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As soon as they dropped off Daniel and Jonah, Jack went to drop Zach off at his house.

The younger still atop his back.

"What's something you're scared of?" Zach asks.

"If I tell you that, you'd use it against me, nice try Herron." He says squeezing Zach's thighs.

"What! No I won't, you're the mean one in this relationship, so, I would never do such a thing." Zach replies back with a smile.

He rests his head down on Jack's shoulder.

"I'm afraid of bugs, they scare the crap out of me, especially bees."

Jack gives a smirk as he turns to look back at Zach. "Guess what you're getting for your birthday..."

Zach uses his left hand to smack it lightly against the side of Jack's face. "That's not funny!"

"I mean, you told me, so it's your fault."

"No, it's yours if you put bugs in a box and I spin kick you in your nose. Understand?"

Jack lets out a chuckle, as he lets Zach down on his feet.

"I'm serious Jack! Do it, I dare you," He says putting his hands up in small fists.

"Yeah okay, baby, put those cute hands down and let's keep walking."

Zach does as he is told skipping along the sidewalk as Jack walks behind, his hands in his pockets.

They both enter Zach's neighborhood as they walk up the path to his home.

Zach stops at the porch of his front door, Jack making his way up the small amount of stairs.

The two just stared into each other's eyes.

"So..." Zach says stepping forward.

Jack cocks an eyebrow.


"You may say no but..." Zach starts as he bites his bottom lip nervously.

"When can I go to your house..? I mean we always hang out at mine so-"

Jack steps in connecting their lips in a short soft kiss.


Zach's face turns a deep red as he tries to regain his composure. "I- What was that for?"

"I can't kiss my own boyfriend?"

"N-no you can! Sorry, I don't know, nevermind." Zach says looking around to make sure no one saw.

"Okay well, night," Jack says stepping down from the porch and walking away from Zach.

"Bye.." Zach says watching him leave, completely forgetting about the questions he'd asked.

Jack however remembered and didn't want that question brought up again.

He wished he had a home to show off to others, one that he could take people to.

But his dad is always home, since he's jobless, and it's just too messy.

Jack let out a sigh as he looked up at the sky.

"Fuck..." He whispered, shutting his eyes.

He can't wait till the day he leaves this town, and gets his own place far far away from his fucked up life.

Jack finally reached his house and stared at the front door. He hated walking into this home.

The curly head sighed as he opened the door with his house key and saw his father laying there drunk. Beer bottles all over the floor.

His father looked up and smiled at him.

"Son! So nice to see ya bud." He said walking up to hug Jack. Though he didn't mean it, he was just insanely drunk.

Jack knew sometimes the man would be pleasant when he was drunk, and most times very abusive.

Jack didn't respond and just let the man hug him, inhaling the scent of alcohol on the man's breath and shirt.

Jack pushed his dad away from him and walked upstairs.

"Fucking asshole." He mumbled walking to his room. He shut the door with a slam, as he fell to the floor, his back on the dirty carpet as he stared up at the ceiling.

The next day, Myta and Josh's trip had ended, so it was time for them to get back home.

"Zachary! We're home!" Myta says as she walks through the door with her luggage.

Zach closes his computer rushing out his door and down the stairs.

"Welcome home," He says hugging each of them.

"Thank you sweetie, now we are having some guests over, and I need help with making dinner."

Zach looked at his mother confused. "Who's coming over exactly..?"

"One of our old friends, they are a bit so please be nice." Zach nods understanding.

When was he ever mean?

"I invited their son over early so that you could hangout with him getting to know eachother a bit before dinner. So that it would be less awkward."

"Okay, sounds good mom, but can I hang out with Daniel in the meantime?"

"I would say yes sweetheart, but he should be here any minute now."

Zach nods as he takes a seat at the counter.

"Zachary, sweetie, that means go get dressed."

"Oh! Right sorry!" Zach apologizes as he jumps up from the chair and rushes back up the stairs to change.

He opens his closet door taking black ripped jeans and a white hoodie. He undressed himself putting back on the clothes.

He heard a buzz come from his dresser as he goes over to check his phone.

Message from 'Jack'

Zach smiles as he swipes open the message.

Hey short stuff ;)

The brunette scoffs from the message rolling his eyes.

I'm literally taller than you

I'm taller by one inch ;)
Hush that pretty mouth

The younger giggles as he rolls over onto his bed.


About to go to this dinner thing

I'm seeing an old friend of my parents
I have to show their son around
before we have dinner with them

Have fun

Aw, thanks babeeee

Of course baby

Zach giggles from Jack's reply as he places his phone inside his pocket heading back downstairs with his parents.

The three hear the doorbell ring as Zach turns his head towards the door.

His mom gives him a look saying he should go and open it which he gets straight to doing.

He turns the knob, first making sure the alarm is off as he is met with someone he was very surprised to see.

"Oh fuck," Zach says under his breath.


it's been a while :,)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2020 ⏰

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