Chapter Once

548 10 16

Courtney's POV
I decided to go to sleep early and wake up naturally, so sleep in to whatever time I want. When I eventually fell
out of dream world, it was 1:30pm. I was under my covers in fluffy pajamas with a glass of milk and a glass of water on my bedside table. I felt a buzz on my stomach and I looked down to see my phone laying there, gently rising up and down with my breaths. I open my phone to see what I was doing on it before I fell asleep. Turns out, I was looking through Shayne's Instagram. Weird. I have no idea why, I just...was? Anyways, I noticed the notification was a message from Olivia.
Liv : Hi Court, just wondering how you're getting on with your hangover. And if you maybe wanna hang out later? Only if you're free of course!
Me : Hi Liv, I'm doing good, just woke up. I might be free, but I need to drop Shayne's shirt off at his place and maybe I'll stay for a while, brainstorm for the dance, I dunno. I'll text you if I'm free!
I saw a green bar slide across the screen, stop almost at the end and...done! Sent! Wait. I just told Olivia about his shirt. Holy crap! Fuck! Delete. Delete. Please god just don't read it. I tried deleting with my fumbling fingers, but...too late. Seen.
Liv : Shayne's shirt? Why do you have Shayne's shirt? Maybe his hoodie, but shirt? I'm confused, did you two lie about something?
Me : Jeez, Liv. So many questions, chill out.
Liv : Answer and I will
Me : Ok. God. So, when we had that squad sleepover last month, Shayne changed from his jeans and shirt to trackies and a hoodie. He lost his shirt, I found it again, so I'm going to give it to him!
Liv : Ok, ok. But why not give it to him yesterday?
Me : I only found it when I got home yesterday, I was tidying my place seeing as I trashed it Thursday night
Liv : Fair enough, but I still don't believe your bogus "I slept funny, these ain't no hickies, my neck's just cranked"!
Me : That's the truth, Liv, just drop it
Liv : Finesies!
Me : How can you be Miss Sherlock one minute and Bubbles from the Powerpuff Girls the next?
Liv : Cos I'm talented!
Me : Well, ok...see ya later Liv Liv!
Liv : See ya later, Court Bourt!
I closed my phone and breathed a huge sigh of relief. Close one, Courtney. If you want the incident to stay a secret, don't be an idiot and let things slip. This is going to stay a secret, for the sake of Shayne and I's friendship and for the sake of our jobs. We'll be fine. But now, I need to actually get out of bed before my entire day is wasted.
I hopped out of bed and skipped to my kitchen, pulling out a bowl and a cereal box. I spent the next hour finishing my breakfast, watching Brooklyn Nine Nine (I know she likes the office but I just had to, I absolutely stan b99), and getting ready for the day. I grabbed Shayne's shirt out of my dryer and threw it on over my white spaghetti strap top. Grabbing my keys and my phone, I quickly texted Shayne to let him know I'm on my way and to stop wanking. Surprisingly he just said 'yes miss miller' and I could literally hear him saying it in Jordan Schwartz's voice, the most annoying kid ever. I was stuck in traffic, of course, so I decided to hit shuffle on my Spotify playlist and the perfect song came on.
Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello.
"Bingpot!" I literally shouted out loud. I was gonna say bingo but then I switched to jackpot and oh my god I'm stupid. Finally getting out of the typical LA traffic, I sped down the block to Shayne's place, leapt out of my car and ran to his doorstep. I knocked so quickly it sounded kinda like Mr. Krab's footsteps in Spongebob.
"Jesus, chill out, I'm coming, just putting my dick away," I heard Shayne say," I hear your eyes rolling, Miller."
"What? How do you know it's me?" I smiled, as he purposely took hours to unlock his door. When he finally appeared from behind it, he just burst out laughing. I did too, gripping onto the door frame and lightly slapping Shayne's arm.
"I knew it was you cos no one knocks like Mr. Krabs apart from you!" he wheezed.
"That's exactly what I thought!" I giggled, pushing him aside and walking into his apartment, plopping down on the couch.
"Invite yourself in I guess," Shayne smirked, sitting down next to me and tugging on the sleeve of his shirt, the one I was wearing.
"Oh yeh, here you go, it doesn't smell like vodka anymore, just like my detergent and my body spray," I said, pulling it off and handing it to him. He took it, sniffed it and then started unbuttoning the shirt he was currently wearing.
"Woah woah woah, sailor, we're not drunk anymore," I giggled, covering my eyes with my hands, but parting my fingers so I could see.
"I told you I like this shirt. I like lemons. It has lemons on it, simples!" Shayne replied, pulling off his current shirt and sarcastically putting on the lemon one slowly.
"You're weird. And going slow on purpose, come on!" I smiled, leaning over, swatting his hands away from the buttons and swiftly doing them up myself. When I finished, I patted the pocket lightly and leant back. He was blushing lightly, and that made me
blush. Why? Why does this keep happening? Wanting to change the subject, of my own thought, I tilted my head at him, realizing something.
"Why do you like lemons so much?" I asked, to which he smiled, broadly.
"Because. When life gives you lemons...yeet them back in life's face and yell 'I ain't no peasant, I don't make my own lemonade, do it for me and get a grip bozo!'" Shayne smiled, impersonating Keith with his last quote.
"What the hell goes through your mind on a daily basis for you to come up with that load of bull crap?" I laughed, running a hand through my hair.
"Me no technicalilay hath an brain, just a old cassettitty tape up there!" he smiled, tugging his own hair and pulling his head around wildly.
"You weirdo. But I have a question for you, Professor," I smirked, raising my hand.
"Ask away, Miss Miller,"
"I've always wondered why lemonade is a drink and first aid is for the injured. Like, what if a thirsty person gets injured? Do you give them first aid first and then lemonade? Or lemonade first and then second aid?" I smiled, making my voice noticeably higher and dumber, kinda baby-ish. All I got was a stare from Shayne.
"Lemonade," I giggled, causing Shayne to face palm.
"Did you just quote Cat from Victorious?" Shayne questioned, smiling and already knowing the answer.
"Mmhh!" I nodded.
"That show's for 11 year olds, and we're only 5, we're too young for this confusing lemonade, first aid hubbub hullabaloo blue skaboo where are you?" Shayne laughed.
"Hoooo hoooooo!" I yelled, causing both Shayne and I to basically collapse on each other out of laughter. After what I'm pretty sure was a solid five minutes, we finally calmed down. Shayne was sat cross legged and I had my legs over his. I had my head lent on his shoulder and I was poking his face, to which he just let me.
"What did I do to deserve you?" I asked, looking up slightly and smiling.
"You were you, Court," he smiled back at me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and squeezing. I blushed, again, furiously turning as red as Mr Krabs. Brushing it off, we sat there for a few minutes, just in each other's company until I remembered my spectacular discovery.
"Señorita!" I yelled, instantly sitting up and pushing myself to face Shayne, keeping my legs on his lap.
"What?" he asked. I then went on to describe my ideas. All he did was nod and smile, and when I finished explaining, he pulled me into a tight hug.
"You're brilliant, Miller!" he smiled, pulling away, still lightly gripping onto my shoulders.
"I know I am, Topp, I know I am," I smirked, patting his hand and probably blushing again. Now, it's time for planning.

Yes I love Brooklyn Nine Nine. It's the other half of my heart and soul. Smosh belongs to the first half. Also, here's my opinion. Damien is Charles, Shayne is Jake (duh), Courtney is Amy (duh), Tommy is Gina (unpopular opinion but just think about it) and Olivia is I don't even know, I have no one else. I know there's Terry, Rosa, Holt, Hitchcock and Scully and more but I don't know who exactly they'd be. If you have any, feel free to comment. I'M NOT CRAZY! Also if you have no clue what I'm on about, just go watch this amazing series on Netflix, please, it's the perfect time, we have nothing else to do! More Brooklyn Nine Nine references to come. Thanks for reading, keep commenting and voting, it means a lot. Peace out suckers!
Kitty x

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