Chapter Diecinueve

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Courtney's POV
Shayne drove me home, in his car, so my car is still at the office. But we'll figure that out later, personally, I'd rather address the current situation. Shayne and I are sat on my couch, my ankle elevated on a pillow placed on my coffee table. My head is laid on his chest and I can hear his steady heartbeat. His arm is wrapped around me, messing with the hem of my sweater and occasionally pulling it up to tickle my side.
I love being like this. I just love having him here next to me. It feels so...right. I feel safe and happy, as if no one else in the world exists right now. No fans. No shippers. No rule. No bosses. Just us. And it might sound rude, but I'm ok with that. With the thought of us two. Just Shayne and I...more than friends...
I was lost in my thoughts of that unattainable dream when Shayne coughed. Not to get my attention, just to clear his throat.
"You can go home now," I said, looking up at him. He just chuckled and shook his head.
"I'm not leaving, you need my help. What if I left and you tried to get up and fell? You could really hurt yourself," he explained, squeezing my shoulder gently.
"So, you're gonna stay here. Shayne, you can't be my personal servant for the next 48 hours," I smiled, propping myself up on his abs with my elbow, causing my body to twist and my ankle to turn the wrong way. Wincing, I looked back at Shayne, knowing now he wasn't prepared to leave me.
"Yes, I can be." he replied simply, gently pushing me back down to lay on his chest.
"Come on, don't waste your time on me," I chuckled.
"Courtney, Courtney, Courtney...oh my goodness. I work at a YouTube channel, I am an "actor" living in LA and I have a psychology degree, all I do is waste time!" he smirked, letting his arm rest on my hip. "And any time with you is not wasted."
"Aww, don't get all mushy on me now, Topp," I grinned, blushing lightly.
"Alright alright, Miller, let's get back to the very important second binge watch of Brooklyn Nine Nine," Shayne chuckled, directing his gaze back to the TV.
We fell asleep a few hours later, at a reasonable time for once, not drunk out of minds or anything. New achievement unlocked. Personally, I'm proud of us.
Anyways, I woke to the sound of my alarm ringing through the apartment. Groaning lightly, I rubbed my eyes and attempted to sit up, only to have a strong arm pull me back. Shayne was still asleep, holding onto me like I was his personal teddy bear, or like he was protecting me. I liked it, maybe a little too much, but I knew my alarm meant work so I had to wake him.
"Shayne...Shayne," I murmured, poking his face lightly. I giggled as he didn't respond verbally, only sleep-swatted my hand away. Taking it upon myself to complete this mighty task, I grabbed the hand that was resting on my waist and pulled the arm off from around me.
"Courttttt, it's early...we don't have to move, I don't want to," he grumbled, grabbing at my arm and waist as I sat up.
"We've got work, and it's gonna take us like an hour longer to get there, so we need to get ready now," I smiled, gently pulling open his eyelids.
"Fineeeee, I'll go get us some breakfast," he gave in, making his way to the kitchen as I opened my phone and scrolled carelessly through Instagram. I stopped when I saw a Smosh fan account. They had Shourtney in their name, so I instinctively clicked on the profile. Instinctively, what? I have no clue. Anyways, I scrolled through their posts and they're just like any other shipper. Apart from one thing. They've tackled a ship I haven't seen much of yet. Kimmien. Kimmy and Damien.
Woah, they'd be great together. They're always so cute around each other in the funniest ways. I mean, when we filmed 'What're Those?' the other week they were so cute in the intro. Awww, is this what Shourtney shippers feel like? Cos I want this to happen, bad, after looking at a few cute edits. Holy crap, imagine after reading fan fictions. Agonizing, it really must be.
I was snapped out of my weird train of thoughts as Shayne sat down beside me, handing me a plate of eggs and toast.
"Mmm, smells good, but how did you make these so fast?" I asked, immediately taking a small bite of the toast.
"It's putting bread in a machine, and putting whisked egg into another machine, it doesn't take that long, plus you were staring at something on your phone." he smirked, nodding to the device placed on the couch next to me. "If you don't mind me asking, what were you looking at?"
"Kimmien posts on this fan account, they're really cute and it's opened my eyes to an adorable pair!" I gushed, handing him my phone and smiling as he soaked in all the cuteness.
" They're so perfect together, I love it," he sung, a smile creeping up his face. He kept scrolling through the posts I'd been looking at until my phone started to buzz again. I thought it was a call, but it was just my back up alarm. Finishing up my food, I turned slightly to Shayne.
"Ok, that means we have an hour and a half. We need enough time for me to get changed, which should be ok, and for us to get to your apartment, for your own clothes, and then the Smoffice, in time for this meeting at 9:30, which we will NOT be late for," I smirked, working out a little plan in my head.
"Ok, so you getting ready is what, 20 minutes?" Shayne asked, setting his empty plate down on the coffee table.
"Umm, I'd say half an hour," I guessed, assuming the meeting was about a video and I'd want to wearing makeup.
"Cool, then to mine is ten minutes, fifteen minutes in there, twenty at most, then 20 minutes to the office, nice plan, we should be okay," he explained, before leaping up and helping me to my room. We did exactly what we said we'd do and we were there on time. Early by five minutes actually, I'm proud of us again, yet another achievement unlocked.
We'd also brought a onesie each, a requirement for the day's work for some reason. Shayne had a pink care bear one, and I chose a little brown bear. The Bear Bonks I had named us. We weren't in our onesies yet, so I'm saving that name for later. As we slowly made our way down the corridor, a head popped out of Ian's office. It was Ian. Woah, shocker, surprise surprise,
I'm quaking at this news.
Anyways, he walked out to meet us, smiling at Shayne's grip around my waist, again.
"Hey guys, how was last night?" Ian smirked.
"What?" I asked, genuinely confused.
"Well, I'm assuming Shayne is helping you walk cos the sex was so good," he joked, piercing blue eyes scanning our faces for any sign of reaction, let alone amusement.
"Ha ha ha ha, you are very funny, Ian, you deserve an award," Shayne said robotically, shooting a death stare at him.
"For what it's worth, I thought it was funny," Matt piped up from inside Ian's office.
"No one asked for your input, Matt," I yelled back at him.
"But you asked for Shayne's?" he laughed, coming out to see an infuriated Shayne and I.
"We're getting him?" I asked Shayne, as I hopped behind him and he grabbed my legs, hoisting me up onto his back.
"He's a dead man," Shayne replied, charging towards Matt, chasing him into the office. We chased him around the table for a good few minutes before he gave up, plopping down in a chair next to Ian, breathing heavily. Helping me down off his back, Shayne and I sat down and descended into chatter about Kimmien. About five minutes later, everyone else started arriving and pretty soon the chairs were filled up, a few people stood behind them.
"Ok, so you're all probably wondering what this meeting is for and why you've been asked to bring onesies. We'll get onto that later but first we'd like to let you guys know that because of Courtney's injury, the competition is being pushed to Monday, so you all have extra time to perfect your performances," Ian explained, gesturing to me when he mentioned my injury.
"Thanks dad," I smiled, getting a laugh from Shayne and Ian himself.
"You're welcome, daughter," he chuckled, nodding to Tommy.
"Ok, and as for the onesies, we've had a specific video being requested for a while now, and we're finally doing it, drum roll please....24 Hours in the Smoffice!" Tommy exclaimed. Everyone cheered. Jesus Christ is this gonna be a long day, but an amazing one.
"Is that what the onesies are for?" Mari asked, showing off the koala one she was already in.
"Yes! We're gonna film some Jackbox, do a little Show W/ No Name type thing, have hot chocolates and watch horror movies!" Sarah explained.
"Horror movies? Like spooky scary stab stab I scream horror movies?" I questioned, my voice slightly shaking, my hand gripping onto the armrest of my chair.
"Uh huh, things like It, Annabelle, Child's Play etc etc," Matt said, listing them off on his fingers.
"Ok..." I whispered, sinking into my chair. Immediately feeling nervous, I felt a hand on top of mine. I looked to the armrest and saw Shayne's hand, grazing my knuckles with his thumb. I smiled and him and mouthed a 'thank you' as Ian went on with the meeting.
"Oh and we have a few special guests for the day, and they'll be sticking around for dances on Monday, they're waiting in the squad room," Ian smiled, clapping his hands once and getting up. Rolling my eyes as the excessive amount of me walking like a crooked old lady, I stood up again, stretching my arms and awaiting Shayne's help. We returned to the same position and began 'walking' down the corridor. Finally, everyone was in the squad room and when I saw who was waiting there for us, my jaw dropped.

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