Chapter Diez

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Shayne's POV
Damien and Olivia had us sat in Ian's office, them at Ian's side of the desk and me and Courtney at the other. They'd found a desk lamp and had it pointing at our faces as if we were actually being interrogated.
"Now, what I don't understand, Miss Miller, is why did you feel the need to get drunk alone?" Olivia questioned, leaning over Courtney, to which Court just rolled her eyes.
"I had one drink with my pizza, then that escalated to two, three, four and so on. Next I knew I was waking up to your calls," Courtney said calmly.
"Checks out, for now, but my question is for Mr Topp," Damien stated, taking his place in front of me as Olivia had done with Courtney.
"Ask away, Detective," I joked, thinking if I went along with their act all would be ok.
"Mr Topp, you claimed to have left your phone charger in your car after working out at the gym, yes?" he asked.
"And subsequently your phone died, meaning your alarm did not sound, am I right?"
"Yes, your are correct."
"Well, if I am remembering correctly, sir, you have not one charger," Damien smirked, my heart pounding," but two!"
"Ah hah!" Olivia exclaimed, pointing her finger at me. I glanced over to Courtney, and she seemed unfazed. I was amazed at her acting skills until I realized I was still being 'interrogated'.
"I do have two chargers, or rather, I did." I smiled.
"What's up?" Damien said, tilting his head.
"I left my second charger at my brother's house two weeks ago. Seeing as he lives three hours away, I decided to let him keep it and live with just the one wire!" I grinned, speaking in a sing song tone, pleased at my cover.
"That makes sense, you did go to Chris' house two weeks ago. Damn it! They're telling the truth," Damien sighed, clearly unhappy with this ending.
"She's not out of the clear," Olivia said, earning an offended look from Courtney.
"I beg your pardon, 'Sargent'," Court remarked.
"See, Miss Miller, what you have failed to mention or even notice yourself is the faint red marks on your neck," Olivia smirked, gently moving Courtney's cropped hair at the left side of her neck. My heart stopped.
I kissed her neck gently, leaving small red marks.
I kissed her neck. Left small hickies. And we didn't even think about it. Oh god, we're really in for it, unless Court pulls something together. She holds her neck, stretches a little and scrunches up her face in what I hope is fake pain.
"I fell asleep on the floor, with my head against my couch. Clearly it wasn't good for my neck, cos it hurts, and it's left marks. Ouch," she lied, rubbing her neck.
"Oh, seems legit, I guess," Damien said, standing up straight and backing away from the fake interrogation.
"Whatever, I don't believe it but I think I have a shoot soon and I'm kinda hungry," Olivia smiled, a kind of knowing smile. She exited the room and bounded up to Noah, begging him to buy food for her.
"You are free to go, Miss Miller and Mr Topp, have a nice day," Damien smiled, moving the lamp away from us and leaving the room too.
"Phew, that was a close call," I sighed, leaning back in my chair and turning to face her. All Courtney did was smirk, then hit me in the arm.
"That's for doing that, Shayne," she grinned, pointing to her neck.
"Under the influence of alcohol, Court, I'm very unpredictable," I smiled, pushing her hair back in place in an attempt to hide it.
"And annoying and dumb," she laughed.
"And responsible!" I snapped, grinning at her. All she did was wink, hit me again and dart out of the room. For someone who's hungover, she sure is energetic.
The rest of the day was normal. Whatever normal is in this job. Me and Courtney were in the clear and no one asked anymore questions. So, we're good. Apart from one thing...

Courtney's POV
Everything was fine after Olivia and Damien's little interrogation. We just hung around the office all day after the shoot, which was good for me and Shayne seeing as we were hungover. Big time. I swear I still had alcohol in my blood stream by the time I got home at 4:30. I felt uneasy about walking back into my living room. Seeing Shayne's shirt soaked in twenty different alcohol's, glasses everywhere with red lipstick stains, my heels on my
kitchen counter for some reason and two empty bottles of Vodka, an empty bottle of purple gin and about ten empty bottles of blue WKD. (I just had to get WKD in there, it's a classic lmao)
Well, that's about an hour of cleaning. This first thing I did was fetch Shayne's shirt and try not to drip alcohol all
over my floor. I threw in my washing machine and turned in onto the highest setting, if we want it to smell of not drunkenness. I set about to collecting the glasses and bottles, wiping up the pools of spilled drinks, and air freshening the hell out of my living room. After about an hour, just like I said, of disinfecting my place, I fell down on the couch and closed my eyes.
And then it all came back to me. All of a sudden the memories of what Shayne had told me reappeared. So, I actually did that. Like, real talk. Holy crap. I had no idea what to do, so I found myself absentmindedly scrolling through my contacts until I found him. I opened up our chat and smiled at our last messages. A gif from The Office and him wishing me a goodnight's sleep. He's so sweet, he genuinely cares about me. It's hard to find that in a guy. But most of the men in my life seem to be true gents. I snapped out of my mini daydream and started typing. I didn't know what to say so I just sent this.
Me : Hey
Shayne : What's up
Me : I wanted to apologize
Shayne : For what?
Me : You know what. It was irresponsible and unprofessional of me, and I want you to know I'm truly sorry.
Shayne : Court we've talked about it. It's ok. We were both out of our minds. And we're more than just colleagues, right?
Me : Of course, we friends
Shayne : Best friends. Courtney, nothing like that would ever stop me from caring about you. I will always be here for you no matter what, ok?
Me : Ok
Shayne : Thank you.
Me : What for?
Shayne : Everything.
Me : Thank you for everything too, Shayney
Shayne : Have a good night, and go to sleep early, we don't have work but you need to sleep that 50 gallons of alcohol off!
Me : I know, but same goes for you, I know you need your beauty sleep
Shayne : Very funny, Miller
Me : Also, I'm washing your shirt, I'll drop it at yours tomorrow!
Shayne : Thanks, I like that shirt, it has lemons on it.
Me : You're weird sometimes. But I love it.
Shayne : Awwwwww...I love...
Me : Don't get all mushy with me, Topp
Shayne : Shrekkkk bruh
Me : 😂😂😂
Shayne : Ok, bye Court, sweet dreams
Me : See ya later, Shayne, it's 6:00 so not sweet dreams quite yet, but I'll be sure to have them, you have them too, not that you ever remember them
Shayne : True 😂. Byeeeee
Me : Good night!
Shayne : I get the last word, good night
And with that, our conversation was over. I closed my phone with a smile on my face and jumped up to go raid my fridge. I came back with a bag of Doritos and spicy salsa, my fridge and cupboards were almost empty after Shayne and I had devoured all of my food. I settled down and watched The Office, thinking again about what a wild ride the last two days have been. But, did it all mean something. Too soon to tell, right?

Oh. My. Fuckin. God. This story just hit 1.02k reads. That's incredibly impossible. Thank you everyone for reading, voting and commenting, it really does mean a lot. Special shoutouts go to... Feoill -TELEPHANTASM- bellishipper4567 Stpnascar92 and motherfuckinteasis for your continual support. Your comments make me smile, and isn't that what it's really about? Cliché I know, but oh well. And I am aware that WKD isn't sold in the US, as far as I know, so for anyone who is American or who isn't educated, WKD is an alcopop that is unhealthily bright coloured so 90% food dye or chemicals, 5% fizzy pop and probably less than 3% alcohol. It's a kinda chav thing to drink here in Yorkshire, and it's mainly drunken by 14 year olds who think they're hard, or my almost 20 year old cousin who now lives in London and attends a uni for makeup! Google my dialect if you don't get it! Thank you again, love you allll! Peace out suckers!
Kitty x

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