Chapter Veinticuatro

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Courtney's POV

I woke up at around six thirty, my hungover now gone completely, but my brain swearing at me to not drink again in the next three days.

I went through my morning routine, blah blah blah, you know the usual, showering, eating breakfast, getting changed, whatever.

I arrived at the office just on time, 8:30, ready for a meeting about something or other. I wandered in through the doors, sipping at the Starbucks I'd stopped off for.

I fell into a beanbag and pulled out my phone. I somehow forgot I had a meeting right that second until I looked at the time and saw I was five minutes late.

I rushed into our meeting room and got an eye roll from Ian, and a soft chuckle from Shayne as he patted the seat next to him for me to sit down. Slinging my backpack over the chair, I slumped down in the seat, barely paying attention to Ian, but knowing it was ok cos Olivia would catch me up. It was all normal stuff though, information we'd be updated on every other day, sketches we're doing, games we'll be playing and so on.

Suddenly, I felt a tap on my knee. I turned to Shayne to see a mischievous smirk on his face, and a piece of paper and a pen sat in front of me.

I flipped the note over and sighed.

You tried to fuck me!

I rolled my eyes at Shayne, quickly writing a reply and sliding the crumpled material over to him.

I wrote 'I was VERY drunk, now shut the fuck up and don't let ANYBODY see this note. And GET OVER IT!'

He wrote back and we had a paper conversation for a good ten minutes, before Shayne wrote and drew something hilariously inappropriate and I snorted. It was a cheese dick.

He kicked me under the table and muttered my name under his breath, rubbing a hand down his face.

I was silently laughing, wheezing away as Ian slowly and very dramatically turned to face me.

"Something you'd like to share with the rest of the class Courtney?" he asked, clicking his pen, a small smirk on his lips.

"Not really, Professor Bitch Hecox," I smiled, getting a stifled laugh from Shayne. I elbowed him as payback for kicking me and grinned.

"Well how about I'm not giving the pair of you a choice. Hand me the note," Ian demanded, holding an outstretched hand towards us.

"Um, I'd really rather not, it's a personal conversation on a personal piece of paper with my, err, personal f-friend," I stuttered towards the end of my sentence, still unhappy about having to call him just a friend.

"Well you're in a personal meeting, with your personal boss who doesn't give a fuck if it's private, hand it over," he ordered, a small smirk still pulling at the corners of his mouth.

"Shayne drew a cheese dick!" I blurted, opening my eyes wide when I realized what I said, watching as Shayne slid down his chair and covered his face with his hands.

"What? So he drew a dick made out of cheese, what the hell is wrong with you Shayne?" Ian grinned.

"Nothing... I wasn't the one who wrote that line in a sketch, and I also wasn't the one who said it," he defended himself, raising his hands and nodding towards me.

"Hey, I'm not the one who drew it, perv," I retorted, slapping his arm lightly.

"You keep saying this and it's really not true!" he said, poking at my sides and tickling me.

I was sliding all over in my chair, begging for Shayne to leave me alone, speaking through breathy laughs.

"Guys... guys? Guys! Children!" Ian yelled, getting both of our attention. Shayne's hands retracted and I sat up straight again.

"Don't make us put you in separate corners of the room," Matt smiled, pointing at either end of the room.

"Alone zones..." Shayne and I whispered, looking at each other and almost bursting out laughing again. (a b99 reference for ya)

"We don't need alone zones, we do not need alone zones," I said, waving my hands in the air for Ian to continue with the meeting, seeing as we were holding everyone up.

After the meeting we shot a few scenes for a new sketch, one with Brianna Boho and Bryce Chryson.

It was a typical day, shooting videos, writing scripts, messing around, the usual. Although, things were very flirty with Shayne. Like, very flirty. Olivia pulled me to the side three times to ask me what's going on, so I just played dumb and said I don't know. Mainly cos I didn't know, but things were undeniably flirty.

Anyways, I got home at three, and remembered that I had arranged to rehearse with Shayne, so I got changed and decided to watch Netflix for a bit before leaving. I actually ended up watching TV for like two hours, so it was around five when I set off for Shayne's place.

Shayne's POV

I was leant on my kitchen counter, scrolling through my Twitter feed and waiting for Courtney.

I heard a soft knock at the door and bounded across to open it. She was stood there wearing tight-fitting short shorts and an over-sized tank top that kinda showed her bra. Damn, she looks good.

Jesus Shayne! Get your mind out of the gutter! Talk! Open your goddamn mouth!

"You can knock louder you know," I chuckled, moving aside for her.

"Oh well. Jeez, you moved all of your furniture to the sides of the room just so we have space to dance," Courtney replied, shocked at the effort I put in. (for the purpose of this just imagine Shayne's apartment is bigger than his actual apartment)

"Well yeah, we need adequate room to practice," I rolled my eyes.

"Practice, yeah. Actually, can we order some food first, I'm starving," she grinned, pulling out her phone and letting her small backpack drop to the floor.

"Of course, what do you want?" I asked.

"I'm not sure..." she replied, clicking her tongue and scrolling through what I presumed to be Postmates.

We decided we wanted pizza, so we ordered pizza, of course. After fifteen minutes, a knock on the door sounded and I answered to see a lanky, pimply teen holding our orders. I payed and tipped him, thanked him then shut the door and started laughing.

"What's so funny?" Courtney quipped, returning from the bathroom.

"I just can't do it, teens delivering food is one of the funniest things, they just look so depressed," I sighed happily, throwing the pizzas down on my kitchen counter.

We tucked in and ended up talking for two hours, about everything and nothing.

"Hey, do you wanna play a video game?" I asked her, nodding to my TV.

"Well it depends which one," she replied.

"Erm, I don't know, you can pick," I offered.

We were sat on the floor going through all of the video games I own for another two hours. So much for practicing our dance.

"Shouldn't we practice now, it's been four hours, it's 9:20 and we have work tomorrow," Courtney suggested.

"Yeh, we should do, but be careful," I warned her, pointing to her ankle as she stood up.

"I said I'd punch you in the crotch if you tell me to be careful one more time," she grinned, pointing at my crotch.

"Nope, you said you'd punch me in the crotch if I worried. I'm not worrying, I'm being a kind, considerate and careful friend," I corrected her.

"Fine, I will be careful. Now come on, we've gotta get this routine perfect," she smiled.

I clicked on the song and as it connected to my Bluetooth speaker, we got in our positions.

The intro music started and we began.

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