Chapter Veintiuno

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Courtney's POV
It was around 5pm on Tuesday and half of us were sat on the Smosh Games set in dumb onesies, getting into pairs ready to play a 1 2 switch tournament. I insisted on being with Shayne so I could use the team name I oh so cleverly came up with. The other pairs were; Damien and Kimmy (duh), Boze and Wes, Flitz and Sohinki, Tommy and Sarah, and finally, Mari and Joven.
So, we were all sat in pairs ready to start, waiting for Ryan to yell quiet. When he eventually did, Kimmy and Damien shared one final kiss, before she slid off of his lap and fell into the space next to him. I grinned at them widely, nudging Shayne so much he almost dropped the switch controller in his hand. Ryan hushed us a second time, then yelled action.
"What's up guys! How is everybody doing on this fine evening? I, for one, am not doing too well," I began, adding a little fake frown.
"And why is that?" Shayne asked sarcastically.
"Well, I'm stuck with a bunch of idiots for 24 hours and my ankle hurts," I pouted, pointing to my lightly bruised joint.
"Aww, does Court Bourt have a boo boo, want me to kiss it better?" Shayne smirked, talking in a baby voice and pursing his lips.
"No, I'd rather play 1 2 switch and win!" I snapped, not actually mad, but blushing at the thought of Shayne kissing me. Snap out of it, Courtney!
"Ok then, let's get into it!" he smiled.
"The aim of this little competition is to win as many games as possible and get as many points as you can for your mini teams. And, in traditional Smosh Games style, the five losing teams will be punished, different punishments for each pair, and these will be decided by the Wheel of Punishment!" Tommy explained.
"Oh great! So Flitz, Sohinki and I come back and you bust out the old torture wheel," Boze complained, throwing her arms up.
"Well...yeah really," Joven smirked, getting slapped by Boze and a glare from Sohinki. Flitz just laughed and shook his head.
"Anywhoozles, let's have a look at our pairs!" Sarah started, gesturing to Tommy and herself. Each team introduced themselves, and our turn finally rocked around.
"Shayne and I are Team, drum roll please, Bear Bonks! Cos we're wearing bear onesies, get it, it's funny I know," I giggled, poking Shayne's stomach.
"I want the record to show that I did not agree to that name," Shayne rolled his eyes, raising his hands.
"It's cool, the Bear Bonks, yeah I like it," I smiled.
"Nope, let's just play," he smirked, looking at the TV.
Forty minutes later, Shayne and I were up three points, so there was no way we were loosing. But somehow in the last ten minutes, Mari and Joven won four rounds, so we were in second place.
"Nooooo, I don't wanna do a punishment..." I whined, flinging my arms around wildly like a toddler.
"Well you're gonna have to cos you guys lost!" Joven gloated, pulling in the Wheel of Punishment.
"I hate everyone here. I hate you all," Shayne sighed, dragging his hands down his face.
"No you don't, you love us really," Mari teased.
"Err, guys, I've never had a punishment from the wheel before, and I gotta say, I'm terrified," Kimmy said, smiling nervously.
"Aww, it's ok, they're not all terrible," Damien reassured her, putting an arm around her and squeezing her shoulder gently.
"Not to scare you Kimmy, but they are ALL awful, especially the ab shocker," I complained, shuddering at the thought. Joven spun the wheel while laughing maniacally. I whispered to Shayne, saying Joven's a sadist, as the ticking slowed and the arrow landed on a small green slice reading 'Hot Pepper Kiss'.
"I think we all know who this is for," Shayne whispered to me, looking over his shoulder to see Kimmy visibly get ten times more nervous.
"Ok, so this is obvious, we all have a clear idea who's gonna be doing this punishment...Shayne and Court!" Mari smirked, pointing at the two of us as I felt my face heat up. Shayne's jaw dropped as he looked around, seeing everybody smiling.
"What? Err, fuck no!" I snapped, standing up and wincing as I put a little too much pressure on my foot, before having Shayne pull me back down.
"Err...Yes! I believe that Mari and I won, meaning Mari and I choose who does what! Plus, no one else can do it," Joven grinned, a malicious twinkle in his eye.
"Yes they can, anybody else could do it," Shayne retorted, but I knew full well we kind of were the only valid pair for a kiss, apart from Kimmy and Damien.
"No no no, my friend, no no no. I'm not gonna be that mean to Kimmy on her first punishment, Sarah and Tommy is a no go, Boze is too short to kiss Wes and she'd kill me if I made her do that, and Flitz has a girlfriend. And both Sohinki and him are straight, so only you and Shayne can do a hot pepper kiss," Joven explained. Damn it, there's no way out of this one. Shayne sighed in response, along with blushing bright pink and folding his arms over his chest. Mari spun for everyone else's punishments and one by one they did them. A good twenty minutes later, Shayne and I's turn rolled around. Ryan handed us each a habanero and gave us a sickeningly sweet smile.
"Ugh, let's just get this over with," I sighed, inspecting the pepper and standing up. I wobbled a little, so I grabbed onto Shayne's shoulder. He looked into my eyes and I was taken back to his apartment. I'd just gotten out of the shower, my hair soaking, and he chased me, flicking me with hot water. We were so close to kissing in that moment, but Damien interrupted, probably for the better I guess. But this time there's no one to interrupt it.
I instantly got nervous, remembering how close we got. I shook my head to try and get rid of the thoughts, but they were still there, at the back of my mind, eating me up from the inside. One part of me was telling me that I wanted this to happen. That even if it's a hot pepper kiss, it's still a kiss. The other part was screaming at me to run, or at least make up some reason to get out of there. My mind was at war with itself, and as Joven began speaking, Shayne still looking at me with his baby blue eyes, my fight or flight response kicked in.
I stayed though, knowing in someway it would be worth it.
"So, Shayne and Courtney will each eat a habanero, spicy, and then share a disgusting, hot kiss, decidedly spicier than the pepper, in more ways than one," Mari grinned, winking at me.
"Alright, calm down Mari," Boze giggled, winking at me also.
"Just count us in," I groaned.
"Ok, 3...2...1...go!" Mari squealed, looking at us eagerly. I squeezed my eyes shut as I bit into the pepper, eating it whole, and hopping up and down as spice attacked my throat. Shayne was throwing his head around as he threw the stem of the pepper off set. I gripped onto his shoulder and continued jumping around, before remembering the next part. Shayne grabbed my arms and calmed me, looking in my eyes with and uneasy smile plastered on his face. I wrapped an arm around his neck, the other hand still holding onto his shoulder. His arms wrapped around my waist, making me relax as I neared his lips, my mouth on fire, and my cheeks burning up, my nerves not helping with the spiciness. Oh we go...

Shayne's POV
Holy shit. Holy shit. HOLY SHIT! Spicy, it's so spicy. My teeth were stinging, and my throat was burning. I needed milk or something so badddd. But the punishment isn't over. It's a hot pepper kiss. Oh my fuck am I scared. I stopped Courtney from hopping around and she wrapped an arm around my neck. I want this to happen, I want to kiss her, just not like this, not as a punishment. But it's gonna have to be.
I gently wrapped my arms around her waist as she grew closer. Ever closer. I felt her breath on my lips as I closed my eyes, them watering from the spice. All of a sudden her lips where on mine, soft and spicy. Her tongue grazed my bottom lip so I opened it slightly. I don't think she meant to because she seems slightly taken aback at my actions. Her grip on my shoulder tightened before she slipped her tongue inside my mouth. Swirling with my tongue for barely a second, she pulled away. Acting as though that didn't just happen, Courtney hopped around on her foot, fanning her mouth and making the weirdest noises. I just stood there, smirking slightly, my face bright red. Everyone was focused on Court so I was in the clear for a second, until Damien tugged at my sleeve, looking up at me with a quizzical expression. 'Are you ok?' he mouthed at me. 'Yeah, fine' I mouthed back, snapping back to reality and threading my fingers in my hair. I ragged my own head around, spinning in a circle, before bumping into the hopping Courtney and bursting into laughter. She seemed to be hiding her reaction to the kiss pretty well, so I slapped a smile on too. Ryan handed us some milk and we settled down on the couch, letting Boze and Wes do the outro. When Ryan yelled cut, I let out a huge sigh of relief, my emotions flooding my brain, the memory of Court's lips on mine taunting my heart. I have no idea how she took it, but I hope she's ok.
A few minutes passed of everyone else chatting, wandering around, deciding what to do or film next, when Courtney whispered my name. I looked to her, and luckily she seemed ok. She gave me a small grin, before winking at me. I chuckled and winked back, downing my cup of milk and slamming the empty glass down on the coffee table. Court laughed at me, then finished her own glass, throwing her legs over my lap as she rested her head on the arm of the couch. I pulled at her legs, so her head fell onto the couch itself and her hair fell over her eyes. She just started laughing again, making me laugh, before starting to cough and giggle at the same time. We were handed more milk, yoghurt and bread. Courtney and I didn't share a word, just looks and actions, that probably don't mean anything to her but mean a lot to me. I liked that kiss. I just wish it wasn't so spicy.

Courtney's POV
I winked at him. What am I thinking? Why the hell did I wink at him? I'm lucky he winked back.
Wait. He winked back. Did that mean something? Anything? I really hope it did. Please say we're getting closer to more than friends. That's what I want, even if it does sound selfish. I want him. As mine. Someday, please say someday soon.

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