Chapter Veintitres

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Shayne's POV

I heard hustle and bustle from the other room, heard lots of voices, groans and complaints, the taps being turned on, aspirin being handed out, Damien and Kimmy being smitten about staying sober etc etc. And I felt arms around my midsection. So, I opened my eyes and glanced around me. Courtney was still asleep, her hair over her face. I could feel her chest rising and falling with her breath.

And all of a sudden, Damien was at the door, smirking at me.

"I see lover boy's finally awake," he smiled, wandering in slowly, holding his hands behind his back.

"Lover boy? Not a big fan of that," I chuckled, pushing myself up slightly, the snoozing Courtney then readjusting herself on me.

"But you are a lover boy, or don't you remember the forehead smooches?" he quipped, speaking in a sarcastic and playful tone.

"So you were the one watching me. I felt it, you know, felt your eyes on me," I sighed, running a hand through my hair.

"I know what you mean. But, I have just one question for you : why the forehead smooch in the first place?" he asked, sitting down on a chair he'd somehow pulled up opposite me without me noticing.

"I don't know, Damien, I was drunk, I didn't have complete control over my mind," I lied, knowing for a fact I barely had two bottles of beer.

"Liar! You barely had two bottles of beer, you even told Courtney to be careful and said that Mari won't remember because she's quote unquote 'drunk'!" he fired at me, pointing an accusatory finger at me but maintaining that playful smirk pulling at his lips.

"What? Were you eavesdropping on our conversation? Rude, I feel violated," I joked, holding a hand to my chest as if offended.

"We were in the same room and the girls were pissed, I could hear their every word," he deadpanned. I agreed, nodding and looking out through the door behind him.

"So, what's everyone doing know?" I asked.

"Don't try to change the subject you son of a goose! What was that little 'accident' you mentioned, or 'attempt' as Courtney called it?" he questioned, gesturing to Court. And as if on cue, she sat up and stretched, then replied to Damien, somehow aware of the current conversation despite being asleep.

"None of your damn business, Damien, now if you don't mind, I'd like to live my life freely," she smiled, ruffling my hair, then walking round to ruffle Damien's, then waltzing out the door. I just took a deep breath and tried not to let my feelings overpower my mind.

"Ok, now that she's gone, what has gone down between you two, you've been nonstop flirting," he rolled his eyes, slamming his hands down on his knees dramatically. He wasn't wrong, nonstop flirting, but I wasn't spilling anything so I stood up and walked right next to him.

"Like she said, none of your damn business," I smirked, slapping his cheek gently.

"Come on, man, tell me the truth, I know you like her," he pleaded.

"None of your businessss," I whispered, wiggling my fingers at his face as I slid my feet backwards, allowing me to leave the room.

Phew, close call there, Shayne. That can NOT happen again.

I wanted to tell him the truth, that I do feel something for Courtney, a lot of things, but what if he lets it slip and she finds out. What if she doesn't like me back? That's why I can't risk it, not right now at least. And yes, she came onto me. But she was very drunk, and missing having someone there, she'd said that to me at some point that night, and I was the only one there, who else was she gonna go for?

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