Chapter Seis

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Shayne's POV

"Joven and Lasercorn, Shayne and Court, you'll be doing a tango or salsa style dance," Tommy finished. shitfuckholycrapohno. A tango or salsa? With Courtney? My heart started beating faster as Ian ran through usual meeting stuff. I still had my hand on Courtney's shoulder and I felt her body tense up at Tommy's words. I wonder why?

The meeting went on for about ten minutes but I didn't listen to one word of it. I think it was mainly for Smosh Games or something. I mean, it doesn't matter now. Finally, Ian dismissed us.

"Shayne, Court, a word please," Ian called, causing both me and Courtney to stop dead in our tracks. We both slowly turned around, shooting each other unreadable looks as we faced him.

"Why were you really late?" he smirked, giving us a knowing look.

"We told you, we were throwing paper balls at a trash can and we lost track of time," Courtney replied, dead serious.

"Yeah, there's literally paper all over the beanbags in the squad room because of us," I added, quickly glancing over at Court, to see she was shaking with nervousness but also suppressing a smile for some reason.

"Really?" Ian smiled, looking between us both.

"Yes!" we both sighed, Courtney placing a hand on her hip and me folding my arms over my chest.

"If you say so.." he chuckled, dismissing us with a wave of his hand. I looked back at Courtney, who seemed to be about to burst with laughter, and nodded my head towards the door. She walked in front of me and opened it, dropping into a sarcastically deep bow and allowing me to pass first.

"M'lady," she giggled.

"Oh my god..." I sighed.

"So, what do you think that was all about?" Court asked as we made our way back down the corridor.

"I don't know, do you?"

"He totally thought we were making out or something!" she laughed, playfully punching my arm.

"What?" I exclaimed, stopping abruptly for a second.

"Oh, everyone thought it," she smiled, tilting her head at my confused look," I mean, we turned up out of breath and somehow holding hands!"

"Well, yeah...I guess so," I breathed, smiling at that thought. Of me and Courtney making out. Did I want it to happen? Or was it so absurd it appeared amusing? I don't know.

"Doesn't matter, what do you want for lunch?" she asked, as I smiled at her antics.

"We literally had a snack like an hour ago," I smiled, starting to walk again.

"Potato chips are like 50% air, or at least the bag is, and I'm hungry again, from all that heavy duty running," Courtney laughed. I laughed with her at her dumb jokes and we descended into conversation about Panda Express or Subway.

Courtney's POV

Shayne and I were walking down the corridor to the squad room debating what to order for lunch when we were hit with a problem. A really dumb problem.

"I am telling you, if we took Noah to a Panda Express, there would literally be nothing for him to eat, nothing!" Shayne said.

"Well, Subway would be no better, he would order a sandwich with cheese and possibly onion if he's feeling really risky," I smiled, we were debating over Noah's picky ass taste buds.

"Where are we gonna go then?" Shayne grinned, stopping at the door of the squad room.

"I have no clue..." I sighed, leaning my elbow against the door frame.

𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚 - 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now