Chapter Quince

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Shayne's POV
I woke up to the sound of my phone pinging and somehow Courtney was still asleep, and very close to me. Damn it Shayne! We were basically spooning, her body pressed up against mine and my arm wrapped around her waist, her hand gently holding onto mine as they hovered around her stomach. She's so delicate, like if I move I'll break her. But if you get on her wrong side she'll break you. Wow, you think like a fucking idiot, you also act like one. But she is a perfect balance of sweet and calm and tough and independent. God, I've found someone so perfect that I could never be with.
I was instantly saddened at this thought, the thought that she would never like me back, and even if she did, we have a contract. I kinda wanted to scream, and also cry and also talk to her. Courtney always knows how to calm me down. She's just such a great human being overall.
Stop. Pining. Shayne. Courtney is amazing and you're not, face it.
I decided to just close my eyes and go back to sleep, despite the high chance it's probably like one o'clock in the afternoon. It took me a good twenty minutes, but I rid my head of all thoughts and drifted off into sleep.
I woke maybe an hour or so later to the smell of pancakes. I sat up and rubbed my eyes, then looked to my left to see Courtney had got up. Makes sense. I strutted out of my room with no shirt on, instantly regretting it as Courtney spun around eyeing me up and down.
"Now there's a man with no shame!" she smirked, cat calling me then going back to whatever she was cooking.
"What are you making? It smells like pancakes!" I smiled, feeling my inner Wes surface.
"Pancakes are right, sir, I'm making us chocolate chip pancakes to be specific," Courtney confirmed, adding a ton of chocolate chips.
"Where did you find those?" I asked, wandering over and picking up the bag of 'Assorted Chocolate Chips'. "I didn't have these in yesterday,"
"Yeh you did," she said, grinning at my confusion. "I was searching through your cupboards looking for pancake toppings and found these, completely untouched."
"Wait, so you've used almost and entire bag of chocolate chips on..." I chuckled, checking to see how many pancakes she'd made. "Six pancakes."
"Precisely. What? There was only four days left until they went bad and you weren't gonna use them sooo...I did!" Courtney smiled, flipping the last pancake and yeeting it onto the plate next to her.
"Careful, I don't want pancake all over my floor," I laughed, grabbing one of the plates and taking it to the counter, sitting down on one of the barstools there.
"I'm a talented chef, you should never worry about your kitchen being a mess, I'm too neat!" she joked, taking the seat next to me and glancing at my kitchen.
"Jesus Christ, help me..." I choked, my face dropping as I looked at the wreck of a kitchen before me. The pan was still sizzling, with oil or butter or something dripping down the handle. There was chocolate scattered everywhere and half a broken egg shell dumped in a random bowl.
"What did you do?" I asked, holding back a laugh in attempt to seem serious.
"You don't care do you?" she smirked.
"Cos you're gonna make me clean it up, right?" she questioned uneasily.
"Uh huh!" I smiled, tucking in to my delicious pancakes. I wolfed down three whole pancakes, Courtney only finishing two of hers, before actually checking the time.
"3:30pm, makes sense. And, not to go on about it, but we need to choreograph, I'm already starting to freak out," I breathed, instantly becoming nervous at the thought of performing for the Smoshlympics.
"Chill out, we can half an hour then start, and maybe I could have a shower possibly? Look at my hair..." Courtney replied, pulling at her hair.
"Yeah, feel free to shower, just tell me when you get in, we don't want any accidents now, do we?" I smirked.
"No, we do not. For you information, I am going to shower now, I shall inform you when I leave the cleaning facilities," Courtney said, faking a posh accent and walking over to my sink, setting our plates down in it.
"Ok, walking dictionary, I shall see you once your duties are fulfilled," I smiled, dropping into a deep bow and mimicking her accent.
"Oh god...goodbye!" she replied, skipping to the bathroom and closing the door.
About twenty minutes later, and after me putting a shirt on, I heard a small shout from the bathroom, the sound of my shower overpowering the quiet voice. I went straight to the door and pushed my ear up against it.
"Shayne?" Courtney yelled.
"Yeah, what's wrong?" I asked, concern flooding me.
"I can't turn your shower off," she replied.
"Turn it left, the little dial thing, turn it left," I told her, pushing closer up against the door. I could hear her struggling, barely, the shower was really loud.
"I can'!" she screamed, clearly getting frustrated.
"Want me to help?" I asked tentatively.
"One second, lemme just put a towel on," she said, walking to behind the door, where the towels are hung, and then opening it. She smiled at me with a wet face, tucking the towel under her arm. God she's beautiful. Like, is she purposely teasing me?
"Here," I smiled back, walking over to the shower and trying to turn it off. It took a good few minutes and ten gallons of hot water, but I finally stopped it. Courtney had pulled a pair of shorts and an oversized hoodie on.
"God, I should get that looked at," I chuckled, shaking my head rapidly in a poor attempt to dry my hair, and in a successful attempt to flick hot water all over Courtney.
"Bitch! That's hot!" she shrieked, running out of the bathroom.
"I know, it's all over me!" I laughed in reply, darting out too and chasing her around my living room. She ran from my kitchen to my bedroom and I promptly followed her, catching up to her eventually.
"Got ya!" I smirked, wrapping my arms around her waist from behind and hoisting her a few inches of the floor. She squirmed and kicked, cussing me out and struggling until she stopped in defeat. I gently placed her down and spun her round to look at me. She had me in a trance, I swear. I couldn't tear my eyes of off her, my gaze resting on her eyes, to her lips and back to her eyes. An urge to kiss her overtook me, but I knew I couldn't. But...she seemed like she wanted to. My arms around her waist, she had her arms around my neck. I felt myself slowly, very slowly, leaning closer. And I think she was too. I think Courtney wanted to kiss me, sober. Fully sober. I was close, an inch away maybe and her eyelids were fluttering shut, ready for my lips. I could feel her breathing on my lips and I wanted her so bad. Just, as mine. My girlfriend...Almost there, come on this feels like it's taken a century. I can taste her lips now and-
brrrrrring brrrrrring brrrrrring
Seriously! Fucking seriously! I snapped out of my trance, Courtney did too, and I unwrapped my arms from around her, her letting her arms drop from my neck. I dashed to my living room, blushing as red as a fucking tomato and looked around for my phone. It was on the counter, so I ran over and quickly answered the call, not checking to see who it was.
"Hey!" I said, forcing a happy tone.
"Hey Shayne," Damien replied. Phewww, massive relief, I swear if that would've been Ian, Olivia or Noah, I would've died out of embarrassment.
"Hey man, how's it going?" I asked.
"Good, and you?" he questioned.
"Good, umm, why didn't you reply to my text a few hours ago?" he asked. I could hear the guiltiness in his voice. Damien never liked to be pressuring or come off as needy.
"Oh, sorry, I must of been sleeping," I chuckled, remembering waking up for the first time because my phone was buzzing.
"At 1pm, who'd you bang last night?" he laughed.
"No one! I was binge watching a TV show with Court and we stayed up till like two am watching it," I backfired.
"Ooooh! A lovers night in!" he joked.
"No, a serious binge watching session!" I remarked.
"What show?"
"Brooklyn Nine Nine,"
"Oh, boring and dumb but okay," he sighed. Upon hearing this, I became heavily offended.
"DAMIEN HAAS! I am physically, mentally, spiritually, eventually, Jennifer Connelly and mentally enraged!" I yelled at him, then I broke down into laughter. Apparently he did too, because I heard him drop his phone and start laughing.
"God damn it, always got a way to turn my own jokes on me," he breathed through laughter.
"Uh huh! What were you calling for anyways?" I asked, finally calming down.
"To see if you wanted to hang out, but I'll let you get back to Court," he said, politely, but I heard him smiling mockingly through the phone.
"What makes you think she's still here?" I asked, my face growing serious.
"I just know she will be! Anyways, bye Shayne," he said, chuckling lightly.
"Whatever, and goodbye Damien," I signed off, letting him hang up. I closed my phone and flopped down on my couch, rubbing my face and breathing heavily. After about a minute or so, Courtney sat down next to me with slightly damp hair.
"I'm sorry..." she whispered, nervously.
"No, I'm sorry, it was my fault not yours," I smiled weakly.
"Wrong, but if that's what you're going with," she sighed, falling back onto to the couch and relaxing.
"What do we do to ourselves?" I wondered aloud.
"I still don't know," Courtney chuckled, placing a small, soft hand upon mine.
"But, we'll always be together, right?" I asked, looking deep into her light green eyes.
"Always," she replied.
"Always..." I managed to whisper back, tears getting caught at the back of my throat. She chuckled lightly and wiped away the single tear that fell down my cheek.
"Now, choreographing?" she sighed, sitting up.
"Yep, choreographing..." I replied.

Courtney's POV
I wanted to kiss him so bad. I want him to be mine so bad. I not only want him, I need him. Jesus, Courtney, you've fallen into deep shit know. Well done on yourself, well done.

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