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nature pov

well i'm going in the books as the worlds worst best friend i lost toria last night and she hasn't been picking up her phone at all .

" has anybody heard from victoria " ? i asked running down the stairs worried

everybody shook their head no

me : bitch where are you ??

i sat down at the kitchen table just staring at my phone hoping that this bitch answers the phone

victoria thot ass 🤰🏻💙: hey went out last night phone died and also got drunk but i'm safe i'm going home today have fun without me .

i scrunched my face up looking at her message like wtf is she talking about

me : back to cali ?

victoria thot ass 🤰🏻💙: Yes, promise i'm okay i'll come see you once you get back from the trip . I love you

me : i love you too please stay safe and stop fucking drinking 😩

i locked my phone sighing in relief " she's alive y'all " . i held my chest looking around

" when she died " ? jay asked

" jay please just shut the fuck up " . i laughed

part of of me still felt like something was up with victoria she was lowkey acting weird as if she ain't want me to know something

" you good princess " . glizzy asked kissing my forehead sitting down next to me

" kinda i'm just worried about toria " .

" don't worry she gon be good she even said she was good " .

" mmmhm i guess idk "....

" aye man y'all niggas get ready we going on a boat ride " ! dev yelled

" it's called a ferry dumbass " jay argued

dev flicked him off as the rest of us just laughed . as we walked onto the ferry glizzy threw is arm around my waist kissing the side of my neck " cheer up " .

" i need a drink or something " .

" how you gon tell toria to stop drinking and you wanna drunk " .

" i think i deserve a drink " .

he just laughed handing me his cup " mhmm what's this it's good " ? i asked

" i told them to mix a whole bunch of fruity stuff together and bam a alcoholic fruity drink

"this is good as fuck i might need 50 of these " .

he laughed " i just thought of something " ?

" what " ? i asked

" let's have some drunk sex " . he smirked looking at me

it's been a long time since me and glizzy fucked everybody knew we would fuck like 24/7 every fucking minutes

" you don't think it'd be weird or anything g since the last time " .

" fuck what happened last time " . he whispered in my ear

look at him already trynna fuck some.

once we made it back to the airbnb glizzy locked the doors throwing me on the bed climbing on top of me kissing all over my neck and chest

i sat up a little bit kissing his lips as we took off our things. i swear this was like some movie shit

" turn around " . glizzy demanded once he said that i already knew he was finna fuck my shit up

he slapped my ass one good time as i screamed " shush " he pulled my hair

he inserted himself inside me thrusting in and out as i moaned

" go faster " i moaned throwing my head back

glizzy went harder and faster as i'm already wetting the sheets up

he pulled out turing me over getting on top again

he kissed my neck holding both of my hands thrusting in and out

i dug my nails deep in his back moaning his name over and over again

he began to kiss me after every stroke he took .

glizzy placed his head in the pillow groaning " ahhh fuck "

he pulled out, out of breathe as fuck .

" you tired " ? he asked me

i shook my head no giving him a kiss " another round glizzy " i smirked

he laughed " damn girl okay " .

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