Chapter Dieciséis

505 14 9

Courtney's POV

It's Monday morning. I'm getting ready for work. Ready for the fourth competition. But, mainly, ready for him. I like Shayne. A-fucking-lot. It's not something I'm gonna get over anytime soon, so I may as well learn to embrace it, I guess.

I drove myself home from Shayne's yesterday, after finishing choreographing our dance and having a 20 minute argument about whether or not Shayne was gonna drive me home. I can't even remember who won, but I had to do it myself anyways, I couldn't just leave my car at his place. That was at around 7:30pm. I finally went to sleep at 11:30pm after binge reading a fan fic. A Shourtney fan fic. Oh great, I ship it myself now. Fucking hell there's a lot of those things floating around the interwebs. Not just stories, but compilations, edits, entire accounts, and, my god, conspiracies. These fans really are committed.

Anyways, I was getting ready. I decided to wear denim shorts, more like short shorts, and my Harley Quinn sports bra, paired with a really baggy white tank top. Holy crap, it almost covers my shorts. Where the hell did I get this?

Oh...Shayne. He must of left it here when we had a squad sleepover. You'll hear the story later, when I have to explain it ten times over to Olivia, Noah, Damien, Ian and the entire office. Yay.

Grabbing my car keys, apartment keys, phone and laptop, I shoved them into my black backpack and jogged out of the door. Well done me. Not late for once, but not early either. I decided to stop at Starbucks on the way to the Smoffice and buy the squad drinks, as a treat. I queued for 20 minutes, including waiting for the drinks to be made, so not too bad, but it is 8:00am on Monday. Racing back to my car, balancing my own drink precariously in the middle of the four tray I was holding, I fumbled with my car keys.

About five minutes later, I arrived at the office, strutting into the squad room with confidence to see all four of them there. Shayne was sat on a beanbag, clutching his Nintendo Switch, probably playing Animal Crossing. Noah and Olivia were slumped on the couch, showing each other things on their phones and laughing. Keith was wearing his airpods, dancing in the middle of the room, to no one's surprise. I placed the drinks on the table and looked around at the office. Things looked weird; furniture pushed up to the outskirts of the room and black and yellow tape on the floor creating a pathway. Curious. I assumed it was for the competition and brushed it off, throwing my backpack onto the beanbag next to Shayne's, my keys clanking together inside and making him jump.

"Hello there," I smiled as he turned around to smile back at me.

"Morning, what've you got there?" he questioned, intrigued, peering behind me. I just stood in the way of the drinks and folded my arms over my chest.
"Starbucks," I replied sweetly, grabbing my drink without looking and taking a sip, loudly.
"Any for us?" Olivia asked, hopping of the couch, pulling Noah with her.
"No. All five grande drinks are for me," I joked, turning round and picking Olivia's drink up.
"Iced Peach Green Tea Lemonade for Liv," I recited, holding out the freezing beverage to her and retrieving the next one.
"Thanks Court!" Liv beamed, taking a huge sip and sighing dreamily.
"Mocha Frappuccino for Noah's basic ass," I smirked, handing him his burning hot cup as he rolled his eyes at me.
"Chocolate, sugar, a dash of coffee, a little cream, what's not to like?" Noah defended himself, foolishly taking a sip and scolding his tongue.
"Ha, that's what basic bitches get," I smiled, picking up the next drink. "An Iced Caramel Cloud Macchiato for Shayne."
"Thank you!" he chirped, taking the condensation covered cup gently and crossing his eyes as he took a sip. "So good!" he murmured in a relieved but sarcastic sort of tone, like he needed a coffee. I just smirked at his antics, turning to the last two drinks.
"Dragonfruit Refresher for meeeee and a Caramel Frappuccino for Keith," I finished, waiting for Keith to take the beverage from me. Thirty seconds passed and the cold cup was still chilling my hand.
"Keith...Keith, KEITH!" I yelled, causing Olivia to jump, Shayne to flinch and Keith's AirPods to straight up fall out of his ears.
"Oh my lord...that fucking scared me, what is it?" he quipped, wandering over to the four of us sipping our drinks and staring at him.
"Oh, my Starbucks, thanks Court," Keith blushed, taking the drink from me and cupping it with both hands shyly, playing of course.
"How much did this cost?" Shayne asked, looking around at each beverage. I could see the cogs turning in his head, trying to work out how much I spent.
"Time for the next round...How Much In The World Money Is It Does It Cost?" Damien smiled, waving his arms and showing off his new merch, wandering in through the doorway. His jaw dropped at the sight of our Starbucks Convention.
"You didn't get me one..." he frowned, looking at the empty drinks tray and pouting.
"I'm sorry, Damimen, we can order you one?" I suggested.
"I'm not bothered actually, I just chugged a can of sugar free Red Bull in anticipation of the next competition and I'm HYPED babyyyy!" he chuckled, becoming jittery and hopping from one foot to the other.
"Jesus, me now," Shayne sighed, looking up at the roof.
"Oh, what did I come in here for...oh yeah! Meeting in Ian's office...right nowwwww!" Damien sung, kicking his leg and flourishing jazz hands.
"This is gonna be a long few hours," I smiled, earning a nod from Shayne. We walked down to Ian's office, Damien in front sauntering around like a crackhead, Keith slightly behind him, dancing his way down the corridor too, Noah and Olivia next, laughing at the weirdos and Shayne and I at the back, just observing them in their natural habitat. As soon as we reached the office, Smosh Games rounded the corner from their room and waved at us, Joven looking seriously concerned for Damien's health. Taking our seats, Ian coughed to calm us down.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the dance battle is fast approaching, but we have another competition to do yet," Ian began, passing to Tommy.
"We've got a little left to do, a small thing at best," he smiled.
"A small thing at best, title of your sex tape...what!" Shayne and I said in unison, high-fiving and giggling.
"Ok? Well, competition four occurs today, the most creative by far, and probably the most complicated," Sarah continued.
"With Smosh Games at 2 wins, and Smosh Pit at 1, if Pit doesn't step the fuck up and emerge victorious this round, the dance battle will be pointless," Matt smiled, staring at the squad and I.
"But, that aside, competition four will commence in one hour, titled...The Jimmy Jabs!" Ian announced.
"YESSSSS!" Shayne and I roared. I jumped up and down ecstatically, hitting Shayne's arm way to enthusiastically. Everyone else just stared at us while we celebrated, laughing and looking weirded out.
"It's here...finally..." I breathed, facing Shayne and grabbing his hands. "Nine Nine?"
"Nine Nine!" he yelled, shaking my hands. The Jimmy Jabs. Our own. Hell yeah, we're gonna win this thing.

I told y'all more Brooklyn Nine Nine! And here it is. Also sorry for focusing on Starbucks so much, I literally don't know what happened but I spent thirty minutes researching Starbucks drinks sooo, we're going with it! And...thank you so much for just over 2k reads! That's so freaking many! And for 1k I'm Just Tell Me! It seriously means so much! Thank you again, I hope you enjoyed reading this, if you did comment or vote ya know, maybe give me a cheeky follow? God do I sound like a YouTuber 😂. Anyways, peace out suckers!
Kitty x

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