( 6 ) that's just what it is

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brea pov

it's been a couple weeks since debo got shot he's slowly recovering and i'm soooo happy he's finally back home

i walked in the room handing him a water and his medicine " preciate it " .

" mmhm " . i said sitting back down pulling out my phone

" b " ? debo said looking at me

" wassup " ?

" now you know ian gon be sitting in the house for another week i just can't i gotta get back to the streets gotta make sure shit good this nigga glizzy ain't finished man " .

i sucked my teeth looking at him already getting annoyed " desean you just fucking got shot left damn near dead and you wanna go back to the same shit that got you here now, hell no " .

" bre-

" don't brea me desean cause i'm out here trynna keep yo dumb black ass safe and you just keep fucking it up not listening to the only person who gon keep you from getting locked up or dead for real " !

" you know i got me and the guys got me " .

" so i don't got you " ?

" see look i didn't say that brea you putting words in my mouth " .

" how tf am i putting words in your mouth desean " .

he shrugged catching an attitude " ion know bru " .

" this is the exact reason why i left in the first place desean you choosing the streets over me when you see i'm trynna take you outta all that shit " .

" so we just gon act like you wasn't acting like this back in the day back when yeen care "

" cause we we're young desean i'm mature now unlike yo ass all that doing what you want shit ain't gon rock with me so it's either stay here and let me help you or get the fuck out my house " .

" brea don't-

he sighed getting up putting his shoes on and grabbing his keys not even saying a word to me at all

i really can't believe this nigga right now bru

he slammed the door in front of my face as tears started to flow down

i sat down on the couch just really thinking about this whole entire thing .

me : Hey this brea you may know me through desean can i come by i need to talk ?

i can't believe i just texted desean's baby mama asia... but if he doesn't listen to me i pretty sure debo will listen to her

i knocked on the door a few time before asia finally answered .

" hey come in " . she greeted with a big smile in her face

" hi " . i smiled coming in

" you can just sit on the couch " . she said

" okay so wassup " ?

i groaned rolling my eyes " desean, Asia it's like i can't talk sense into him at all i wanna teach him right from wrong but i just can't " .

" and you came here thinking i would " ? she laughed

" i mean that's what i was hoping since he does have a really good relationship with you " .

she sighed " you're right which is surprising because what baby daddy and baby mama actually get along without any drama " .

i just laughed

" but tell me what's making him so dumb in the head " ?

" well you might've heard he did get shot a couple weeks ago and before all of that i made him pick between me or the gang and ofc he choice the gang " .

" and he did the same shit again today right after he just got shot like i'm trying to help you my nigga " !

asia nodded " girl debo been in the streets since a lil boy that's all he ever grew up around and he ain't ever had any help it's always just been him " .

" i mean i understand that but it would be a problem if i wasn't the loving supporting girl friend a hood nigga need " .

" brea debo ain't gon never change this shit is in his blood in his fucking DNA ask his brother " .

" but that's why i'm here i'm trynna take him away from all this shit " .

" can't what nobody do or say ever change desean brea ever since mario got locked up he just ain't been the same since " .

" well can you at least still talk to him for me please and if anything doesn't work i owe you one " .

" a blunt would be nice cause ima be stressed the fuck out trynna talk to this nigga " .

" when was the last time y'all talked " ? i asked

" we haven't spoken since amari birthday and that was 3 months ago chile " .

" i hate him for that " . i said rolling my eyes

" don't even trip this is nothing new he claim he wanna be a better father but i don't believe it " .

i really hope this changes bro i have so much potential in debo i know he can do better

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