Chapter Veintiseis

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Shayne had been awake for a good twenty minutes, his underwear now safely back on his body, him sat mulling things over in his mind, remembering what happened last night with a smile on his face.

Things went further than where we left off, but we don't need to know the details, you can imagine what happened.

Courtney slowly opened her eyes, the soft light from the curtains illuminating  the room. Shayne saw she was awake, so he let her brain come up to speed for a few seconds before leaning in and planting a sweet kiss on her lips.

"Morning," he smiled.

"Morning, err, Shayne-" she started, before he cut her off.

"I just want to let you know I mean everything I said last night," Shayne sighed, looking at her for a second before directing his eyes to the ceiling.

"What?" Courtney breathed, warming inside at that thought.

"I do. I've never been so fucking sure of something in my entire life, sure that I want you. And, I do love you. Also..." he lifted up the covers to look at her body, hickies littering her soft skin. "You're fucking gorgeous."

"Thank you. I love you too. But I was gonna say that I don't regret anything, this right here is what I want," she smirked, gesturing to Shayne and running her eyes over his defined figure.

"Oh, wow. Did not expect that response. Well, what does that make us?" he asked.

"Fuck buddies of course," she joked.

"Um no. I did not have sex with my co-worker, breaking the rules of my workplace, to only do that for a few weeks before you get bored of me," he pouted.

"I'm joking, sweetie, I could never get bored of you, we're a thing, right?" Court smiled.

"Yes. Yesyesyes!" Shayne beamed, pulling her forward and leaving kisses all over her neck.

"Shayne I love what you're doing right now but..." she breathed. "We need to discuss how this is gonna work, what with Defy's rule."

"Oh yeah. dOn'T dAtE yOuR cOwOrKeRs..." he reminded them in a dumb voice.

"Uh huh, they never abolished the rule after Defy fell because they thought no one liked each other in that way," she said, sitting up and criss-crossing her legs

"Well they were wrong," he chuckled.

"So so wrong. That rule and one other thing have been on my mind constantly for weeks now," Court sighed, staring off into the distance of Shayne's hallway.

"What's the other thing?" Shayne quipped, knowing what it was already.

She shot him a soft smile and bit her lip slightly before replying timidly.


"What? I couldn't here you," he said loudly.

"You, you've been on my mind you bitch," she smirked. He sat up straight and shuffled forward so he was sat right in front of her.

There was a huge grin slapped on his face and he went to say something but Courtney placed a finger to his lips.

"Don't you dare say anything about that or I'll hit you," she smirked.

"Nice to know I'm getting into an abusive relationship. But if you hit me, I'll kiss you," he challenged her.

"Oh really? Let's try it then," she smiled, hitting him hard in the arm.

"Owww-" he was cut off by Courtney's lips pressed against his.

"Hey, I thought I was kissing you," he fake pouted.

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