Chapter Veintidos

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Shayne's POV

Currently, I'm having the time of my life.

It's around 3 in the morning, so it's Wednesday, we have nine hours until we can leave and everyone seems to be calming after a crazy hour and a half.

That 90 minutes was filled with junk food, one-legged Just Dance, arm wrestles and drinking games. Courtney lost every one of the drinking games, and I won, so I only had to down half a bottle of beer, meanwhile Court's had about six. Joven and Lasercorn did shots and immediately regretted it, Kimmy and Damien are sober and making out, Keith and Noah are drunk and were arguing, Olivia is passed out on the floor and Ian challenged Matt to a Mario Kart duel. So, almost everyone is pissed. But I wouldn't change it for the world.

Wobbling around, Courtney stood up and started making her way towards the restrooms clutching a makeup bag. Before she could leave, I called her and asked where she was going.

"To take a shit, and take my makeup off, not that its any of your business," Courtney slurred, pointing at where she thought I was sat, actually pointing at the sleeping Flitz on the floor.
"It is my business, considering you're drunk, we don't want anymore accidents," I smirked, walking up to her and tickling her side.
"Heyyy, I thought we said we'd keep my little attempt a secrettt, no one can knowww," she whisper-shouted, pointing at me again and wiggling her finger.
"Keep what a secret?" Mari mumbled, her eyebrows knitted together in confusion as she leant back against a table with a bottle of beer in hand.
"Nothing," I smiled, taking the bottle off of her and drinking the last few drops myself.
"Ok!" she chirped, wandering off to go sit with a very drunk Joven.
"That was easy," Courtney giggled, steadying herself by placing a hand on my shoulder.
"She's drunk, she won't remember this. Now, you go do what you need to do, but be careful," I warned her, clasping onto her hands as she started to walk away, her ankle apparently feeling better as she was putting some amount of pressure on it.
"Don't worry, Shayney, I'll be fine," she grinned, looking at me with bright eyes and squeezing my hands before dropping them and wandering away. We're in the Smoffice so I have no idea why I'm worrying, but I can't help it. I only realized I had this feeling for her a few days ago, a week at most, and I'm already losing control.

Take the hot pepper kiss for example. Absolutely disgusting. Painfully spicy. Took the both of us about an hour to recover from that fucking habanero mess. But I liked it. Cos it was with Courtney. God, I'm pining already.

I was broken out of my thoughts by Courtney stumbling back, her hair tied up and makeup off. She's so beautiful. She doesn't give herself enough credit, not that you get credit for looking good. But she puts herself down too much about little things, things that are either quirky or cute. Lost in my own head again, thoughts swirling in and out, Court poked me in the ribs.

"You're staring," Courtney smiled, sobering up a little.
"Sorry," I chuckled, shrugging my shoulders and blushing lightly in embarrassment.
"Don't beeee, it's not like you're a perv, right?" she giggled, resorting to slurring her words again.
"Oh no, I'm no perv Miss Courtney," I smirked, speaking in a terrible French accent, mimicking the one I put on in our 'Why We're Bad at Dating?' series.
"He was some sort of perv, the Pringles man, never want to see him again," she rolled her eyes.
"Oh you won't, cos he's locked up in a maximum security pervert prison in Paris," I joked, starting to turn round, figuring it was time to sleep.
"Your mind goes to the weirdest of places sometimes, but I gotta admit, it's kinda funny," she nodded at me, before casting her gaze upon the mess in front of us. My jaw dropped at the sight. Literally no where to sleep, at all. I had my back turned for less then five minutes and this is what I come back to. I have the weirdest friends.

Kimmy was asleep on Damien's lap, slouched down with her arms wrapped around his neck, her head nestled into his shoulder, his head leaning against hers. Even amongst this chaotic silence, they're adorable. Keith and Noah were slouched against each other on the floor, cans of beer littering the surface around them. Sarah and Olivia were in sleeping bags beside each other, I have no clue where they came from, but I'm regretting not having one myself. Boze, Mari, Joven and Lasercorn were sleeping on only two beanbags, their legs intertwined and Boze's elbow poking into Joven's side, with Tommy and Ian sharing the couch. Matt was also in a sleeping bag, Sohinki and Flitz next to him, each bundled in blankets. Wes in a similar situation, the only difference being an abundance of candy wrappers surrounding one of the two, take your guess.
"Where are we supposed to sleep? The couch is taken up, no sleeping bags or beanbag chairs left, and I'm not sleeping on plastic chair or the floor," Court sighed, folding her arms across her chest, having thrown down her makeup bag on the coffee table.
"There's always the couch in the Smosh Games set, I'm sure it'll fit the both of us," I suggested, gesturing to the glass door across the room.
"Good idea, that psych degree is finally coming in handy," she grinned, grabbing my hand and pulling me towards the door, dragging her injured foot across the floor.
"That's not what a psych degree is for, I don't use my diploma to find adequate places for a nap," I chuckled, lowering my voice as we passed a lightly snoring Wes.
"Whateverrrr, let's just sleep..." Court mumbled, collapsing onto the couch and pulling me with her. I didn't even bother to close the door behind me, I have zero energy left for that, plus Ian would think we've run away to do naughty business if he didn't immediately see us when he woke up.

Court kicked her legs up onto the coffee table, poking my knee so I'd do the same. Pulling my arm around her shoulder, she nestled into my chest. I sighed and smiled to myself. That feeling again.

No, not horniness. Just happiness. I know I'm repeating myself, probably making me appear more self-centered. But I want to be like this when... whenever. But I guess it's just another unattainable dream.

As she murmured a good night into my chest, I pressed a gentle kiss to her head, knowing she wouldn't remember. 
I did that with confidence, being sure no one would see, no one would confront me in the morning asking what's going on, what I did that for. However, I couldn't help but feel a pair of eyes trained on me. Staring at me from through the door, across the squad room.

I guess it'll just have to wait till the morning, well, when we wake up, considering it's about 3:15am.

I squeezed Courtney in closer to my chest, and all I heard was a content sigh, her arm's grip around my midsection tightening a little, before loosening as she drifted off into sleep. Drifting off into a slumber myself, all thoughts slipping away, one stuck with me. Words I wanted to say, every night, but couldn't...

Goodnight, Court. I love you.

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