Chapter Doce

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Shayne's POV
"That's such a good song, how'd you come up with it?" I asked Courtney.
"Funny story, I was driving, LA traffic, hit shuffle, it came on, mind blown!" Court smiled, clearly proud of herself.
"Such a hilarious story, I'm dying of laughter, lmao," I remarked, keeping a straight face.
"Shut up, Señorita is perfect for our dance!" she sighed, clasping her hands together.
"It's great, but why is it perfect?" I questioned, thinking about the lyrics and what the song is actually about.
"Well, we're dancing a tango right? Señorita is clearly influenced by Spanish or Hispanic or Latinx music, I'm not too sure, but tango and salsa come from that culture, I think. And it's a good song, full of emotion, so it should be easy to choreograph to," Courtney explained.
"Yeh, so it is the perfect song. Should we start thinking about what we're actually gonna do, and consider the fact that I'm as white as it gets and have no rhythm or dance ability," I smiled, running my hand through my hair.
"You can dance. You just haven't channeled the passion yet. Like you've said before, you only ever dance comedically, this is your chance, Shayne, take it," Court smiled, taking my hand and rubbing her thumb along my knuckles.
"You really think I'd be able to dance?" I asked, looking down at our hands.
"Of course I do. You're so talented, a great actor, you can play guitar, you're so funny, there's no way you won't be able to do this. I believe in you," she said, lifting my face up to meet her gaze. I was lost in her eyes, as cliché as it sounds, and all common sense flew out of the window. Nothing happened, but my heart kept telling me it wanted something to. Why do I keep feeling like this? Does Courtney get this feeling too? Apparently so, seeing as she's blushing as bright as a tomato.
"Thank you, but I don't think so. I'm not even that good at guitar, I just have one and occasionally play it," I sighed, resorting back to self hate.
"Are you kidding me? You played a song for me last month and it sounded amazing, and so did your voice, you never sing for anyone else and you really should do," Courtney said, running a hand through her hair and squeezing my hand a little.
"I don't sing for anyone else because I don't believe in myself enough. At least I know you won't make fun of me or laugh, and I know no one like Damien or Olivia or anyone would, but I just can't do it, I choke and resort to comedic singing and just pretending,"
I responded, recalling all the times I could've been brave and sung, but didn't.
"Shayne Robert Topp, I will not sit here and listen to you discourage and bully yourself. You're sooooo talented, you just need to realize it. So, in two weeks, you and I are going to perform a song for the Smoffice," she decided.
"Ahwhatnowhuh!" I blurted.
"Over the next two weeks," Court started, getting up and wandering to my room," you and I will learn a song, we'll both learn the words and you'll learn it on your guitar and maybe, if you pick a good song, I'll learn it on my keyboard," she smiled, handing me my guitar as I entered my bedroom behind her.
"Uh, one, that's an easy job for you because you have an amazing voice and you can learn to play anything on your keyboard. Two, I have the hard job, I'm a terrible singer and my guitar skills are rusty. Face it, I'm not very talented," I sighed, plopping down on my bed. All Courtney did was take the guitar from me, place it down on the floor, pull me up and walk me to my mirror.
"What do you see?" she asked, hand on my shoulder, pointing at my reflection.
"Shayne. I see Shayne." I replied simply.
"There's the thing. I see more. I see an incredible man who doesn't believe in himself but has every reason to be proud. I see a man with many talents but who's scared to show people, scared of society and other people's opinions," she said.
"Is that all?" I questioned, seeing something deeper in her eyes. She moved to stand in front of me and look me straight in the eyes.
"I see my best friend. My amazing best friend who I wouldn't trade for the world. And it kills me inside to see him doubting himself and his talents. You can do this, Shayne. I'll do it with you. I'll do everything with you, I promise." she vowed, placing her hands on my shoulders and tilting her head.
"You're the best," I sniffed, pulling her in for a hug. Court hugged me back tight.
"No, you are," she whispered into my neck. I felt the tears trail down my face. As I pulled away, I saw Courtney's eyes watering. We just smiled at each other and giggled.
"Shit just got real," I laughed, taking her hand and leading her back to my couch.
"It did, but I meant every word of it, Topp," she smiled, sitting down next to me and pulling my arm around her.
"So did I, Miller, I really did," I smiled back, letting her play with my fingers.
"We're definitely doing the dance and definitely performing a song so don't think that just because I was nice to you, you can get out of it, cos I'm making you face your fears," she giggled, looking up at me.
"Ok, as long as you're there with me, just like you said," I smirked.
"Always. Promise?" she asked, holding out her pinky, to which I willingly held out mine.
"Always. Promise." I said, squeezing her finger with mine. We sat there for what felt like hours but in reality was just ten minutes, her head on my shoulder and my head resting on her's. I still had my arm wrapped around her shoulder, and she was still playing with my fingers. I wanted to stay like that forever, it just felt...right.
All of a sudden, we were broken out of our trance by Courtney's phone ringing. She leant over to my coffee table and picked up her phone.
"It's Olivia," she smiled, clicking answer to the FaceTime.
"Hey Court!" Olivia waved.
"Hey Liv," Courtney waved back, falling back into place next to me and grabbing a hold of my hand again.
"So, you're with Shayne, I see," she smirked, narrowing her eyes at me through the camera.
"Yes, we're at his place brainstorming for the dance," Courtney replied, propping her phone up against a pile of books on my table.
"Yeah, Court's found the perfect song for us," I said.
"And what song is that?" she asked, tilting her head and clearly staring at our hands.
"It's a secret, you'll see when we perform," Court answered, smiling widely at Olivia's look of disappointment.
"That's not fair, I need time to dissect it, understand why you picked it and learn the lyrics," Olivia listed, raising a finger at each 'task'.
"You'll know the song, everyone will, it's popular," I assured her.
"Can I guess?" Liv questioned.
"Sure," Courtney and I said.
"Ummm...lemme think, errr, ok...Señorita by Shawn Mendes and Camilla Cabello," she smiled, watching both mine and Courtney's jaw drop.
"What! How the- oh my god! How?" I stuttered, pulling a face.
" defines the two of you perfectly." she smirked.
"How?" Courtney asked, getting a little annoyed at Olivia's persistence.
"How? How not? One, it's perfect for a tango.'re in love, even if you won't admit it, and you keep going back to each other, you can't resist each other. And in the wise words of Camilla and Shawn, friends don't know the way you taste!" Olivia babbled, earning an eye roll from me and an unimpressed look from Court.
"Excuse me. Nothing has happened like that between Shayne and I," Courtney sighed. I just smiled and remembered Thursday and immediately thought I'd tease her.
"Well..." I mumbled. Courtney stomps her foot down on my toe very hard.
"Nothing off camera," she clarified through gritted teeth. I just smirked.
"Ok, well, I best be going, seeing as you're busy all today and tomorrow!" Olivia said.
"What? Who said I'm busy all day and tomorrow?" Courtney asked.
"You're at Shayne's, happy and comfortable with him," she smiled, gesturing to me," there's no way you're leaving until at least 3pm tomorrow!"
"Uh, that is not true, I can leave whenever I want to," Courtney said assertively.
"Leave now, then," Olivia giggled.
"I don't want to," Courtney pouted, letting go of my hand and folding her arms.
"Point proven, goodbye Court, Shayne. Have a good night, don't bang, or do, I wouldn't mind!" she smirked.
"Goodbye, Liv," I waved, surprisingly amused at her comment.
"Yeah, see ya," Courtney basically growled.
"Byeeeee," Olivia signed off, in a sing song voice, ending the call.
"She needs to drop it, or she's a dead girl," Courtney grumbled, relaxing into my arm.
"Why are you so bothered by what Olivia thinks?" I asked, securing my grip around her by grabbing her hand.
"I could say the same for you with Noah, or Damien," she replied, sternly.
"I honestly don't know why it bothers
me, it just does, you know?" I replied, letting my head fall back onto the back of the couch.
"Yeah, I don't know either it just gets on my nerves, like why can't I hang out with my best friend without Olivia going crazy?" Court said, letting her head fall back onto my arm.
"She's shipped us for so long she just wants to see it happen," I sighed, looking down at her nestled into the crook of my arm.
"I can see that," she replied," Why don't we (hehe if u know u know) just drop it? Hang out like normal people!"
"Well, there's just one thing wrong there, Court," I smiled.
"What's that?"
"We are nowhere near normal," I chuckled. Courtney threw her head back against my arm, laughing at my joke. I love when she laughs at my jokes. I love her laugh...I...I love her.
I love Courtney...?

Spicy! Also, any Why Don't We fans? I think their music is pretty cool, if a little cliché but I'm writing a fan fiction, I live in Cliché City bitchhhh! Thanks for reading, show support? Peace out suckers!
Kitty x

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