Chapter Tres

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Courtney's POV ~ The Next Day

We all gathered in the studio to shoot the intro for the 'Bob Ross Beat Down'. Smosh Pit stood on one side of our judges, Games on the othered. Ryan yelled for quiet on set and we started rolling.

"THE SMOSHLYMPICS!" everyone shouted.

"Welcome all, to the first competition, the Bob Ross Beat Down!" Tommy said.

"We wanna get right into it, so here is how it works," Sarah said, turning to Ian, awaiting an explanation.

"Basically, in your team you should've chosen a Captain, this person will act as ringleader and tell you where to go. The other four players will be in pairs, strapped to each others backs and blindfolded. Your captain will be telling you what paint to go for, where to put it and how to get there. You're gonna be trying to recreate one of Bob Ross' paintings, but you won't know which one. At the end, us four will judge who's is better!" Ian explained, smiling at the impending doom.

"Let's gooooooo!" Matt screeched, deafening half of the cast and literally killing our sound guy's ears. We all made our way to a big, open hall, with two huge white canvases separated by a sheet. Our team captain is Keith, my partner is Shayne, because it makes so much sense to strap teeny Olivia to green bean stalk Noah. Damien was captain for Games, the pairs being Joven and Lasercorn, literally a disaster waiting to happen, and Wes and Mari, again a smol girl strapped to the Empire State Building. We got setup, everyone was strapped to each other and I could already hear Joven and Lasercorn arguing about something or other. Me and Shayne were strapped up and he was nudging me in the side and I was nudging him back. For some reason, I was blushing hard, but no one noticed.

"Hey, while everyone else gets ready, why don't we try something?" Shayne asked. turning to me as much as he could, which was not a lot.

"Ok then, what are we trying?" I questioned, leaning my head backwards onto his shoulder, basically snapping my neck.

"This," he replied, linking his arms into mine and pulling, hard. He bent down and my legs went flying. I screamed a little, so a few people turned, concerned. I was laying on Shayne's back, legs in the air, and I could hear Shayne laughing at my little shriek.

"Oh my god, you scared me," I yelled, only drawing more attention to us.

"That was the point!" He laughed. He started spinning in circles and I was crying of laughter, he was too. Eventually, he straightened up, slowly lowering me to the floor.

"I think I'm gonna be sick," I giggled, fake gagging.

"Please don't!" Shayne said.

"Ok you two, if you've quite finished we have a dumbass competition to film!" Tommy smiled, clapping twice to hurry things along.

"Quiet...3, 2, 1..." Ryan said.

"Well now we're ready and geared up we can get going! Keith and Damien are our team captains, cos they didn't wanna get dirty, and our pairings are Noah and Olivia, Shayne and Court, Joven and Lasercorn, Wes and Mari!" Matt explained.

"Our ringleaders have seen the painting, we're strapped in so let's go! Blindfolds on...On your marks, get set, go!" Ian yelled.


So, Keith angrily yelled instructions at four blind people for twenty minutes and, as you can imagine, the outcome wasn't good. I knocked over an entire tub of purple paint, Shayne's hair got covered in red, the screen splitting the teams was torn down by a rampaging Joven and Olivia's shoes are now green, they were white vans, and we don't have any green paint. Both paintings looked terrible, but we ended up winning because Joven smeared Games' only good looking thing, a blob of yellow that kinda looked like a sun. Lasercorn sulked for the rest of the day and Keith was the braggiest bitch I've ever seen, but we know he's a sore loser so what can we expect when he wins. We only had two hours left and no shoots, so I decided to stay in the hazmat like suits we were given by the ever generous Sarah, Ian and Matt said we didn't need protection and Tommy literally did not care. Shayne and I were forced to walk to Starbucks in 95 degree weather, and if you remember, Shayne got red paint in his hair so he looked like he'd murdered someone with his head.

"Why did they make us get Starbucks, it's as hot as Satan's ass crack out here!" I exclaimed, removing the sleeves of the hazmat suit and tying them around my waist as we walked down the block.

"Because, Games wanted Starbucks first and they lost, to us spectacular artists!" Shayne smiled.

"Our painting looked like if Taco Bell's dumpster was unloaded onto a canvas and then Picasso stirred it with his dick," I laughed, picking paint out of Shayne's hair.

"Where the hell do you get these insults? Like, seriously," he chuckled.

"I have no idea!" I smiled. We walked for another five minutes, sweating heavily and talking about the competition and what the next one's gonna be like.

"Ugh, finally! I swear if we would've been outside for another minute, I would of evaporated and forever become part of the water cycle," Shayne breathed, using the bottom of his shirt to dab his face. He pulled it up high enough for me to see his abs and my god was sweating. It was kinda cute. No, it was hot. I must've been staring because suddenly he snapped his fingers in my face.

"Get a good look?" he smirked, grabbing my elbow and moving me along the queue.

"Oh shut up, it was like right there," I reasoned, blushing, hoping it was unnoticeable under the sweat.

"Yeah, sure!" he said, sarcastically, before moving further up the queue," Do you have everyone's orders?"

"Yeah, in my notes," I replied, unlocking my phone and finding the folder," 4 drinks, 6 including ours,"

"Ok, it's our turn to order," Shayne said, allowing me to pass him seeing as I had the orders.

Shayne's POV

We arrived back at the office, around 45 minutes before the end of the day. As soon as we walked in, we got looks from Olivia and Noah.

"Sweaty are we?" Noah inquired, implying he thought me and Courtney had made out or something.

"It's 95 outside, what do you expect?" I backfired, shooting him a dirty look.

"I don't know...I just thought, maybe..." he trailed off, seeing mine and Courtney's glares and going back to his laptop. Court and I walked down to Games and handed them their drinks, Wes didn't get one otherwise he would've gone hyper, again. As we walking back to the Squad room, I was thinking about what Noah said, and what he and Keith said yesterday, and everything that was said yesterday. I decided to ask her about it.

"Hey, why do you think everyone's always asking if we're dating or something?" I ask.

"Cos they ship us as much as the fans do," Courtney replied, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Oh..." I mumble. looking down at my shoes as we continue walking.

"Don't let it get to you," she said, throwing her arm around my shoulder.

"I'm trying, but it's...just hard, I guess," I say, turning to face her, her arm still on my shoulder.

"It's ok," she smiled, playing with my hair. I look down, until she uses her knuckle to push my chin up," We're friends, ok."

Ouch. Friends? Why did that hurt? I felt a little uneasy about that, until I looked into her eyes. I saw hurt there too. Why? Did she want to be more than friends?

"Yeah, of course, always," I smiled, pulling her into a hug. She hugs me back, tight. When I pull away, she looks straight at me with playfulness in her gaze.

"Race ya back!" Courtney smiled. I was gonna say yes but she had already darted off around the corner.

"Cheat!" I laughed, bolting to the squad room. I was still thinking about that word. Friends. What did that mean? What does all this mean?

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