Chapter Ocho

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Courtney's POV
Ouch. A loud, sharp ringing filled my ears. I looked over to my bedside cabinet to see my phone ringing. I didn't even bother to check it, I just straight up declined. My eyes slowly drifted to my right and what I saw left me dumbfounded. Shayne Topp. Shirtless. I gently lifted the covers and luckily he was wearing his boxer shorts. I looked down at myself. Oh no. I was only dressed in a pair of black lace underwear and a black lace bra.
So. Shayne and I. In my bed. Both in only our underwear. I looked down and our fingers were laced together. We'd fallen asleep holding hands. Uh oh. By this point my eyes had adjusted to the light so I picked my phone up. Crap. 8:00. We're gonna be late. For the Smoshlympics shoot, fuck. The both of us late again. My head was pounding but I knew we'd be in major trouble once we got there. I gently nudged Shayne and when he didn't wake, I shook his shoulder lightly.
"Heyyyyy...I'm sleepingggg..." he grumbled.
"Shayne it's 8:00, we need to go," I replied sharply. To this he bolted up right and looked at me with wide eyes.
"I know..." I said, worried," What happened last night Shayne?"
"Courtney..." he mumbled, his eyes darting every which way nervously.
"Tell me...please," I begged, looking straight into his eyes.
"I'm not too sure," Shayne stuttered, a look of guilt on his face.
"Just tell me anything you remember," I smiled weakly, bracing myself for what was coming next.
"Well..." he started.
Flashback - Shayne's POV
It was around 1:00 am. Courtney and I were sat on here couch, some cheesy rom-com playing on her tv, and we were just chatting and laughing. We'd both had 4 red wines at the restaurant and at least 4 drinks here. So we were both trashed. Her hand had made its way to mine, and we were just sat there, looking into each other's eyes. She had left red lipstick all over the brim of her glass, leaving none on her own lips. Slowly, she took a long sip of whatever alcohol we were drinking at that point and placed her glass down on her coffee table. Courtney gently pushes my glass to the table and pulls my hand away from it. She guides my hand to her waist and leans in closer. I don't know what's happening. She places one hand on the back of my neck, the other to my cheek and pulls me in. Suddenly, our lips meet. I'm surprised at first, but I find myself kissing back. And enjoying it. My hands around her waist, we pull away slowly. She smiles at me and I smile back, still in shock.
"We should go to sleep, we've got a shoot tomorrow, well today," I whisper, standing up and making my way to her bedroom, knowing I wasn't leaving her alone. I feel a sharp tug on my hand and I spin around.
"No," Courtney smirks, pulling me to almost lay on the couch as she crawls up to me. She climbs on my lap, straddling me, and goes back in. She kisses me, harder this time. And once again, I find myself kissing back. Lost in each other's lips, I forget everything for a hot minute. Smosh. Our bosses. Our entire lives. The rule. But I'm brought back to reality as Courtney rolls her hips against me. For some reason, I like it. A little too much. Roughly placing my hands on her hips, I reluctantly stop her.
"Court we can't. Smosh, the rule, we just can't," I say, momentarily sobering up. She looks at me with sadness in her eyes.
"I don't care right now," she whispers, pulling off her tank top and slowly unbuttoning my shirt, continuing to grind against me.
"We're drunk, nothing good comes of being drunk," I reply, although still letting her slide off my shirt. She kisses me again, and I kiss back, slightly harder then before. My hands roaming her body, I feel her doing something, but I didn't pay attention. I kiss her neck gently, leaving small red marks. I wasn't watching for a second until I felt her readjust herself on me. She was in just her bra and underwear. She has a flawless body. Somehow, Courtney had worked my jeans off, and I knew if I didn't do anything, she'd probably talk my boxers off. She rolls her hips once more, harder, both of us letting a small moan slip.
"We can't, I'm sorry, I can't let you do this," I whisper, tracing up and down her arm with my fingers, immediately feeling bad for kissing her back.
"But..." she trails off, her pupils dilating and her eyes slowly closing as she slumps down on my chest, passing out from the obscene amount of alcohol in her system.
"I told you we need sleep," I gently whisper. I stand up, taking her with me, her legs loosely wrapped around my waist and her arms placed gently over my neck. I take her to her bedroom and place her down on the left side of the bed. I jogged back to the kitchen, grab both our phones and place hers on the bedside table on her side, my phone on the right one.
I slip in bed next to her, thinking to myself what just happened. I almost had sex with Courtney Miller, my best friend and co-worker. One more drink and it would've happened. And, I think I would've liked it. Oh god. Do I like...
I was jolted back to reality when I felt a small hand clasp mine. I look over and Courtney is drunkenly smiling at me, all memories of the last five minutes clearly gone.
"Thank you Shayne," she whispered, squeezing my hand.
"No problem, Court," I reply, squeezing her hand back. We fell asleep in seconds, just happy to be in each other's company, me praying the memories would just disappear. Or maybe not. I don't know. My brain kept replaying the words that came out of Courtney's mouth when I told her we can't. 'I don't care right now'
Did she want to? Did she want me? Holy shit...
Present Time - Courtney's POV
"Holy shit..." I managed to utter. I was shocked. So shocked, like what the fuck had gotten into my brain.
"I'm so sorry Courtney," Shayne apologized, a look of guilt plastered to his face.
"What the hell are you sorry for? I'm sorry, really sorry. I came onto you, and wouldn't stop coming onto you!" I kind of laughed, not sure how to handle all of this.
"But I kissed back, I didn't stop you when I should've done and I let us get pissed," he sighed, rubbing his temple.
"Hey, don't beat yourself up. Alcohol manipulates us, there's no way we could've avoided drinking that much after I'd suggested it at the restaurant," I assured him, squeezing his hand in reassurance.
"I guess. Ughhhh, we are screwed. We're gonna get fucking interrogated at work," Shayne slightly chuckled.
"Crap work, we've got the next competition to shoot in," I babbled, checking my phone,"20 minutes!"
"Well, we better hurry up!" he said, jumping up, flinging my bedroom door open and jogging to my living room. We have 20 minutes to get fully ready and to the Smoffice. And we both need to cook up a believable excuse for why we're late, cos we're gonna be. I checked my phone again to see who was ringing me when it woke me up. Three missed calls from Olivia. She must be wondering why I'm not already there. Yet another reason to hurry up. I run out into the living room and start the hunt for my lost clothes.
Boy, this is gonna be a long day.

Saucyyyy. What's gonna happen? I'm really pleased with this chapter, like I'm literally smiling like a weirdo. Thank you for the all reads on this book and Just Tell Me, it really means a lot!!! Thank you! Peace out suckers!
Kitty x

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