( 2 ) another day

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victoria pov

i opened the door seeing cola crying on my front porch . i haven't seen cola since like high school how tf-

" cola you good " ? i asked scrunching my face up . she whipped her face turning around

" hey victoria is-is nahmir here " ? she asked

" no he's out with glizzy and jay, you okay " ???

" i- i just wanna talk to nahmir can i come in please " ?

" yeah okay, i'll call him " . i could understand why cola would want to talk to nahmir before me. cola and nahmir have been best friends since pre-k but they haven't seen each other in soooo long ??????

both me and cola sat in the living room waiting for nahmir to get here . we didn't even speak she just sat there bitting her nails looking worried

finally nahmir walked through the door instantly giving cola the biggest hug ever.. so it's just fuck me huh ?

he sat next to her looking over at me i could tell he wanted the privacy but the way that hug was looking... no

" so what's been going on, you straight " ? nahmir asked her

she sighed looking over at me . i rolled my eyes going to the back with brooklyn i never did like cola something was always up with this bitch .

as i played with brook i decided to facetime nature.. just to fill her in ofc

" hello " . nature said yawning

i scrunched my face up looking at her " bitch i know your not still in bed " ?

" i'm tired " . she simply said. " you okay? how you holding up " ? i asked
" i don't wanna talk about raine now talk about something else" . she demanded

" okayyyy well cola showed up today " ? nature instantly sat up whipping her eyes

" you mean nahmir's best friend cola the one who gets dick but claims she's gay " ?

i nodded my head yes " she looked a fucking mess all beat up n shit " .

" i wondered what happened " . nature yawned laying back down " hopefully somebody finally gave her an ass whopping " . i joked

before nature could say anything else nahmir walked in the room " bae " . he called

" i'll call you back nay " . i ended the call with nature looking over at nahmir " yes" ?

he sat on the bed sighing running his hands down his face. that just let me know something was up he only does that when he's upset or stressed out

" what's wrong " ? i asked rubbing his back

" cola got involved with debo just how nature did but i mean he ain't beat on her like he did nature just a few pushes and slap " .

he's saying that like it's nothing....

" she told me she went over there to collect her money for whatever he had her do but when she got there her and brea got to hittin " .

" i wanna meet this brea bitch myself " . " no victoria no, i lost you once i'm not doing it again " he said looking back at me

i laid my head on his shoulder pecking his cheeks a few times . then i thought about something .

i began kissing on his neck leaving small hickes . i looked back seeing brooklyn drinking her bottle .

i sighed " tonight " i smirked picking brooklyn back up

" fuck man i could fuck you so good right now " nahmir said laying back

" i said tonight nahmir " i smiled .

" i thought we was going out wit da gang tonight " ? he yawned

" we got all the time in the world " . " not with brook " he said closing his eyes

i just laughed it off walking back downstairs seeing cola eating a cup of noodles " oh my god is that the baby " !

" yesssss, say hey cola " . i smiled trying to make brooklyn wave

" she's the cutest thing ever " !

" well everyone knows she gets her beauty from her mama " . i laughed

later that night after i dropped brooklyn off at her aunties so me and nahmir could get ready to go out .

" you look good " . nahmir said grabbing my ass . i playfully rolled my eyes seeing cola walk down the stairs

" i- i didn't know you were coming " ? i said looking over at nahmir

" nahmir invited me, that's cool with you right " ?

no it wasn't cool but ill be nice since she did just leave debo she could use it after fucking with him

" yeah of course " . i faked smiled

once we got to the club i automatically went to the bar i needed a fucking shot .

" hey bitch " !

i turned around seeing nature all dressed up, it made me so happy to see her happy for once

" omg you look so good " ! i yelled over the music

" the rest of the girls are over there " . she said referring to india and sadé

i followed her to the section as we all drank and danced to music i'm pretty sure we were all having the best time of our life .

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