Chapter Cinco

600 14 21

Shayne's POV

It was the day after I'd snapped at Noah and I walked into the office extremely nervously. I was physically shaking. When I walked in, he glanced up from his laptop, only to realise it was me and look up again. He slowly got up from his desk and walked up to me.

"Look, Shayne, I'm really sorry, I shouldn't have posted the picture, let alone took it in the first place. I've deleted it off my story and off my phone. I'm so sorry that I keep on bringing it up, I shouldn't be pressuring my friends an-" he babbled, before I cut him off.

"Shut your damn mouth, Noah. I'm the one who should be apologising. I shouldn't have snapped at you and gotten so mad over literally nothing. Courtney seemed to talk to some sense into me. She said we're brothers, and brothers fight but at the end of the day, everything's ok," I smiled, watching his lips growing into a huge grin from ear to ear.

"So, we're good?"

"Of course," I laughed, pulling him into a hug.

"Oh my god I was so nervous, I thought I was gonna die today," Noah chuckled, pulling away.

"Really? I didn't get any sleep last night, I'm sooo glad we aren't filming today," I said.

"So, you took my advice. And...I told you so. I said he'd forgive you, didn't I!" Courtney smiled, leaning against the door.

"Yeah, I guess so,"

"So, should I tell anyone how you had a mental break down and cried a river right in front of me or no?" she questioned, a slight smirk playing on her lips.

"I'd prefer you not too,"

"Well, I already did!" she laughed, dashing around the corner.

"Oh you are so dead Courtney Miller!" I yelled, running after her. We chased each other through the office, her actually jumping onto my back at one point. After a good few minutes, I tripped over my shoe lace and fell to the floor. Courtney ran into the room and doubled over laughing. I rolled over onto my back, crying with laughter. She bounded up to me and sat on my chest.

"Courtney...I can't breathe!" I laughed, fake struggling for breaths and clutching my neck.

"I'm not that heavy, jeez!" she laughed, pushing against the floor with her feet and landing on my chest again, with even more force.

"Aaah, Courttttt, get off!" 

"Noooo, this is too good!"

"Ok then..." I sighed, tickling her sides, forcing her fall backwards onto my legs, accidentally kicking me in the face, and rolling off onto the floor. She begged for mercy as I pulled her jumper up slightly, exposing her sides as I tickled her more.

"Shaynee..stopppp...ahhhhh!" she breathed, rolling around.

"Fine, but only because I'm hungry, I wanna go get a snack," I gave in, pulling her jumper back down and holding out a hand to help her up. She took it and pulled hard, allowing her to jump up and me to almost land on the floor again.

"God!" I laughed, strolling out of the room we were in. Weirdly, she hadn't let go of my hand.

Courtney's POV

"God!" Shayne said, as we strolled out of the room we were in. When we reached the squad room, Olivia looked at us weirdly, then started grinning, eyeing me up and down. I looked to where her gaze was and I realised I hadn't let go of Shayne's hand. Shit. I instantly dropped it and started blushing furiously. Shayne just looked at me weirdly and wandered over to the small kitchen we had in the office. I followed him, seeing as my stomach is growling.

"Want some chips?" he asked, holding out a bag of ready salted Lays. (I be getting my American on, lol, I'm British)

"Yes, I'm freaking starving!" I exclaimed, grabbing the bag and opening them up rapidly. I sit down on a beanbag and finish my chips, just as Shayne sits down in the chair opposite me.

"So, what do think this meeting is about?" I ask him. Ian had sent us all a text last night saying we were having a meeting today at 11:30 about some huge announcement.

"I have no freaking clue," Shayne replied, munching on a protein bar.

"Ugh, god you're so healthy it makes me sick!" I gag, fake barfing in my now empty chip bag.

"Gotta maintain these bad boys," he laughs, flexing his bicep. My heart flutters a little, and I blush lightly.

"Haha, yeah," I grin, ogling at his abs through his white shirt. Snap out of it Court. What's wrong with you? Wait. Oh crap...

"You ok?" Shayne asks, snapping in my face.

"Yeah, why?" I reply, swatting his hand away gently.

"Nothing, you just zoned out," he smiled, taking my empty chip packet, balling it up and yelling 'Yeet' as he throws it in the trash.

"Nice shot, but I can do better," I challenged him, grabbing a stack of scrap paper from the desk next to me and balling some of it up. We sit throwing paper balls at the trash can for an hour when Shayne checks his phone.

"Shit," I hear him mutter under his breath.

"What?" I ask, still throwing paper at the trash can, glancing up at the clock," Oh motherfucker, you've gotta be kidding me!"

It was 12:00. We were half an hour late. Shayne quickly grabbed my wrist and slipped his phone back in his pocket. I follow him down the corridor, as we pick up the pace and start running. Somehow, either me or him had managed to slip my wrist down to my hand. Now we were running to Ian's office holding hands. Whatever happens next isn't gonna be pretty.

We burst into Ian's office, panting and still holding hands, to see basically everyone there. Everyone involved in the Smoshlympics turned to look at us. I immediately let go of his hand, wiping my sweaty palm on my jeans.

"Where the fuck have you two been?" Ian asked, anger and annoyance peppered in his tone. I couldn't answer, not that we did anything wrong. I just stood there, eyes glued to floor.

"Well?" Ryan pressed on. I felt a hand on my shoulder. It was Shayne's.

"We're sorry we're late, we were messing around throwing paper balls at a trash can and time slipped away," Shayne explained, squeezing my shoulder reassuringly.

"Childish. But at least now we can get on with the meeting," Ian sighed," As you all know, we have a special finale planned for the Smoshlympics that we'll be filming in a week or so."

"And it is our pleasure to announce that our final competition will be a dance battle. Each team will have two pairs and a solo," Sarah explained. I saw Shayne's expression drop even more when he heard the word 'dance'.

"Alright Games, your arrangements are Joven and Lasercorn, Wes and Damien and Mari performing a solo, seeing as she's the only actual dancer. Pit, Olivia is your soloist, Noah and Keith are your first pair, Shayne and Courtney your second," Matt read out. I blushed furiously when I heard I'd be dancing with Shayne, I just don't know why.

"We are also giving styles/themes to go off, but feel free to use a song of your own choosing that you can dance to in that genre. So, Mari and Olivia will be having a classical dance off, so you will have to agree on a song together. Noah and Keith, Wes and Damien, you guys will be doing hip hop/street dance," Tommy said. Please don't say it, please don't say it, I thought.

"Joven and Lasercorn, Shayne and Court, you'll be doing a tango or salsa style dance," Tommy finished. Crap. Fuck. Holy mother of jesus. Tango or salsa, that's the fucking devil's dance. Nothing good comes of a tango. And I'm gonna be dancing one with Shayne. And after what I'd just realised while literally staring at his abs...Falling asleep with my head in his lap...Holding hands and not wanting to let go. Oh no...


Quick author's notes, just to say thank you for over half a k reads on my first fan fic Just Tell Me, go check it out if you haven't already, it's Shourtney also and it's completed! And thank you for over 150 reads on this fan fic, it's only 5 parts long so far and I've already passed the 100 mark! Thank you so much!!! Peace out suckers!

Kitty x

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