Chapter Catorce

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Shayne's POV

Courtney had put up with my crying for an hour and a half. We had just sat on the couch, me crying silently, her comforting me, us talking and her crying softly too.

"What do we get ourselves into?" I chuckled, wiping tears from my eyes and sniffing.

"I don't know, I really don't know," Courtney smiled, shuffling over to sit next to me,"Wanna watch a movie?"

"Don't we need to choreograph?" I replied.

"No, there's no way I'm letting you dance right now. You need relaxation, you need Netflix," she insisted, leaning to my coffee table to grab the TV remote.

"Fine, what are we gonna watch?" I asked, trying to decide on a movie we'd both like.

"How about 50 First Dates?" she suggested, opening up Netflix.

"Du-dunnnnnn," I shouted, mimicking my TV and making Court jump, then laugh.

"You scared me, Shayne...but, what about 50 First Dates?" she repeated, turning to face me.

"Nah, not feeling rom-com-like tonight," I smiled, grabbing the TV remote from her and starting to scroll through comedies.

" Adam Sandler's ok, right?" she questioned, to which I just nodded, "Right...Bedtime Stories?"


"Billy Madison?"

"Funny, but nope!"


"Noooooo" I sighed, throwing my head back in defeat.

"What then?" she asked, pulling my head down to look at her.

"Can we just watch a TV show?" I asked, smiling lightly, and probably disgustingly, as she squished my face.

"Yes...oh, I know!" Courtney exclaimed, her face lighting up as she snatched the remote from me and began typing something into the search bar.

"Would you care to tell me? I like knowing what I'm getting into," I joked, watching as she sifted through the results of 'Bro', the only thing she typed, until she landed upon a show called-

"Brooklyn Nine Nine!" she basically yelled, selecting the TV show.
"Oh, that cop show you're always talking about," I smiled, remembering many a conversation ending up in Courtney telling me about this show.
"Yessss, it's so good, and I feel like our squad is similar to their squad, in ways," she breathed, calming herself down. I placed a hand on her shoulder, and gently shook her.
"You need to calm down, but in what ways are we similar?" I questioned.
"Well, the main character is Jake. He's dumb but smart, always making movie references and doing impressions, cracking the best jokes and so on. That's you," Courtney explained, pointing a finger at me and smirking.
"Okkkk, that's sweet...go on," I let her continue.
"Jake's best friend is Charles. He's such a foodie and sometimes when he talks, it comes out oddly sexual and everyone else but him hears it, he's Damien," she babbled, clearly very happy to talk about her favorite show.
"Oh yeah, I see that, what about you?" I questioned, shuffling slightly closer.
"I consider myself to be Amy. She's smart, that part isn't me, and she's super OCD. She also has a "secret" smoking addiction," she described, to which I opened my eyes widely and grabbed fistfuls of my hair in surprise.
"One, you are smart you dumbass, and two, you have a secret smoking addiction?!" I joked, pulling my head around in fake confusion.
"No, ya silly goose, but I am addicted to other things," she smirked, a light shade of rouge tinting her cheeks.
"Like this show?" I smiled, looking from the screen then back to her.
"Uh huh..." she mumbled.
"We better binge it then!" I grinned, pulling the remote from her hand and quickly pressing play.

Courtney's POV
We took the meaning of binge to a whole new level. I had fallen asleep on Shayne's chest, my arms wrapped around his torso, hugging close to him. Wow Court, well done. He had his arm wrapped around waist in attempt to keep me in place. Awww, did he want me to be there?
Anyways, I woke up after hearing the Brooklyn Nine Nine theme tune blaring out.
"Oh shit, sorry Court, I didn't know you were asleep," Shayne apologized, quickly turning it down and pausing it.
"It's ok, what time is it?" I smiled up at him, watching him look down to the hand wrapped around me and check his watch.
"Fuck, we did it again!" he exclaimed, shooting up right and letting go of me. I sat up too, and tilted my head in confusion.
"Court it's 2 in the morning..." he sighed, throwing his head back. For some reason, I think I saw a slight smile on his face. I grinned a little too, before coughing to clear my throat and glancing at the TV.
Season Six, Ep 18 : The Suicide Squad
"Crap, we binged it all, this is the last episode available on Netflix..." I groaned, rubbing my eyes, only to feel sleepier.
"Would it be bad of me to ask to finish the episode?" Shayne asked, rubbing the back of his neck nervously.
"You're obsessed, aren't you," I smiled, grabbing the remote.
"Yes...I very much am," Shayne grinned, repositioning himself.
"Welcome to my world," I smirked, pressing play and falling into place, head on his shoulder.

20 Minutes Later ~ Cos I Can!

The episode had ended and Shayne turned his TV off with a huge, over-dramatic sigh.
"That's it, season seven isn't on Netflix?" he asked, looking sad and pouting.
"Cheer up, you can get it on things like TVZion," I suggested, sitting up and stretching my arms out.
"Okkkkk," he sulked, before talking again," Um, Court?"
"Yeah," I answered, running a hand through my hair.
"I couldn't help but notice, Jake and Amy end up together..." he trailed off, not making eye contact.
"I've watched and rewatched this a million times, I noticed too, your point?" I joked.
"You said we'd be Jake and Amy. Does that mean you think we'll end up...together?" he questioned nervously, making eye contact for barely half a second before averting his gaze.
"What? Wait, I don't know..." I trailed off, realizing that maybe I do want us to be together.
"I don't mean to pressure you, it's just me overthinking things," Shayne chuckled.
"Ok, that's fine, we're cool," I breathed, still trying to process what he said and what I'm thinking.
"I think it's best if we sleep now, we've got choreographing and dancing and a song to pick when we wake up," he listed, taking my hand and pulling me up.
"I didn't bring anything to change into, can I wear something of yours?" I asked, timidly.
"Of course, you can wear a hoodie and some gym shorts or something, clean of course, I'm not that evil," he smiled, moving aside to let me into his bedroom and gesturing to his wardrobe.
"Thanks," I murmured, feeling drowsiness over take me. I fumbled with the door of the wardrobe until Shayne walked up to me and just pushed the door, to which it popped open. He smiled at me and started to take his shirt off, fetching a pair of trackies to wear. I pulled a hoodie out and quickly put it on. From underneath my sweater, I unhooked my bra and pulled it off, yanking it out of the sleeve and deciding to leave my spaghetti strap vest on. I dashed out to the dark living room and placed my bra down with my bag. Nervously running back, I launched myself onto Shayne's bed. I looked at him and smiled as he pulled the covers up from underneath me. We both started laughing.
"How do we get ourselves into these messes?" Shayne chuckled, pulling the duvet up to cover his bare torso.
"I have no idea," I smirked.
"Well, good night Court," he smiled, looking at me with the cutest eyes.
"Good night, Shayne," I slurred, feeling my eyelids close and all common sense fly out the window," I love you."

Shayne's POV
I gasped quietly. She said she loves me. Does she mean it like a brother? Like a friend? Like...more than that? I don't know, so I did the only thing I could do.
"I love you too," I whispered. She clasped my hand, closing her eyes and drifting off. I closed my eyes too, content, all thoughts about my father drifting to the back of my head. And then, a fresh batch of thoughts attacked my brain.
Does she love you like that? Why the hell did you ask about Jake and Amy? Do you want to be with her? What do you do? Why didn't you put a goddamn shirt on?
Thoughts like that swirled through my mind, preventing me from sleep. You've gotten yourself into deep doo doo Shayne Topp, you really have...

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