! Plus, Hat Kid had quite the funds-) and to get the remaining things that belong to them

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