Chapter Siete

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Courtney's POV

I got back to my place at 3.30. Shayne was coming at 6, giving me three long hours alone, to think and get ready. I decided to wear something nice, despite the fact I saw him not 20 minutes ago. I got up off my couch and wandered to my room, flinging open my wardrobe doors. I went through dresses and skirts and tops and jeans until I found something cute. I chose a black spaghetti strap tank top and a short, red, plaid pencil skirt to go with it. It was only 4.15 by the time I had my outfit so I decided to shower so I could wash my hair and have enough time to dry it. After I was fully ready, I decided to do my makeup, something I would never usually do if Shayne was coming over but tonight felt different. The way he looked at me in the café, and when he drove away this afternoon. I don't even know what to think. Do I tell Olivia? No, she'd go bonkers. I don't even know what is going through Shayne's head. Or my own. I'm just so confused.

I was lost in my thoughts, and finishing my makeup, when I hear a knock at my door. Knowing it was Shayne, I quickly finished applying my red liquid lipstick and bolted to the door. I unlocked as fast as my fumbling fingers would go and flung the door open.

"Hi!" I exclaimed. He seemed speechless. I don't know why. He was lost in his own world, so I decided to lightly slap his face.

" to Shayne!" I laughed, to which he jerked out of his thoughts and smiled widely at me.

"Hey there Taylor Swift," he grinned.

"Shut up," I giggled, blushing furiously at the compliment.

"So, what? Did you dress up for me?" he asked, a sparkle in his eye.

"What? Oh, no no. Just wanted to look...nice," I replied, nervously tucking my hair behind my ear.

"You always look nice, you don't need fancy clothes and makeup, I'd be happy with whatever you wear," he smiled, gently patting my shoulder. I blushed even harder. At this point, my cheeks were probably redder than my lips.

"Thank you...oh, come in, you can't stand out there forever," I giggled, moving aside so he could walk past me. He went straight to my couch and patted for me sit down next to him.
"I know we're supposed to be brainstorming for the dance, seeing as we only have one week, but I'm starving!" Shayne laughed, running a hand through his hair.
"I don't blame you, you have been to the gym and I'm a little hungry myself," I smiled, pulling my phone out and opening up Postmates.
"And thus begins the age old debate of what to order," Shayne laughed, opening his phone too.

"I could go!" I smiled, stopping on Domino's.

"Ooh, me too, there's this new pizza place just around the corner from here, we could eat out, considering you're all dolled up," he replied, clicking his phone off and turning to fully face me.

"Sounds cool, lemme me just grab my bag," I smiled, jumping off the couch and rushing to my bedroom. I shut the door and immediately let out a huge sigh. Why do I feel so nervous going to get pizza with my best friend? I think, maybe...I dunno. I dig through my cabinet until I find a simple black purse that I quickly shove my phone, lipstick and money in. I know, stereotypical girl things. I rush back out of my room and find Shayne standing at the door, a smile playing on his lips.

Shayne's POV

Courtney walks out of her room, ready to go, and she somehow looks more beautiful than before. I mean, she's stunning, all the time. Holy crap. Stop thinking like this. I was torn away from my thoughts as Courtney bounded up to me, linked her arm with mine and unlocked her door. We stepped outside and made our way to my car.

"Do you wanna walk?" I asked, my arm still linked with Courtney's.

"Depends, I ain't walking half an hour in these shoes," she laughed, gesturing to her heeled boots that made her the same height as me.

"It's only like ten minutes away, you should be fine, and I could give you a piggy back," I smiled, walking away from my car and directing her down the block.

"You are too kind, Shayne Topp, you're also weird but so am I!" Courtney giggled. We talked about work and the Smoshlympics till we got to the restaurant ten minutes later.
We were guided to our table by an angsty waiter who looked about 18 and as he walked away, Courtney and I looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"His lip ring..." Courtney managed through giggles.
"He had a purple streak in his hair..." I laughed in reply. We sat opposite each other, riding through fits of giggles for five minutes until the same waiter came back and slammed two menus on our table. Courtney picked hers up gingerly, noticing a gross, sticky soda stain all over the front.
"You said this place was nice," she grimaced, shooting me a disappointed look.
"I said the pizza is good, not the menus or dumb Hot Topic waiters," I laughed, pulling my own menu open. Courtney ordered her weird pineapple and jalapeño pizza, I ordered good ole pepperoni. We devoured them as soon as the waiter slammed them down in front of us. We chatted about the Smoshlympics again and tried to come up with ideas for the dance, all attempts were unsuccessful.
"That was so good!" Courtney smiled, tucking her hair behind her ear and wiping pizza sauce from around her mouth.
"I told you sooooo," I replied, smiling back at her.
"Why don't we get something to drink?" she smirked, glancing towards the bar.
"Good wine?" I asked, waving over the Hot Topic waiter.
"Great suggestion, monsieur," she chuckled, in a weirdly accurate french accent.
"Two red wines please, kind sir," I ordered, glancing at Courtney, who was lent back in her chair and playing with her hair. When he returned with two glasses, I picked mine up and mimicked being at a wine club. I smelled the bouquet, swooshed the wine around inside the glass and slowly took a sip. Courtney has already downed half the glass and there was smudged red lipstick marks along the brim.
"Slow down, tiger, I'm not made of money," I chuckled, taking another sip of my wine.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, I'm paying for this meal but I'm not stinking rich!"
"You already payed for lunch with the squad and everyone, at least split it."
"No," I replied simply, smiling at her fake disappointed look.
"Please," she cooed, flashing adorable puppy dog eyes that I couldn't say no to.
"Fine...but..." I said, smirking at my own thoughts.
"But what?"
"But we have to have one more drink, just one more," I smiled. We actually ended up having three more. So, with four glasses each on the table in front of us, I asked for the bill and we each threw 15 bucks on the table. We hurried out of the restaurant and Courtney was clutching onto me.
"Wanna cash in that piggyback?" I asked, putting my arm around her waist and gently lifting her up.
"Yes please, Mr Topp!" she giggled, kicking her legs wildly as I put her down and bent my knees slightly. Courtney hopped onto my back and wrapped her arms around my neck. She hooked her legs with my arms and I pulled her up. I started walking, slowly building up the pace, until, in what seemed like a matter of seconds, I was bolting down the block, Courtney holding on for dear life and giggling in my ear.
"Shayne, don't drop me bitch!"
"I would never drop you, Court!"
Soon, we arrived at her apartment. She stretched over my head, tightening her grip on my waist with her legs to reach the lock. Opening the door, I stumbled in and gently dropped her to the floor.
"Follow me..." Courtney smirked, grabbing my hand and pulling me to her kitchen. She flung open her fridge door and pulled out a litre bottle of Sprite. Still holding onto my hand, she pulled me over to her counter, slammed down the Sprite and pulled out a bottle of vodka.
"Ready to get hammered?" Courtney smiled, slightly slurring her words and walking her fingers up my chest to my shoulder.
"Yeah," I replied, placing my hand on her waist. I looked in her eyes as she bit her lip. I saw something there, I don't know what. The rest of the night was a blur. Basically meaning, I was at Courtney's apartment, completely drunk and I don't remember what happened. Oh god...

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