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Cola's Pov

I looked up from my phone seeing nahmir walk in the door . "Where you been" ? I asked rubbing my belly . He smiled "With my child you know it was her birthday weekend". I just rolled my eyes and looking back at my phone

"Well you've missed almost every doctors appointment".

He pulled out a sweatshirt from the closet sighing "I been busy" . He's lying and I know it . "Busy with what"?

He sucked his teeth turning around "Just be happy I'm even giving yo ungrateful ass a place to stay Cola we not together so don't worry bout wtf I got going on.. ion worry bout yo shit ". He argued

"I need you to be here for me don't come around when the child is born Nahmir". He didn't say anything he just walked out the room . I heavily sighed looking at my phone seeing Debo texting me he must want more information about the wedding.

I followed Nahmir downstairs "You going to natures wedding" ? I asked . He laughed "The way you changed the subject.. but yeah".

"I wish I was invited I've never been to one". I frowned . "Well then I guess it sucks to be you" Nahmir said . I flicked him off . "Where even is it"? I asked

"At some resort place I'm supposed to be going there today to see wassup with glizzy".

"Can I come"? He just looked at me "It was kind of a guys thing today but I guess it wouldn't hurt to bring you along ".

I threw on something comfort but nothing that would make me look like a pregnant bum. We walked inside looking around . The place was actually beautiful.

I sent Debo the location because that's really all he needed... "Wassup Cola" glizzy smiled . I just waved looking at him . I felt like a horrible person for helping Debo but I could really use this money .

"Aye we finna check out the rest of the place you gon be alright over here"? Nahmir asked . I nodded my head yes looking down . This would give me a chance to take pictures so Debo could get a good entrance and exit .

As I'm walking around I bump into nature and Victoria . "What the fuck" Victoria mumbled . Nature scrunched her face up looking at me "Cola I didn't know you were going to be here" . I smiled "Nahmir decided to bring me along".

"Wait Nahmirs here"? Victoria semi yelled . Nature looked at both me and Victoria "Don't look at me I had no idea" She said . This is very weird...

"I'm going to remove myself from this situation" Victoria said walking away ... Nature smiled "I swear it's not you were over it just hope your happy".

Later that night Nahmir actually stayed up to watch a movie with me.. Also because I begged and used the fact that I was pregnant. "I didn't know Victoria was going to be there today" . I looked at him

"I had no idea either glizzy ain't tell me shit, she ain't say nun to you did she"? I laughed "No nature said they're over it". "That's good right"? Nahmir smiled getting up

"Where you going"? I asked . He gave me a dumb look "Out". Was all he said before he walked out the door .

I rolled my eyes in annoyance Turing the tv up. I don't even think having this baby with Nahmir will work. I don't know what to do

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