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Nahmir Pov

I really wish I could talk to Cola right now I'm actually really worried about her

I sighed putting on my bow tie . "You straight"? Jay asked handing me the blunt

"Yeah I'm good I just can't believe this nigga glizzy actually getting married". Both me and jay laughed looking at him

"You got the vows dev"??? He laughed digging in his pocket "I might".

"What you mean you might nigga those are important" ! Glizzy yelled . I looked at him crazy "Damn glizz chill out he was just playing foh ".

He took off his coat "I know I'm just- idk I think I'm nervous". Jay busted out into laughter
"Man I'm serious Ian never been this nervous in my life".

"Bruh you gon be straight I promise you and think after all this you finally get the girl of yo dreams". He smiled "You right".

We all took a few more hits from the blunt before going downstairs to the photographer where we'll meet the wedding planner

"Well at least y'all are on time" She joked looking at her clipboard

"How's nature"? Glizzy asked taking a shot . The wedding planner smiled "She's fine she's just ready to walk down this aisle to see you".

"He nervous" Jay blurted out

There wedding planner smiles patting glizzy's back "I swear you will be fine let's just get ready to head to the church". I sighed looking at myself one more time in the mirror. I looked over at colas phone buzz .

I picked it up seeing a missed call from debo. As i'm walking down the hall i start going through all her missed and most recent calls just trynna figure out where she was at ? i just really wanted to talk to cola

"Say Dev ima hit the restroom real quick i swear ima be back". I ran to the restroom sitting on the couch reading colas messages with debo . Cuz besides nature he's the most recent .

I read the messages for a couple minutes before something caught my eye .
"what the fuck". i mumbled..

Cola was helping Debo plot to kill glizzy AT HIS OWN WEDDING .

"Nahmir can you please come on your holding up the line for when you and victoria are supposed to go on"! the wedding planner yelled banging on the door

"I'm coming, I'm coming" !! i yelled looking down at cola phone.

fuck i need to tell glizzy this . I ran out the restroom hearing a loud scream in the hallway. I saw some nigga pointing a gun at the wedding planners head "Stfu and turn around".

I sucked my teeth in annoyance because i coulda had that thang on me but i have to obey rules . I slowly turned around seeing another nigga behind me pointing his gun. "Everybody better keep quiet or i'll blow everybody ducking heads off".! the dude yelled

Both me and the wedding planner were thrown in the laundry room just looking at each other . "What are we going to do know nahmir "! She panicked

Before i could say something the dude walked back in the laundry room handing the wedding planner a walkie talkie "Now tell everybody to keep the wedding going". She cried looking at him

"DO IT BITCH"! He yelled . "Uh Mario this is Kamilla let's keep the wedding going everything's fine we'll just have to do this without nahmir".

"Are you sure Miss. Kamilla"? Her assistant asked . She shook her head in disappointment "Yes".

I clenched my jaw looking at this fat ass nigga "I swear you gon regret ever trynna fuck with my family" .

He laughed walking over to me "You a whole pussy bitch you ain't gon do shit lil nigga".

I pushed him off of me "I swear for my nigga I will have you and debo head on a platter just for him".

He just laughed walking out the room . "Are we going to die"? Kamilla asked . "I don't know what else to do I can't have anybody dying today".

I sat down thinking about Victoria and Brooklyn. God I hope nothing happens to them at all . I shed a few tears thinking about it . They all a nigga got for real I love them so much i can't let anything happen to them at all .

I saw the fat ass nigga lock the door and walk away and all I heard was gunshots and screams .

"Oh my god". Kamilla cried out . And I cried hard as hell too just praying to god don't nobody loose a life today . I don't wanna live with the guilt of not being there on time .

"FUCK" !!! I yelled banging on the door trying my best to break that shit . Out of nowhere Brea came up to the door helping me break it open.

"POP POP" ! Her body fell down to the grown . I couldn't even process anything at this point why was this happening?!

The same nigga who shot Brea shot me in the leg Kamilla ran out hitting the fuck out him with some medal stick.

I picked up his gun limping to the church and all i could see was blood everywhere on top of everybody.

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