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As the weeks had progressed, the two had been hanging out a lot more recently. Especially since Zach's parents were still gone for another two weeks.

The two weren't together yet, but at this point it seemed as if they should be.

Jack finally woke up that morning, only to find out a certain brunette gone from under the sheets.

The curly head boy was about to yell out Zach's name as he looked around the room, but the brunette walked out of the bathroom. Fully dressed.

"Why the hell are you up so early?" Jack asked sitting up on the bed, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes.

He watched as the younger checked his phone before putting it into his back pocket. "Wait, are you leaving?"

"Good Morning to you too." Zach said walking over to his dresser to wear his cologne.

"I'm going to a charity event, I do it every year for Good Friday, usually with my family, but since they aren't here, Daniel and I are going to go."

Jack slid the cover off his half naked body.

"So you were planning on leaving me here? Alone?" Jack asked, finally getting out of the bed. He stood up, his eyes still squinted from waking up so early.

The younger laughed. "Do you wanna come, Jack?"

"Did I say I wanted to..?" Jack asked as he walked into the bathroom. He stood in front of the sink as he splashed cold water into his face.

"No, but it seems like you do. Since.." Zach wraps his arms around the boy's neck, his front up against his back.

"I know you're gonna miss me!"

Jack looks at him from the mirror rolling his eyes. "Whatever."

"Aw, don't be grumpy, do you wanna come or not?" Zach says letting his arms fall from Jack's neck.

Weight being lifted off Jack's body.

"Sure, why not," He said with a soft smile.

Zach gave a pleasant smile back as he stepped out of the bathroom. "Go get dressed, I'll meet you downstairs. You have 20 minutes," Zach says, starting a timer on his phone.

"Why is there a time limit?" Jack asked as he stripped down, his naked body visible.

The brunette tried so hard not to drool...

"Because sir, I have places to be, and things to do. The timer is still going!"

Jack slides on a button up onto his body as he starts buttoning it in the front.

"Okay, I'm going," He says with a chuckle.

Zach leaves his room, shutting the door behind him. He makes his way down the stairs with a goofy smile, he almost trips on the last one as he regains his composure once more.

"Why are there so many booths set up?" Jack asked as they walked around the outdoor charity event. There were many different booths selling different food.

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