Chapter Dieciocho

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Shayne's POV

It's been an hour or so since we finished filming The Jimmy Jabs, so it's around 11. And it's been the weirdest hour of my life. Everyone's hanging out in the main room, the squad room, so it's been slightly chaotic. Joven and Lasercorn are currently sat in the corner brooding but were previously complaining to Tommy about me helping Courtney, Damien is still hyper and has been annoying EVERYONE for the last hour, Mari is chatting with Olivia and Court, finally a Games member who is normal, and Wes has gorged himself on all the candy left in our little kitchen. Keith is in the middle of the room dancing, Noah filming him, and I'm sat on a beanbag, playing Animal Crossing, again. Tommy, Sarah, Ian and Matt are cleaning up, putting all the tables back, ripping tape up off the floor and our set cleaners are getting rid of the fire extinguisher mess.

I look over to my left and Damien is passed out on the couch, crashing from his energy drink. Wow, I thought he only had one can of Red Bull, but then I directed my gaze to the side table next to him and... five cans of Red Bull, not sugar free. Looks like Damien isn't waking for the next, what, three or four hours. Well done, Damien, good job. I look around the room again to see everyone calm, listening to music, chatting quietly, reading and-

"Woah!" I gasped, as Courtney crashed onto me, falling across my lap, her stomach flat on my Nintendo switch.

"Sorry..." Courtney smiled, blowing her hair out of her face, and looking up at me. I wriggled my switch out from underneath her, saved my game and turned it off, placing it on the table behind me.

"It's ok...what's wrong?" I asked as a look of worry spread across her face.

"What if I can't dance?" she questioned, sniffling as tears filled her eyes.

"What do you mean? You're a great dancer," I smiled, pushing her hair behind her ear.

"Not that, my ankle, it hurts pretty bad, and we only have till Thursday to practice and for it to get better," she frowned, rolling off of me to sit on floor. I moved onto the floor next to her and gestured for her to take my seat. She did, so I grabbed her hands and looked at her.

"You're gonna be ok. We'll go to the pharmacist and get medication, advice, whatever and we can ask Ryan to push filming to Friday," I reassured her, squeezing her hands and smiling.

"Ok...ok, that sounds like a good idea," she started, getting up and accidentally putting pressure on her ankle. "Ow! Shit, I gotta stop doing that!"

"Yeh, you really do, you want help?" I asked, chuckling at her wobbling around on one foot.

"If you wouldn't mind," she smirked, grabbing onto my arm as I walked up to her. Making our way through the office, we finally found Ryan and asked if we could visit the pharmacy for Court. Of course, being the nice guy he is, and the Shourtney shipper he is, he said yes. Slowly making our way to the door, Court threw an arm around my shoulder and pulled my arm around her waist for support. And of course, Ian, being the person he is, made jokes.

"Ooh, where we going? Anywhere nice? An Italian, maybe Chinese, a candle lit French place..." Ian listed, smirking at Courtney and I's glares.

"The pharmacy." Court deadpanned, turning her head back to the door and continuing to hop.

"Oh, not as five star as I'd hoped, but have a nice time," he winked at me. I just flipped him off with my free hand, before grabbing the door handle and getting out of there.

Courtney's POV

Finally at Shayne's car, he opened the passenger door for me and let go of my waist, allowing me to awkwardly sit down and pull the seatbelt over me. Closing my door for me, he slid across the hood of his car, making me laugh, and got into the driver's side.
"Why are you so weird?" I giggled, ruffling his hair as he slid his keys into the ignition.
"I'm not weird, I'm cool," he smirked, pulling a pair of sunglasses out of his pocket and sliding them on.
"Oh my god, my Danny Zuko's here, where's the T-Bird jacket at?" I laughed, sarcastically running a finger down his arm and squeezing his bicep.
"It's at, dun dun dun...Walmart," he said in a deep voice, whipping his glasses of dramatically.
"Oh, well we kinda need the pharmacy, so why don't we get going, Danny," I smiled, flipping my hair over and rubbing my neck.
"If you say so, Sandy," Shayne replied, maintaining the deep voice and smirking at me when my face lit up.
"You know Grease, all I've ever needed in a man," I chuckled, looking at him sweetly, to which he just stepped on the gas and sped out of the parking lot.
Around ten minutes later, we arrived at the pharmacy.
"Wait there," he told me, dropping the accent to my disappointment.
"Where'd the voice go, Zuko?" I questioned.
"It's at Walmart with the jacket," he grinned, opening his door and getting out. He slid across the hood of his car again, and opened my door.
"Well go get it, it makes you slightly more bearable," I grinned, hooking my arm around his shoulder.
"Oh well, I like to annoy you. Now come on, we can't be gone for hours or we'll be under interrogation again," he said smiling, hooking an arm around my waist and walking me to the door.
A little bell tingled as we walked in, a little unusual for a pharmacy I will admit but oh well. (Ik Court used to work at a pharmacy but oh well, also for clarification, I mean somewhere like Boots)
We made our way to the counter, luckily no wait, and a lady with her hair in a tight bun, wearing bright red lipstick and a blue shirt looked up at us and smiled.
"Aww, well you two are certainly cute," she hummed, gesturing to our overall position.
"Excuse me?" I quipped, bemused at her thinking.
"You two are a couple right? If you're not then you darn well should be," she said in a soft southern accent (idk why I just wanted toooo)
"I'm sorry to disappoint but we're just best friends," I chuckled, looking at Shayne for support, who was nodding his head.
"That's what they always say. I'm sorry for intruding, anyways, what can I help you with today?" she questioned, lacing her fingers together and resting them on the counter.
"Well, Janet," Shayne started, reading her name tag. "Courtney here has hurt her ankle, she rolled it an hour or so ago when running."
"Ok, well, do you mind if I have a little look?"
"Of course not," I said. She leaned over the counter and inspected my ankle, then stood up straight and smiled at me.
"Lucky for you, there's no swelling. Now, that means your sprain is a Grade 1 at most, so there's a little bit of minor damage to your ligament, but nothing that can't be solved with a little rest and relaxation. I recommend you keep it elevated for 48 hours, maybe apply some ice for 10-20 minutes at a time and even after that, avoid overusing it," she explained.
"Ok, umm, I have a competition on Thursday, a dance competition at where I work, and I need to participate, this man's bragging rights depends on it," I smiled, pointing at Shayne who just raised an arm in defense.
"It would be better if you could arrange it for Friday, just to give your ankle a little extra time, but you should be fine. And out of curiosity, what are you dancing?" Janet asked, leaning on the counter with her elbows.
"A tango, to the song 'Señorita'," I told her proudly.
"Ooooh, saucy, and a little sensual if I might say," she grinned, winking at me.
"Umm, yeah, I don't know if I'd class it as that," I stuttered, blushing at the thought of Shayne and I dancing 'sensually'.
"Sorry to pry, dear, I'll let you get on your way now, goodbye Courtney, mystery man," she smirked, waving us goodbye as we made our way to the door.
"Nice lady, but she doesn't even know us," Shayne whispered to me as he grabbed the handle.
"I knowww," I whispered back as he guided me out.
Shayne's POV
Back at the office, Courtney was sat on the couch, after we'd peeled a groggy Damien away from it, with her ankle resting on a pillow. I was sat with her, watching the TikToks she was constantly showing me and laughing at them all, some because they were genuinely funny, others were pure cringe. It was around 12:30 and I heard Court's stomach rumble.
"You hungry?" I asked.
"Yeah, really hungry, you?" she replied.
"Yup, I can run to McDonald's for us, I'll make Damien come with me and we can everyone something," I suggested, starting to get up.
"Noooo, stay here, Damien can go with Noah or Keith," she pouted, pulling me back to sit with her.
"You don't want me to leave for once, Court are you ok?" I smirked sarcastically, checking her forehead for a temperature.
"Oh shut up, I was enjoying myself, weren't you?" she smiled sweetly, giving me puppy dog eyes.
"Of course I was. We'll get Games to go, they lost The Jimmy Jabs after all," I smirked, looking towards the sulking Joven.
"Thank youuu, and what a good idea, payback for when they made us buy Starbucks in 95 degree weather," she grinned, catching Wes and Mari's eyes and waving them over. After explaining to the five of them what everybody wants, they left for the nearest McDonald's with the longest order in the history of everything.
"Wanna watch something on my laptop?" I asked Court, sitting back down next to her after grabbing my laptop from the coffee table in front of us.
"Yeh sure, how about...The Jimmy Jabs!" she exclaimed excitedly.
"Yesyesyesyesyesyesyes!" I babbled in reply, immediately opening my laptop and clicking on Netflix. We'd been watching Brooklyn Nine Nine for half an hour and Courtney had her head resting on my chest, my arm around her, tracing my fingers up and down her arm. We were comfortable.
This is what I want. But not as best friends. As more. As a couple.

𝐬𝐞𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐢𝐭𝐚 - 𝐚 𝐝𝐢𝐬𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐮𝐞𝐝 𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐧𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜Where stories live. Discover now