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Nature Pov

"WAKE UP BITCH ITS YOUR FUCKING WEDDING DAY"!!!!!!!! Victoria yelled in my ear

I sat up looking around I just couldn't believe this day is finally fucking here omg !!

"Let's take shots"! I yelled . Jas laughed at me "Damon already wtf".

We were already partying taking shot an everything . I was just sooooo excited but more Importantly I just wanted to see glizzy see me walk down that aisle

As I'm getting my hair and makeup done I get a text from Nahmir... my heart sorta kinda dropped

meet me by the elevator

"I know I hate to leave but this is important I think I just got a secret gift from glizzy" I lied

"Well you stay and get your makeup done and I'll just go pick it up" Jasmine said

"No no I got it I want to be able to get to it first" . She laughed "And you will once I bring it back up to you"

But I still refused "No Jasmine I'll just go get it, it's my wedding day let the bride go please".  I walked passed her hurrying to the elevator meeting Nahmir

"Hey".... He sighed "Look I hate to bring this to you on your wedding day but have you talked to Cola"? He asked ..

"Umm no why"?   "Well she left her phone at the crib yesterday and you were the last person she texted but she never came back that night".

Fuck. He knows..

"I'm sorry" I blurted out . "Sorry for what"??  I sighed "The whole abortion thing she only texted me because she needed somebody to be there with her didn't you read the messages"?

He scrunched his face up "Nature What abortion"?
"Wait um uh- Cola ain't tell you- or you didn't read the messages "?  "Um no i Just seen you were the last person she texted".

I frowned "Well i already said it but yeah Cola decided to get an abortion I'm sorry Nahmir she said she just didn't feel like the both of you were capable of taking care of another child ".

"Does she not see the way I fucking take care of brooklyn"????

"We-" He cut me off "Nah it's cool" he said walking away .

I took a few minutes to get myself together because I will most definitely not let any drama get in the way today .

I walked back in the room sitting down in the chair "Well where's the gift you were oh so eager to get"? Jasmine said crossing her arms

"False alarm" . I said bluntly

By this time and all the girls were taking pictures almost everywhere . "Should we post one"? Melody asked . I snatched her phone away laughing "No then glizzy will see".

"Ohhh yeah you're right"...

"Okay ladies it's almost time we need to get the bride to the venue NOW"! My wedding planner yelled . I took a deep breathe in trying to calm my nerves

"Look at me, you're gonna do fine you look beautiful". Victoria said moving the hair out my face . A tear fell down as I looked at her she quickly whipped it away

"Abt aht no tears today you can't mess up your makeup".

She grabbed my hand smiling "c'mon"

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